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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. ??? I am no Pedo ... you suggest that with your post ? be careful , defamation laws ... Did the boy get physically hurt ? Was there blood ? As the mother was not present at the time it happened , who gave the statement ? Any witnesses ? Only the boy ? A 7 year old said that ? If not true , it can destroy a life ... There is more than only 1 version of this story , it seems .
  2. ... does only cause confusion among the Thai people and will not help improve the situation . Step back , it is not your business either .
  3. Neither Israel not Palestine are important producers of oil . Supply will be guaranteed by the Saudis etc ... Price might rise a bit , that's all . Oil , it seems the holy economy would crash without it ... But , the continuing burning of it harms the planet , and THAT really affects everybody , much more than inflation .
  4. Thailand , please do not buy this crap submarine from the chinese ... Better spend the 13,5 billion on chinese solar panels , and the thai people will profit from that sustainable electricity produced in Thailand . What do they get from a submarine ? Only headaches ...
  5. Srettha is looking to ' normalize ' ties with Saudi Arabia , he wants their tourist's money ... He should charge the 3 tuk tuk drivers with " tarnishing the reputation " of Thailand . Life in prison ...?
  6. Sickos are everywhere ... she should have known this and gone back to the store herself or , at least , accompany her son . No serious harm was done , just learn from this , and let it be this time ....
  7. Violence leads to more violence , a vicious circle . I read on AlJazeera that hardly a day passed that Israel did not kill a palestinian ... Time to make peace by granting the palestinians their independant state . 2 state solution is the only way to stop this senseless violence .
  8. When I went to CM zoo , I felt very sorry for the animals . Kept in small , closed enclosures , they " vegetate " more than living . No thanks , I do not support cruelty to animals by paying the entrance fee to zoos anymore . If really need to expose exotic animals , at least , treat them species-appropriate . What have they done to deserve a treatment like this ?
  9. Photo with Thaksin in pool has been taken some time ago , before prison . But he gets special VIP treatment in hospital , the government should imply the law instead of showing the world how corrupt it is ... His new nurse ... ?Thailand is a rich man's paradise , can buy everything ...
  10. Good luck with collecting the fee from visitors who just do not want to pay ... Or will the payment via app or website be controlled by immigration before entry ? This would create a lot of confusion . Why not just let the airlines collect it when boarding ?
  11. Knowing about the thai way to do things here , I assume that there was no adequate signalization and protection from that pit ...? Just a big hole in the middle of the road , at night ? Or the signalization had been stolen by the owner of the local car repair shop ?
  12. Sad for her , she must have been desperate . He did not give her what she needed ...? Horrible for him as well , he needs a shrink now .
  13. A real buddhist monk does not need a Benz . The ' philantrophist ' should have sold it and donate the money for a good cause .
  14. Another atrocity in the land of smiles ... One must be in a deplorable mental state to do that to a partner of 20 yrs . Primitivism is on the rise it seems ...
  15. Otters are a protected species in Thailand . Stuffing 2 baby otters that need water to survive , into a suitcase , is torture of animals , what is rightfully also forbidden in Thailand . Heavy fine or prison .
  16. I was thinking about investing in an EV , but , after refection , I'll wait for Fuel cell cars ( Hydrogen ) , to arrive . https://www.motor1.com/news/690289/2024-honda-cr-v-hydrogen-fuel-cell-plug-in-battery/ A hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle uses the same kind of electric motor to turn the wheels that a battery-electric car does. But it's powered not by a large, heavy battery but by a fuel-cell stack in which pure hydrogen (H2) passes through a membrane to combine with oxygen (O2) from the air, producing the electricity that turns the wheels plus water vapor. What this means is that a fuel-cell vehicle is technically a series hybrid, which is why they are sometimes classified as fuel-cell hybrid electric vehicles .
  17. Where is the sustainability in this ? Talk is cheap ...
  18. Fearless is good , careful is better ... That's what the elephant probably did as well ... conflict of interests ...? But the forest is the natural territory of elephants , not humans ( normally ) .
  19. more late , more drunk customers , more easy to rip them off ... good for the economy ...
  20. Definitely not real friends ... Sometimes you have friends only until they get what they want from you , then they're gone , or you ...
  21. .... and thought nobody would trace him down ...? Sometimes it is difficult to believe what you read ...
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