To understand Thaksin's popularity, people need to ask, why does he win elections? What did he do to make people grateful and vote for him? Everybody pays for votes, even Democrats, so what else did Thaksin do?
I once asked a villager why people liked him. The answer was that most politicians want to eat the whole cake. Thaksin ate a lot but gave some back to the people too.
Bringing happiness to the people is not a matter of free cinema tickets (remember that?). Thaksin's government launched programs to reduce poverty, expand infrastructure, promote small and medium-sized enterprises, and extend universal healthcare coverage (30 Baht scheme). That's why he and his siblings win elections.
I know someone will ask about the 2,500 people who died in his war on drugs. No one asks about the people burned alive by the military in boiling oil during the red tanks episode. Thais do tend to forget the negatives, forget the past, and focus on who is going to improve their lives now. The Democrats didn't do anything. The current government hasn't done anything. People long for the time when a government actually helped them.