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Hugh Cow

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About Hugh Cow

  • Birthday 09/12/1956

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  1. Yet King Charles was happy to receive Zelenskyy and appeared not to be offended in the least, likewise every other western leader. Strangely out of every western leader, only Captain bone spurs and Vance seemed to be offended.
  2. Who determines what is left or right? In Australia the democrats would probably be considered the centre or centre right and Republicans would be considered far right.
  3. Indiscreet; unwise
  4. You are a perfect example of why it is probably injudicious to share ones private thoughts on a forum.
  5. Have you at least asked her to have a medical test? She could be a walking greenhouse for STDs for all you know.
  6. Today I was standing with Mrs Cow on "my" land watching the house construction nearing completion. A rather esoteric thought entered my mind as it travelled to the future and I imagined one day a hundred years from now a couple totally unconnected to me or Mrs Cow would be standing on that very spot contemplating whether to renovate or demolish the old house standing on this particular block of land, built by an unknown someone in the past. The story remains the same only the players fade into the dust of history, to be replaced by new players, ad infinitum. We own nothing, we are just caretakers for others... Dust in the wind.
  7. In all my years on visiting working and living in Thailand and dating a few Bangkok nurses in my past, I have never heard of a nurse in a Bangkok hospital working weekends in a Pattaya bar or any other bar. Why would she not work in a Bangkok bar closer to home and her job, not that I believe the story. Tell her you will meet her at the hospital and ask where she works. I would wager the closest she has ever got to a nurse is having her monthly STD test. I was unaware that there were people so naive about Thailand. Anyone who has naively got engaged to a woman they have never met will not listen to posters for advice that disagrees with their narrative. Any reasonably experience expat living here will tell you to drop her like a hot potato. Many have learnt the hard way so listen up. Of course that is not the advice you want to hear so I will look forward to your story in a year or two of how you lost all your money on a bar girl who has now left you for the next sucker. There is a reason why they say in Pattaya you never lose your girlfriend, you just lose your turn.
  8. Wasn't there a sect in the USA that by all accounts were well educated who "died" so they could ascend to some spaceship? Then there was Jamestown the Davinians and others. It doesn't even need religion to dull the senses. There was Lenin, Hitler, Pol Pot. Today there are some political leaders who consistently bend the truth that people still blindly follow. Sadly the world is full of sheep and it shows how minute the number of critical thinkers in society there really are. Simon and Garfunkel in the song "The Boxer" said it best. "Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest"
  9. They need to be severely culled and the public banned from feeding them.
  10. I wonder how many of the arresting officers feel like hypocrites when arresting fellow police on corruption charges. In fairness it's a world wide problem. I remember a joke about Australian state police. Quite a few years ago the Victorian police were getting a reputation for shooting first. The New South Wales police were well known for the high level of corruption. After planning a joint raid on the NSW/ Victorian border the head of the Victorian police contingent says. We promise not to kill anyone as long as you don't steal anything. Then there was the corrupt Queensland police that went all the way up to the Police Commissioner Terry Lewis who was actually knighted by the Queen. In England you have police arresting people for comments on social media. The police sadly are a necessary evil. They enforce government laws right or wrong. There needs to be some sort of citizens committee overseeing the police.
  11. I am constantly amazed on my small visits to Pattaya once every other month how that many bars can survive. Of course I realise many dont. It would be interesting to know what the survival rate is.
  12. If Crossy's figures are in the ball park I cant see how it is worth it. allowing for 6 months@ 50kwh and 6 months at 25 kwh That should be about 70K baht per annum on mains power. That's 6 years pay back time for the parts alone. For starters I'd ditch the battery. Maybe fit one later when the price goes down unless you have worries about low voltage or power disruptions. I am putting an 11k/w system in (no battery) when my house is completed around July. I do have the advantage of my wife's cousin owning a solar panel company and he directly imports so I get the system at import cost with free installation. I will post on savings etc in the future when completed but that wont help you now. I believe there is a 2 baht per kwh feed in tariff which can be handy if you spend extended periods away from the house.
  13. Thanks Ray. The reason I liked Cathay was the 64kg baggage plus 10 kg cabin luggage making 74 kg I can take to Thailand. I believe that's the most of any airline. I think Singapore is 50kg plus cabin luggage. Needless to say I am taking a lot to Thailand as I am moving their semi permanently. I will look at Scoot for other trips though thanks.
  14. AS Thai Airways no longer fly direct from Brisbane to Bangkok, I'm thinking of flying Brisbane to Bangkok on Cathay pacific Business Class. Can anyone tell me what Business Class is like on Cathay Pacific as I've not flown with them for years. Also what is Hong Kong Airport like to transit through? Is it relatively easy? Lately I've flown via Manila on Philippine Airlines and find it very quick and easy. My other alternative if not Philippine Airlines is Singapore Airlines. Not sure if this is the right place for this post.
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