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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. That's why they keep those huge foreign currency reserves (per capita about as high as China's) to keep the baht artificially strong.
  2. A weaker baht is positive for exports and tourism. It is more negative for import prices. Thailand's aim is to import less, while exporting more. Thailand also wants more international tourists. So, what are they complaining about?
  3. Smoking in public has just been banned, so, unless those tourists are keen to travel to Thailand, then smoke it in their hotel room, I guess, no.
  4. At the same time, another, thirsty foreigner, all grown-up and also in Bangkok, couldn't buy a bottle of a golden-coloured liquid, let's simply call it "beer", because it was only 4:30 in the afternoon... Amazing Thailand! ????
  5. Maybe he is just bitter that he got caught. This, and the fact that all, people remember about his presidency now, is a Lewinski he enjoyed...
  6. Nothing is 'black and white' in Thailand, but it is very likely that you will (need to) get tested either way if you're not vaccinated, so better wait for more detailed news, and get tested before your flight. I'm doubtful that a test upon arrival would be free.
  7. Of course, you would also get taxed on any investments in Thailand. - And no, just talking from experience. Google is your friend here, or, if you prefer, consultant offices.
  8. If at all, I tarred myself, cause this would, currently, be my only chance to get such 'word of mouth'. What else would I do, knock on my Thai neighbour's door, and, in English, ask him for advice on clinics? - I could as well ask him to explain the rules of cricket to me...
  9. Not on the Thai side. All you get taxed is 15% of your interest in an interest-bearing account. As for your UK assets, probably only while in the UK. (As far as I know, overseas assets are only an issue for citizens of the U.S., Hungary, Eritrea, and Myanmar.) - I would just google the CRS & FATCA and its implications, but I presume it to have only consequences for your accounts and assets in the UK.
  10. Sounds good, but impractical, except if you have the chance to ask your pals, with different ailments, at the Pattaya pub, and even then the word 'hospital' would probably me uttered more often than the word 'clinic'...
  11. Admittedly, I never sought medical care from a specialist clinic for such a serious medical condition, nor do I know anyone who did. (My impressions of treatment for 'general health issues' at clinics in Bangkok over the years, however, were more of the mediocre kind.)
  12. Clinics in Thailand are only good for writing out certificates or prescriptions. Hospitals, on the other hand, at least, pretend to make a diagnosis (government hospitals), or, actually treat patients (the better private ones).
  13. They can be, if they want to. In the case of Koh Tao (and other cases of influential Thai families), they didn't want to, but, forced to come up with results, rounded up 'the usual suspects', i.e. migrant workers as scapegoats...
  14. Reportedly, the older school kids got around this by buying their beer at the local mom-and-pop shop...
  15. On the skytrain in Bangkok they announce every 2 minutes that, without a mask, you could be liable for a fine of 20,000 baht. Wonder, as a private enterprise, how long they will/can keep up that regulation.
  16. He should have gone to Pattaya for easier pickings, e.g. Indian tourists... ????
  17. Let me guess; he was instructed and trained to commit the crime by 'a foreigner from across the border'?? ????
  18. Bloody foreigners. Ban them all! Also, the victims were pretty gullible. That happens if you teach citizens to obey any order, even over the phone, by a state official.
  19. I will have a stopover in Singapore in September (ca. 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., not incl. travel to the city centre, so, 12 hours...). - What are the 'must see and do' things there?
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