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Posts posted by petercool

  1. You could scan multiple pics each time and separate them later with any photo manipulation program. That would save a lot of time. A shoe box full would cost you quite a bit at a shop. A regular flatbed scanner is likely what most shops have.

  2. There are indeed genuine retired ex-CIA agents in Thailand just as there are retired ex-Scotland Yard and ex-MI5 or MI6 officers. I know some in all those categories and while they never talk openly about their past in detail, I am convinced of their bona-fides and some have been used by their respective Embassies for training Thai police or Army in various ways. We can say what we want about their governments' policies but the individual guys that once did the dirty jobs they were asked to do were generally unsung heroes in one way or another. Those that boast of it were probably the ones that did it badly and were dismissed. I have no idea if the man in question was what is claimed but wanted to establish that such people have indeed retired here just as many ex-plumbers, business execs, bank managers etc. have done.

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  3. I have many Bangkok based friends both Thai and European who envy my location and life style in East Pattaya and visit often to share those. I guess the fact is that this city, like most, has enough variety that many can find whatever it is they are looking for here and avoid whatever it is they are not looking for. I certainly don't feel that I am pigeon-holed as some pervert just because I live here and have not experienced any negative attitudes from others who don't live here. But then I don't send out CV's these days ....

  4. A lawyer and more than one senior police officer have verbally confirmed to me that a copy of your passport is enough in all circumstances other than an criminal case arrest leading to court appearance or for making a police report.

    Immigration police as well as regular police can ask for this copy - along with copy of your latest visa. While strictly speaking a passport belongs to the issuing government and not the individual, and thus cannot be confiscated by police, it sometimes happens that a passport is held to avoid absconding but more normally a photocopy of the original passport suffices for police records.

  5. It may depend on the individual policeman but it depends more on the circumstances. As is indicated by more than one post, some photo identification is needed and a passport copy is the normal demand. Police stations will often not accept driving licences for identification purposes. Traffic police seldom ask but like Highway police they may need passport copy if in any accident scenario. I am informed reliably that a copy is legal and a credit card size one is most convenient.

  6. Just to clarify something on the post above. Nongprue police station used to be a sub-station of Banglamung but last year was upgraded to a fully stand alone station. Only some officers transferred to Nongprue and not the full complement of divisions which include the one being sought by the OP. That remains at Banglamung police station.

  7. The sad fact is that the term "orphanage" is used to embrace many needy children that are seldom adopted as it includes blind or other-wise disabled children and the Father Ray Foundation and other organisations help those that have been orphaned or abandoned as well as help families care for their own children with special needs that are not easily by placed in government schools nor are they provided with other agency help that they need to raise such children. So, donations are really the best help we can give.

  8. The OP has a heart and that's praiseworthy but what places like Father Ray Foundation really need is continuous support to house, school, feed and educate 850 needy children daily so the very best way to help is via a donation - no matter how small - that goes towards the overall bigger scheme of things rather than making one child happy for a day. And I say this with the utmost respect for the OP.

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  9. There are many, many branches of the Royal Thai police, regular, Immigration, Tourist, then metropolitan, provincial, municipal, many with divisions dealing with petty crime, fraud, licensing issue for businesses whether entertainment, commercial etc, crime suppression, transnational crime, and on and on so you can't expect the police who checks bar licences to be doing something else. At least not that day.

  10. You would probably need to register a business with nominated Thai shareholders, specifying business type at a given premises with actual premises owner permission, have a tax ID, then separate licences for food and drink. I think the best place to enquire would be the Municipal offices next to Banglamung police station then once details are known you would need a lawyer to set it all up.

    Or just go straight to a lawyer who might know everything that is required.

  11. Since there is no other way but to harass these ladyboys often and fine within the one law of loitering, the police do just that.

    Photos and ID's get recorded which are then on file should any one of the ladyboys be involved in something more serious than hanging around for customers. If police do nothing people here will complain and when they do something people make bad jokes.

    Busy Police work. 3 weeks ago I was walking down Soi Baukaue sorry not sure the spelling. I had my wallet bag snatched out my hand 2 guys on a motor scooter happened so fast lost my passport and $3000. Called 191 5 times just ringing no answere great. I went to Police station Soi 9 and spoke to tourist officer and told him my emergency call and he just smiled.

    At any visit to Soi 9 station where a Foreign Police Volunteer may be (Tourist Police don't work there) you should make sure he helps you talk to a Thai Inspector. Only Thai police can take any action. The foreigners are there to bridge language gaps with the right officer and it sound like you met a useless one. Not that anything can be done other than write an official police report that might be useful for insurance - unless you got good a description of the thieves or the registration number of the bike.

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