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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. I would not consider myself an anti semitic hater . I just try to be objective and realistic . Tired of all the Israelies and poor justifications for their horrendous acts , I will always tell what is obvious ,what can be seen by anybody who is not blind , or has been blinded , just like you .
  2. Everything that stands in Israels way needs to be bulldozed , exterminated . A humanitarian organization that helps the palestinian victims ( mostly women and kids ) of a planned genocide ( that has the goal to enable further territorial expansion ) , is clearly an enemy , and Israel seem to consider all means good enough to discredit and exterminate them . Shame . This post will be soon removed just like all the others that are critical of Israel ... But anyway ...
  3. Years of negligence degraded european armies . Now they see how easily a war can break out with just one totalitarian leader going nuts ... Trump is not a fan of Nato and there is a strong possibility that he will end americas membership and stop to pay . Panic - everybody is scared about the russians , especially when Putin rattles with his Nukes ... Europeans need to invest much much more in their defense , if they want or not .
  4. Anti semitism is rising everywhere . Why is that so ...? Any idea ?
  5. Becoming POTUS helped him to avoid prison . Soon , he can pardon himself and anybody inside his circle . THAT is a big benefit of becoming president , But I an sure you know all this .
  6. Nearly all of his picks are rich people . He thinks that a America will become great again by promoting businesses and let the millionaires design the economy ... We will see if that works out ... By raising import taxes , he will make life more expensive for the average citizen . Other concerned countries will retaliate by rising their import taxes for american goods as well ... Will that be good for the american economy ...? Time will tell ... I think that he will isolate America at a time when many countries are not happy with american supremacy and want a new world order ... away from the $ .
  7. They just want to exploit the fossil fuels ( gas ) , over there ... money is to be made , environmental concerns do not count ...
  8. German ? I am surprised she did not go straight to police and asked them to arrest the shark ...
  9. Everything is connected ... a natural balance was created that enabled life to evolve and develop . That natural balance was disturbed and , partially , destroyed by actions of this planets dominant species . The price to pay for that will end further potential evolution of mankind . Nobody realized in time that all actions provoke a reaction of some kind in a , once , balanced world . Out of balance , extremes will take over , an now unstoppable , ( it will take hundreds or thousands of years to re-establish ) , chain reaction takes place and mankind will be taught the lesson that it is not good to disturb the natural balance that enabled our species to evolve , to become what we are now . Self inflicted suffering and final disappearance are the consequences for a species that designed it's world on political and economical systems that are based on greed and ignorance .
  10. Thailand need to avoid being dragged into an armed conflict with Myanmar . Cut all diplomatic relations to the murderous Myanmar junta would be better . Gem Min Aung Hlung , the butcher of his own people , will soon have an ICC arrest warrant against him issued . He is a war criminal just as the other " Leaders " who are facing arrest when traveling to a country that recognizes the ICC as the superior instance to judge international crimes .
  11. They plan to rewrite the constitution ? What do they want to change this time ? Thaksin will dictate and they will write ...?
  12. Thaksin does not want an independent Bank of Thailand . He wants to control it . This guy is an enemy to thai people and Thailand . Since he came back to Thailand , he is causing nothing but trouble . All Pheu Thai party should be dissolved and new elections after this ... Buy his corrupt circle of " influential " friends all want to keep their positions close to the trough . Laughable if it would not be so sad ... Only possible in a third world country where autocratic tendencies are simply tolerated by an uneducated population of , mainly , fools .
  13. ... says someone who oppresses the population of his own country . Many Iranians would be happy if the extremistic mullahs disappear forever ... Especially the women ...
  14. Yes , but , as so often , it will be aims and bla bla only .
  15. At least the chinese are going more and more " green " ... that is what needs to be done now . America goes back to the destructive use of fossil fuels that pollute everything . If the " new world order " comes , and it will , I think ... I will stay on China's side despite their other defaults . Trump will isolate America , Putin and Israel want war , but XI Jinping wants Harmony and likes win win situations in business . Do not underestimate the chinese ...
  16. One could ask if the ' setting up a company with thai shareholders ' practise was only tolerated because the government can take over the company and confiscate all assets in case that ...
  17. You quote me using different words .. Got it ...?
  18. Who caused the war is not of relevance anymore ... It would be good to find a way to a lasting peace now , but the continuous bombings make that difficult ...
  19. You seem to imply that all palestinians are Hamas . That is not true .
  20. They are definitely not the only ones , but they are to full of hate to realize the consequences of their actions . Shame on them , If Hamas disappears forever , it will only be good ... but they brainwashed a lot of normally peaceful palestinians who do not want to have anything to do with killings and war ... That is the result of hatred ... a vicious circle .
  21. I do not believe nobody , not hamas , nor Israel ... Just look at what happens in a the sad reality .
  22. That is right . Murder and slaying of innocent civilians is a speciality of the IDF as well ... edit : I do not defend Hamas . They are evil in their belief and deeds ... just as ...
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