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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. Do you deny it not already in the published measures which have been posted 41 pages ago and numerous times after?
  2. Exactly, I don’t need to deny it. because it’s in black and white in the measures……….duh
  3. Run that one by me again, where would I need to deny it. What did I claim to counter it? Stop making things up
  4. Hamas has no merits. Hamas are terrorists holding innocent hostages.
  5. There’s that Hamas apologist again. The court order states immidiate release with no preconditions.
  6. I did not ignore anything. You asked if Israel has broken the order. I do not have that evidence or information, the ICJ also does not otherwise it would have not refused the SA request for more measures. I deal with facts not speculation.
  7. You have to wait for the reports and have them reviewed and ICJ comments to see. With Hamas we already know.
  8. The very definition of a Hamas apologist. Deflect from the fact that they have ignored the order and continuing their war crimes with evidence for the world to see.
  9. Would you like to discuss the topic of ICJ rulings so far issued? Why has Hamas not complied with the ICJ order?
  10. Why are you posting the exact same link and making an assumption I never comprehended it last time? I did and it’s still off topic.
  11. My very first response to you was a prediction you’d take this off topic again and there you have it. An important thread on ICJ back to a free for all. I’m out
  12. Certainly be interesting to read that’s for sure. I guess next week some time
  13. South Africa will respond yes, a quick consultation with their Hamas buddies first no doubt. If I was you I wouldn’t be holding out too much hope of any major news from the ICJ. Only a couple of weeks ago South Africa asked them to put in place more measures and the ICJ said there was no need. The ones in place already are clear and cover eventualities.
  14. Not difficult to put in correct topic https://aseannow.com/forum/432-the-war-in-israel/
  15. And the topic is the ICJ why not put this in one of the many daily update threads running instead of hyjacking this one?
  16. 80,000 Hamas! The IDF have said they’ve killed 12k. That’s a lot left. No wonder they’ve not declared Hamas as finished yet. Getting rid of them as the government is essential.
  17. Me thinks you knew exactly what I meant when saying it was a UK thread. Did I really need to elaborate more about the topic and what country it refers to? Being from the UK I have still never heard of it and doubt it has any comparison to Shakespeare chum
  18. This is a UK thread. Never heard of it.
  19. Hamas is warning of "tens of thousands" of casualties in Rafah. However they also control the numbers dished out so who knows. One thing is certain, they are feeling the heat in Rafah, their last stronghold.
  20. Why did the UNRWA have. major Hamas data center at its HQ in Gaza city? We did not know’: Hamas data center directly under UNRWA Gaza City HQ https://aseannow.com/topic/1319608-‘we-did-not-know’-hamas-data-center-directly-under-unrwa-gaza-city-hq/
  21. Are they going to reemploy the Hamas terrorists they sacked then. Has the investigation finished? Thought not.
  22. I’m not fact checking it for you as well fella. I suggest you do that and see yourself. I’ve not read and don’t intend to. When you’ve checked it for facts then post back.
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