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Posts posted by nobodysfriend

  1. 18 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Depp was accused of attacking Heard when she criticised him for being late, throwing a magnum bottle of champagne at her, which missed, and grabbing her hair.


    18 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Melissa Saenz, told the court she had a clear look at Heard's face and saw no sign of injury, nor any damage to the home as she and her friends alleged.


    18 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    he called Heard a "50 cent stripper" who was "begging for total global humiliation".


    18 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Depp had an alter ego, which both he and Heard referred to as "the monster", who he turned into after heavy drinking or drug-taking.


    18 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    "I was convinced it was Miss Heard herself or one of her cohort involved in leaving human faeces on the bed," he said. "I thought it was a strangely, oddly fitting end to the relationship."

    Wow , should make a movie out of this ... I am sure that it will be a success ...

    Be careful who you marry .

    Anyway ... why really need to marry when you are rich and a famous actor ?


    Johnny Depp Accuses Ex-Wife Amber Heard of Having 'Painted-On ...


  2. Some really sick Thai people around .

    They are supposed to be Buddhist ? They are not . They go to kill animals in the forest , they kill somebody's dog just because they think in their little limited minds that they have a right to do this .

    I have been living in several countries , but in no other country if have seen the locals as ugly as in Thailand .

    I wish a violent death to the killers .


    Edit : Of course some dogs are tortured by the owners by being chained up or held in small cages . I remember such a dog in a cage near the main road where we are living . There was no floor in that cage , just the metal wiring , ( it's excrements just fell through that floor and stayed under the cage , like this the ' owner ' did not have to clean it ) .

    I once approached the owner , an and asked her to free the dog instead of torturing it , but she became angry and said that she 'owns ' it and makes with it what she wants ... the poor pet died a few month later , it lived a life full of pain and horror . It is people like that who deserve being held in cages ...

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  3. People knew and know about the Virus and it's contagiousness .

    Some choose to ignore it and to put financial reasons above health .

    It is only logic that when people do not protect themselves against the spread of the virus , they take a high risk of becoming infected themselves .

    They should not complain about what happens now . It is their own fault .

    If they prefer to go out partying or to crowded places like some beaches , public transport etc , without any protective measures , they will see a rise in infections . That's logic .

    There is no way to ever go back to the old ' normal ' .

    If want to get rid of the Virus , everybody needs to do everything possible to prevent the spread . All the time .

    That will not happen ... so , need to learn to live with it now .

    Not sure if an effective vaccine will be found , there was no vaccine against SARS .

    Even if a vaccine will be found , the virus mutates constantly ...

    Or a new one appears .


    Finally , this might be the beginning of the End , the Apocalypse .

    May be it was about time for this ...?


    Nearly 25% of British people have plan to survive zombie ...


    The Amazon rainforests are still on fire. If Trump won't act ...

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  4. There are many funds in many banks to invest in ...

    Here are some SCB funds : https://www.scbam.com/en/fund/index-fund/fund-information/scbset50

    My banker says that now is a good time to invest in the SCB SET 50 index fund , as stock market is low now , but will recover ...

    Up to you ... Me , no , I do not as I do not like to take the risk . I hang around with a meager 1% return , but at least , this is secured .

    Good luck , if you ever find a secure investment that gives a better return , please keep us informed ...


    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Among international factors, we advise following tensions between the US and their trading partners, the US, China, Japan, and the euro-zone's Purchasing Managers' Index in manufacturing and services in June, the US nonfarm payrolls and unemployment rate in June, Japan's retail sales and industrial production in May, and the euro-zone's Consumer Price Index in June.

    No time to invest .

  6. 2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    The Montreal Protocol on ozone-depleting substances has demonstrated what can be done if there is enough co-operation between countries.

    It's a rear-guard action by the fossil fuel industry, some of whom should be put up against a wall and shot for crimes against humanity.

    The effects the virus had on the environment was benficial for the world and consequently for the quality of life for the people .

    It kind of showed us what needs to be done NOW ... but wil it be done ?

  7. 10 hours ago, steven100 said:

    it's not the weather that's a warning , it's the economies of the world that are more alarming .....

    if all the worlds economies falter then folks have no jobs, no money, no food, no house, no nothing.

    The economies will collapse anway it seems .

    They are all dependant on the financial markets , and the financia markets themselves are about as solid as a house of cards ...

  8. It is a vicious circle that has been started by man made global warming .

    This time it is not like the periods of warming the earth has gone through in it's evolution .

    The scientists say that , even all toxic emissions caused by the burning of fossil fuels would stop now , the planet would still continue to warm up even faster , and that for at least 40 more years ...

    There is nothing that can be done anymore to reverse the effects of climate change ...

    Well, at least this paints a clear picture of the future ...

    if you add this virus and possibly more to come to this picture , it is Dystopia knocking on the door .

    Mankind has a strong ability to adapt , but this time it will need to adapt to an hostile environment in which it will not be possible to produce enough food for all .

    Same time the human population is still growing ... a perfect scenario for disaster .








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