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Posts posted by petercool

  1. I say again that "sarn som" is a perfectly safe replacement for what you are looking for and works just like a styptic pencil for shaving nicks. I have used it for decades. But as they say .. "up to you".

  2. "sarn som" is exactly what you need whatever it's actual composition. It is sold in crystal form and traditionally used as both a water clarifier and anti-perspirant. Ask any Thai.

  3. I am around Lake Maprachan using Sophon Internet and have been experiencing difficulties getting on GMail and Facebook but no problems with Yahoo and some others. I guess an international connection is down which happens when things like the recent earthquake in Burma and similar things happen. Some sites are reachable and others are not and I am certain it is not due to them being blocked. They just time out when trying to open. I am not computer literate enough to provide any diagnostics other than an IP address of 192.168 ** and my new router provides little else in info.

  4. There is no specific tourist tax but taxes are applicable on what a tourist or anyone else buys in goods or services. The issue is less what Pattaya is called but more about what monies eventually get to be usable by local municipalities as opposed to National tax collections and any eventual dispersals back to Pattaya etc. Whether actual allocations get used correctly is an issue we can only speculate about but Pattaya is not unique in terms of poorly maintained infrastructure.

  5. What you have left after rent is about what I have monthly to live on. My house is paid for but I pay village fees, utilities, internet, mobile, weekly maid and run a big car and survive OK. I just don't eat out nor drink much. It is very possible.

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  6. If you live and maybe work in Bangkok, you might meet many Thais who could buy a super car every month if they felt like it. Family wealth need not come from illegal enterprise whatever some might think. Even in my own family, a piece of land bought a few decades ago for not too much money appreciated enough that it would pay for a Ferrari easily.

    Well good for you, do you want a cookie too?blink.png

    Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

    I was simply suggesting to those who think anyone with money must have got it illegally that this need not be the case.

    I can afford my own cookies, but thanks anyway.

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  7. If you live and maybe work in Bangkok, you might meet many Thais who could buy a super car every month if they felt like it. Family wealth need not come from illegal enterprise whatever some might think. Even in my own family, a piece of land bought a few decades ago for not too much money appreciated enough that it would pay for a Ferrari easily.

  8. I have wondered also why so many choose to jump from high rise buildings here and can only assume it is because they can - in the sense that where they came from they did not live high up. There are places we all know around the world with high rise condos but those would be the exception rather than the rule for the population at large. Very sad that some choose this way out and it's just as sad many choose other ways to end things rather than find a better solution to whatever depresses them. Unlike some here, though, I do not look for suspicious circumstances behind each of these cases. I could accept drunken misadventure but I see so many sad, depressed, angry, bitter people in Pattaya and many others who should not be allowed to travel here for medical or emotion problem reasons. RIP to the man in this case.

  9. I am assuming that the OP has had difficulties setting up a business but sees others who have done so in the same category.

    However, without knowing what issues he faced and for what type of business, I can't see how anyone can answer his query.

    "Permissions" do not exist per se, just approvals to operate legally after submitting applications to relevant authorities.

    If he is talking about getting a positive nod from others not authorised to approve things legally, then that topic is not allowed to be discussed as it is outside of Thai laws ?

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