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Mutt Daeng

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About Mutt Daeng

  • Birthday 01/10/1975

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  1. Thanks @chiang mai . I forgot about that. I already have an account and the HMRC app on my phone. I'll see what I can get from there.
  2. I don't get an annual statement from DWP and my Govt pension and workplace pension P60s have no references to my State Pension. Update: Come to think of it, perhaps I don't get an annual statement from DWP informing me what my state pension is because my state pension is frozen?
  3. I'm using Qbittorrent with the Jackett search engine plugin and it appears that I have a configuration issue which Is why I could not find it on the sites you mention. Sorry about that.
  4. Only episodes 1 & 2 are on iPlayer. See my post above My bad. It looks like all 4 are now on iPlayer. Sorry about that.
  5. Thanks @oxo1947. Just got them from TheRARBG.
  6. All 4 episodes on RARBG. Thanks @Will27 , getting it now.
  7. which site you using - to, tw, gg or original, s06 not up on any, on my laptop Probably this one C B Strike S06 Primewire
  8. I had the same problem on my Zircon UPS Model Pi-RGB yesterday, when I reconnected my UPS after not using it for a while. The troubleshooting section in the manual says it could be a low or problematic battery. I followed the instructions for (2) - Charge the battery with zero load. After a while there was a beep and the front display appeared once more. I'm leaving it to charge for 6-8 hours (or until the battery level is at the max) as per the instructions.
  9. Thanks for your input @OJAS. My income comprises UK Govt pension (I worked in Local Govt), a workplace pension (private sector) and state pension, all of which are remitted to Thailand. My understanding of the current Thai tax position is that the UK Govt Pension is covered by the DTA between the UK and Thailand and is only taxable in the UK, My assessable income comprises my workplace and state pensions which combined will not exceed the sum of my allowances, exemptions and deductibles. So it would seem I will have no Thai tax to pay.
  10. I've just watched Small Things Like These and I thought it was very good. As you say, excellent performance by CM. Thanks for the recommendation @faraday. It's on 1337x.
  11. I've just finished season 1 of Dead & Buried and it was very good IMHO. It was recommended by @Will27 some time ago in this thread. it's on 1337x.

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