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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. No one could reject wearing seatbelts if they are fitted. No excuse.
  2. I once understood that Thai Airways was to be dissolved as for decades it has proven to be inefficient. This cycle of bailouts by the public just extends the problem but doesn't solve it. Not sure how many remember the disappeance of an airplane engine and the parts being sold back to the airline by their own staff? Better to sell it to the private sector and end the idea of a national airline.
  3. The trial may bring up some witnesses to her abuse, or not. No one should guess at this stage as she can say what she likes to defend herself.
  4. Clearly an accident so not surprised the police are hesitant to add to the family's grief. The boy will have to live with this.
  5. Usually an allegation must be prosecuted if there is evidence. That may take up to the next election.
  6. While the country needs to defend its borders against Burma, Cambodia and Malaysia, for who else is likely to invade, if these vehicles are based in Bangkok it does give the wrong messaging. The USA must know the Thai military may use them against students so it is also accountable should civilians be injured by these beasts of war.
  7. Why does the RTP focus on victimless crime? So many murders and robberies you'd think they already have their hands full (pun intended).
  8. The FBI is the last agency that I would want to receive advice from. The FBI is a total failure at preventing shooting deaths. They are not the first responders to mass shootings anyway. That would be local police and the local SWAT team. Like in Texas. Thailand shouldn't be taking any advice from The Mild Bunch.
  9. Quite surprised that some are against the US showing China that Taiwan is a friend and that the US supports it. I suppose she could have kowtowed to Xi, gushed about Putin or saluted Kim Jong-un. But that would have been cowardly.
  10. Who on earth gives ganja brownies to kids? Must have been a relative. While it isn't poisonous, it is highly irresponsible to give a child even mild drugs even as a joke.
  11. By chance, I was in a meeting yesterday with the deputy minister for public health and he spent a couple of minutes explaining that Monkeypox was mainly spread by MSM (men who have sex with men). This is roughly what I had heard when the first outbreaks began in Africa. The medical council person has basically tarred everyone who is here or who was planning to visit Thailand with a big brush. Shooting oneself in the foot seems to be a popular Thai game.
  12. Killing in self defense is usually the verdict where police still have to have a reason for shooting someone, or not in Thailand?
  13. It is sad that the government is not in the least embarrassed. A huge loss of face.
  14. I remember surveys where the Thais said they didn't want foreigners to own land. Londoners have expressed similar thoughts about Russian and Saudi billionaires. Obviously the economic situation today remains dire so we can say "nice try, boys". Surely one house per retired expat or permanent resident at market rates would not be too much to ask?
  15. It seems a bit late to change the leopard's spots now. More arrests and imprisonment of corrupt police would make the public feel there is action more than PR. I am sure the public was impressed by the police attempt recently to give free plastic bags to cover suspects heads. And their kind assistance to serve the young Red Bull chap in his time of need. This is all the PR the RTP seems to need these days.
  16. A pity we don't know the type of business. Looks like education doesn't play a role. Money is good but Thais without education aren't looking for a career. This sounds like "just another job" and the market is awash with vacancies. There are educated Thais in my company who resign, but a year or two later they apply again as they realize this is a better company than the one they went to. People really don't think of a job as a career. Thais who go to visit the family and don't return is a common occurrence. I remember when some Thai football players were sent to the UK to train with a major club. After a year, they were begging to go home: "I miss my mother." (Literally what they said) "I cannot eat the food here." "It is too cold." In other words, Thais will give up a well-paid job for the comforts of home. Try looking for experience at the interview stage. Try not to hire people who worked a year here and six months there. Interview more that 5-6 people. I have found that the third interviewee was the best but persevered in order to avoid missing someone better.
  17. Governments that have good business advisors realize that when the going gets tough the regulations are withdrawn to be in line with or easier than competitors. The military led government imagines richer tourists want to jump hurdles. Clearly they don't. The tourism industry would like tourists of all financial shapes and sizes of course and don't expect only billionaires. Time for a shakeup in thinking by those at the top.
  18. It is unfortunate that scientists release data before it is ready for human use. The Israelis regularly announce they have the cure for cancer but then go quiet. A lot of comments here seem to imply that scientists who study DNA are also trying to find the cure for Covid. A different field. While I eagerly wait for Thai scientists to discover or develop something of value to mankind, the "fountain of youth" sounds too much like a non-essential and superficial discovery. I was hoping to see a cure for Alzheimer's, diabetes or even HIV, rather than increase the global population with more smug faces.
  19. Thailand has poor relations with all its neighbours but not one of them is afraid of an engineless submarine. ????
  20. Absolutely agree. Also, the small point that Thais do not have a pension and need kids to care for them in old age. Hopefully their kids live long enought to help pay back their love.
  21. It seems quite common outside major cities for kids to borrow dad's motorbike from a young age. Some are given them to go to school as we would give a bicycle. The parents will not blame themselves for their child's death and won't learn anything. Even a military coup won't be tough on drivers.
  22. Well done her. One would hope for more science breakthroughs by Thai scientists but understandably there is a shortage of scientific technology here, forcing many to go to Europe and America. Maybe the media could focus now and then on Thai scientists who have been acknowledged by the global science community. There must be some scientists doing research here for goodness sake.
  23. I suspect the commissions have already been paid so it is difficult to backtrack now. Diesel engines for subs can be bought secondhand I guess so that’s one way. Who on earth is the potential enemy a sub can protect against is beyond me. Could be Laos.????
  24. Not a physician so I don’t want to guess. I will go again to Rutnin to check it out though.
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