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Mutt Daeng

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Everything posted by Mutt Daeng

  1. Better driver training, more realistic driving tests and proper enforcement of traffic laws would be a good start. You don't learn much driving round an enclosure where there are no other moving vehicles. Ok, Ok I know I'm dreaming....
  2. A very useful tool. I bought one when I was replacing a toilet flush valve.
  3. I have no problem with an overly aggressive dog being put down. I read the OP and the Thai Rath article and could not see any mention of the dog being overly aggressive (Is it assumed to be overly aggressive because it's a pitbull?), unless something has been lost during the google translation. BTW I'm not having a go at you @spidermike007. Fair comments re: moneylenders.
  4. Not OCD, but I check that outside water taps are correctly turned off (twice) after using them, following a couple of incidents where I got distracted while watering the garden, resulting in the water tanks being completely drained, leaving us without running water.
  5. I've watched the first 3 episodes (of 6) from Tehran season 1 (of 2) and it seems pretty good so far. Worth a look IMHO. Thanks to @The Hammer2021 for bringing it to my attention. I got seasons 1 & 2 from TGx. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10577736/
  6. Thanks for that info @jesimps. I didn't realise you could use different authenticator apps to access the GG.
  7. Fair enough. I have an android phone, so not a problem for me.
  8. I know this is of no use to the OP at the moment, but I use the HMRC app to provide access codes rather than get them sent by SMS, thereby eliminating this issue. Once you can get logged in via the gateway, it may be worth changing the way you receive the access code. Just a thought... Fortunately, my DTAC sim can receive the access code via SMS, which I use as a backup.
  9. The 12th of Nov. It say so. There is nothing wrong with my VISA. I would try once more and even though the "Stay Visa Expire" date is not a mandatory field, I would enter 12 November 2022 in that data field.
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