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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. So which party is the cleanest? I can't tell.
  2. Nice of the RTP to admit they have never seriously monitored anything previously. I guess better later than never...
  3. The scammers and data sellers need to have their photos on tv and in newspapers so people know who to be careful of.
  4. Hang on, hang on. If the authorities know who are the drug dealers shouldn't they be behind bars already? If there are "suspected" drug dealers, why add them to a data base without evidence of guilt? The local authorities could be adding anyone as a suspected drug dealer.
  5. 15 phones? None with a line to the police station to give him some warning? Must be an amateur. He filmed the evidence that will put him in jail. Hoisted on his own petard.
  6. Knowing Chuwit, there's probably zero baht soapy massage involved somewhere. The man is rather grubby.
  7. Yes, why DID they rush the decision before two new board members were appointed?
  8. Both molesting and sexual abuse are mentioned in the news story. I thought they are different charges. Even hugging a student, male or female, can be seen as molestation but more than that is sexual abuse. As the case isn't finished it seems, maybe it will be clarified later.
  9. The world isn't black and white. Once you grow up you will realize not everyone can afford to get involved in everyone's problems.
  10. Wonder what this will do for Chinese tourism?
  11. This could be inflationary. I imagine some property companies setting aside land for foreigners and putting this THB 40m price tag on many plots, raising land prices in the vicinity exponentially for all Thais. Thais will be very willing to sell their land to real estate agents and retire of course but expect some to complain bitterly of foreigners coming here and stealing their heritage.
  12. Looks like a lot of warhawks here today. Maybe Thailand should end it's neutrality, spend a few billion more to buy more weapons, a few more submarines and missiles to help Ukraine out. Because that's what friendly countries are doing. Perhaps raise taxes on foreigners to be able to buy weapons to give away and show solidarity. I give up. Thailand is in need of economic growth more than big talk.
  13. My old car used to leak - I means spray - oil onto the road. James Bond would have been envious.
  14. We are talking about two very different things. You appear to be talking about Western prisoners. I have never visited western prisoners, only female Thais, who happen to be very much poorer. 1. Bread, margarine, jam, canned fish, 3-in-1 coffee sachets etc., are typically for westerners. Yes, there is a prison store for relatives to purchase rice, noodles and Thai foodstuffs. See here https://coconuts.co/bangkok/features/life-behind-bars-ex-prisoners-describe-typical-day-thai-prison/ 2. The prison food and cooking gas budget since 2013 is 49 baht per day per inmate. Many prisoners find it hard to live on only state-provided food so, if they can afford it, they are permitted to spend up to 300 baht per day in prison shops. THB 9,000 baht is the maximum deposit but I never met a prisoner who had a family able to give that amount. Some rural Thai families make just 3,000 Baht a month. 3. Can we compare what this school director did compare to what happens in prison? Prison wardens once managed deposits from relatives of prisoners, enabling them to buy items ranging from soap to snacks at prison shops. This role was later removed from wardens to stop them being involved in inmate financial transactions, as some wardens were accused of siphoning money from prisoner accounts. In one case, it is alleged that a 500 baht commission was taken by prison management from a 3,000 baht transaction. Sound familiar? There were no ATMs in the prison I visited. Borrowing money from another prisoner comes with 20% interest. 4. Thai women prisoners are lucky to make 45 Baht per day weaving baskets. They don't have money to buy sanitary pads and are give an arbitrary amount that is not always enough https://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-prison-women-trfn-idUSKBN2861HT This article states that more than half of all inmates receive no family visits so lack the cash to top up. 5. I don't disagree that if they have the money they can deposit it into the prisoner's account. Besides the Reuters article, women I talked to had no money and their families either cut them off or were too poor to help. 6. Most are in prison for dealing drugs. They have long sentences (not just possession which may be 5 years, but one women had a 40 year sentence) and cannot afford lawyers to get their sentences shortened. What you will not see in a Thai prison holding Western men is how the women fall to their knees at the approach of a guard and face the floor or risk a beating. I apologize for going on somewhat but unless you have visited a Thai women's prison you cannot compare with what happens to Western men. Thanks for the opportunity to clarify.
  15. If the watches were purchased in Thailand there would be a record at the shop.
  16. What on earth are you smoking? I wrote what on old woman said and you assume it was a men’s prison??? there are no doughnuts in Thai prisons for Thais. Order food from a prison shop? What prison shop and what money do you think prisoners make? Get off your high horse and come down to reality. Thai women prisoners are mostly from impoverished backgrounds and don’t have money. Many don’t have visitors because they can’t afford the bus for long distances. This isn’t Sweden.
  17. I was part of a project to assist prisoners (training). The one guard led my group to a large room where there were prisoners working. The guard walked ahead with the rest of the team and I hung back for a chat. Not sure the guard knew I speak Thai..
  18. This will be interesting. On a prison visit a few years ago I was allowed to chat with prisoners unsupervised. An old lady informed that while the government paid for meat in their food they were given only rice and vegetables. This chap is going to be hungry.
  19. Better to take away the threat than teach kids to fight gunmen. Just implement stricter measures to issue licenses.
  20. The interesting aspect will be opinions of the parents of the girls: "She used to make 12,000 baht a month selling sea shells on the sea shore and now she is sending us 20,000 a week selling her sea shell and being a bit sore. Yeah, she's walking a little bandy like, but she's doing more to help us than the Pattaya govermor ever did."
  21. I don't see this as a story about drugs. It is just another tactic to get rid of parties that stand a chance of being elected with sufficient votes to form a government. It has happened in the past.
  22. When they built Bangchak it was surrounded by fields. It wasn't even considered in Bangkok at the time. Then unrestricted expansion of housing occurred and the factory was surrounded by housing. Best to move away.
  23. Personally i want to hear their side of the story before making up my mind. Why would these french guys do this without something more of the story in the preamble?
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