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Posts posted by petercool

  1. Since there is no other way but to harass these ladyboys often and fine within the one law of loitering, the police do just that.

    Photos and ID's get recorded which are then on file should any one of the ladyboys be involved in something more serious than hanging around for customers. If police do nothing people here will complain and when they do something people make bad jokes.

    It would appear you seem to be on an English Language campaign, I was wondering who you are referring to as "nothing people" ?

    Not so cool now, Peter!! coffee1.gif

    So show me where any punctuation should go to make that better ? Ok. Maybe it should have read ".. do nothing then people here ...." etc.

  2. Since there is no other way but to harass these ladyboys often and fine within the one law of loitering, the police do just that.

    Photos and ID's get recorded which are then on file should any one of the ladyboys be involved in something more serious than hanging around for customers. If police do nothing people here will complain and when they do something people make bad jokes.

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  3. I had three minor operations at BIH and all were painless physically and monetary wise. One was fluid on an elbow, another was a biopsy for a suspected (but proven benign) skin cancer growth and the third was a carbuncle in an embarrassing place. I recall that even the most expensive of those (the biopsy) was just over 4,500 baht - inclusive of operations, lab tests, medication and dressing of wound for a few visits.

  4. Probably an optical illusion as the Chinese, Korean tour groups en masse are just more visible than the cumulative individual Caucasians but having said that an actual quantified tally would be interesting.

  5. Its because I am humble that I never tell anyone about my 4 Ph.D.'s, the requests I get for movie parts, my ex SAS career, my big houses in Spain, Riviera and here nor the fact that I get a 7 digit annual return on my smart investments. Unless of course, I meet someone in a bar then I might drop hints ....

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  6. Opting for a "new" nationality is sometimes useful. I remember an Indian tour guide at Fort Agra saying to me, " This is beautiful sir but before those terrible British people came it was more beautiful, and what Nationality are you sir ?" On that occasion this Brit opted to be French .... smile.png

    But to the OP's point, it is intimidating to be surrounded by a group with unknown ideology and intent and drunk as well. I might have got of the baht bus but not being there to witness the atmosphere he was experiencing it is difficult to have much of an opinion beyond that.

  7. Surely it's the absolute increment amount not the percentage that is important ?

    Even 1 baht expressed as a percentage of a 5 baht chicken liver (20%) seems high but not as as an absolute amount.

    Relating that percentage to a much higher starting price than this instance is specious at best.

  8. I guess they prefer not to sell it but rather like to preserve the dyeing process as part of a saleable service, like the shoe repair men who can dye shoes for you etc. Not sure why, as paint can be bought and wallpaper etc. I had the same issue with grass seed ,,,

  9. Just over 5 years here and I live and tend to stay on the Darkside and only go into Pattaya when I have to, for the volunteer work I do or to get things from BigC Extra that the Darkside doesn't have. I lived in Bangkok off and on for 40 years and actually prefer it there for decent restaurants, music and even the nightlife. But I am here now and by choosing what I do and where I go find it all OK.

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  10. I know that Bother Denis of the Father Ray Foundation on Sukhunvit Road has two such saxaphones that were donated and both seem to be good quality. Whatever he sells them for will go to the foundation that supports over 850 children here in Pattaya. Contact him.

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