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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Nobody is your friend and helps when you lost money . Everybody is your friend and helps when you got money to lose ... In the world of online payments today , security is #1 .
  2. 13,26 percent complete ? Somebody knows how to use a pocket calculator ? China Harbor Engineering ? Nobody in Thailand could do this ? Sure . Dream on , liar ... Bulls hitting again ...
  3. Thailand certainly ranks among the 10 most desperate countries who try to attract foreign money . Invest in Thailand ? With the current political instability ? The ' hub ' of ignorance and political satire .
  4. Biden may be old , but he has a team behind him . He is 82 , a little bit slow , but for the debate he will be motivated and , may be , doped ( coke ? ) . 55 By the way , do the candidates need to pass drug tests before the event ?
  5. There never was ' nothing ' . We better wake up now , our species is busy destroying itself and the planet we live on . Of course , there is intelligent extraterrestrial life . even within our galaxy . What is it all good for ? It is an evolutionary process , an experiment that will separate the intelligent species from the ones who only think that they are intelligent , but do not manage to enable their own further evolution , and fail and disappear ... Everything is possible , but nobody knows what that implies ... One thing is certain : everything is limited in time , and time itself is relative . heic0306a.tif
  6. Sounds like you abused your body a lot before . Now , it is time for a change in lifestyle ... reduce everything , try to be positive and happy about every day without wanting too much . Time can be a healer ... Hope you have left a lot of it ...
  7. More time to return the items would be good ... I recently bought a Makita battery operated lawn mower that would not work with the Makita batteries I own . It needs new Makita batteries with a microchip . I had to order them , but by the time they will arrive , I cannot return the lawn mower anymore if it does not work ...
  8. Biden , Trump , Putin , Xi , Orban , Kim Yong Un , Modi , etc , etc .. The " President " gets too much power in the present political system . It is just not healthy to let just one man decide the future of a country without a control mechanism that makes sure that he cannot abuse the system . In the US the control mechanism is the ' impeachment ' process that can be applied to a President gone rogue . What about Putin , Kim and other autocratic rulers ? The fault of the democratic system , where nearly half of the voters ( in the US it is nearly 50/50 , just as in England ) , are not represented by a newly elected government . Always a government should consist of coalitions between the biggest parties , never let just one party alone decide everything . THAT would be democratic .
  9. Too many people . Too much concurrence to make a fast buck ... People do not like people . Farangs do not like farangs ... But , at least , most of them are not running around in public armed with swords or guns . Take off all that blabla and painted truth about Thailand , what is left is just another country where people are ready for everything to make some baht . The average ( not generalizing ) , Thai is not a buddhist . They go to the temple to pray for money ( lottery ) or good luck ( money ) . They do not really understand what Buddha taught .
  10. He is actively working undermining the bit of democracy that Thailand has left by now . He has no respect for a democratic system , where PEOPLE chose who will be their next leader . He wants to be #1 again , at what cost , he does not care . This guy is an enemy of Thailands fragile democracy , all he wants is power over people and the system . The only place for him is jail .
  11. yes , right . Got it . How can we get a lasting peace ? Territorial Concessions will have to be made ?
  12. Who is that ? A journalist ? How could we know ? could be anybody ...
  13. War can make journalists become extremists by them witnessing all the horrors involved . A journalists job is to report unbiased info . Sometimes that info is displeasing to other parties involved , who , per consequence , try to discredit the reporters . BUT , there are facts , undeniable evidence , that needs to be published . I always found AlJazeeras reporting to be unbiased and accurate . Somebody needs to tell it how it is ... It makes me think of Julien Assange and Wikileaks ...
  14. Mortality rate sounds scaring , just as possible human to human transmission ... Scaremongering ? I think so .
  15. Oh , come on , give it a break ... Not enough war yet ? Want to kill them all ...? Hezbollah is Iranian backed , does Israel really want the total ( Goebbels 18. Feb 1943 ) war with Iran and all it's muslim neighbors ? Find a way for a peaceful coexistence . War only leads to more war and suffering . Enough of that already .
  16. He looked distressed and touched his nose all the time ...?
  17. Thanks , but NO , thanks ... I burned my fingers already enough ...
  18. Did somebody inspect another outcome ? That's a pity ... I would have liked seeing him behind bars soon . But the show must go on ...
  19. The russian money will be used to repair a little bit of what has been caused by your glorious president . Right so .
  20. I think you are seriously mixing up the facts here , tovarishch . Why are you not fighting in the meat grinder for your glorious president ?
  21. Welcome to the world class family destination . But anyway , world class rip-off hospitals are close ...
  22. How long will this story go on ...? He can , maybe , fool people once ... but it won't always work .
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