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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. What's the value of a life here ? If everybody would react like this , there would be hardly anyone left alive ... Everywhere peoples level of tolerance against other people seems to decrease ... Why is that so ? Too many people ?
  2. Sky high ego , fearing the loss of " face " , they think that they are above all criticism , add to this the effects of alcohol consumption and the feeling that they would deserve a " better life " , and you have a potential explosive mixture .
  3. They want to control the production and use of the plant better by putting up new regulations . Who will enforce these new regulations ...? I guess all will stay pretty much the same , with some minor changes maybe ...
  4. All south east asian countries have a well established political elite with all their filth aound them ... Positive change is coming to Thailand ( hopefully ) , but the new future government needs to be diplomatic to not create more enemies to them . Cha cha , Pita .
  5. This is a promotional article for the CBRE , to help them sell more . To be taken with a grain of salt ...
  6. Thanks to the rangers . If there would be nobody to protect the forest and it's animals , both would have been gone a long time ago already .
  7. But , in reality , dog eating still does exist in south east asia .
  8. It would be funny if it would not be so sad ... The murderous burmese junta tries to bend the truth . The terrorists is THEM . I don't know why the world is ( mostly )ignoring the fact that this country has been taken from a young democracy to a murderous autocracy that does not value the life of their citizens . And there are still countries who support them actively by providing weapons , like Russia and China ... Shame on them !
  9. Do you like to be interrupted by a third person while having a private conversation with someone ? I would have told him worse ...
  10. Sad story . Just arrived on this earth and gone already ... Never got the chance to grow up ... Then thrown to the rubbish ... Some got it all , some got nothing at all , life is not fair ...
  11. Don't you know ' who he is ' ? License or not , he will drive anyway ... he was the minister of transport .
  12. ...if they ever manage to form a working government by overcoming the hurdles that will be thrown at them to prevent just this ...
  13. They need to get the majority of the necessary seats in parliament ( 373 ) without the non elected senators by any means now . Talk about a coalition wit BJT , may be that will make it possible ...
  14. That means that they will have to make ( big ) concessions in their intentions of political change until a point the ruling elite in Thailand can accept , is reached . That would mean treason to the people who voted for them , but is probably the only way to avoid open conflict .
  15. There are only a few predictable scenarios now , and the Return of Thaksin is a secondary one . The always ruling elite , backed by their bought senators and the constitutional change they made a few years ago , will just go for the destruction of MFP , just as they did with future foreward ( Thanatorn ) . They will prepare for military intervention of any possible civil unrest in BKK by now already . It is only a pseudo democracy here in Thailand . For the ruling elite , giving up just a little bit of their privileged position is , ( for them ) , unthinkable . There will be fighting in the streets on Bangkok again .
  16. Of course ... everybody knew already that the " witch hunt " would start directly after Pita won ... A thai person that I know said , : " there will be fighting in the streets of Bangkok again ." People tend to forget that there is only a pseudo democracy in Thailand ... In reality it is a ' disguised autocracy ' . The final outcome of this is unclear by now , I hope we will not get a second Burma here ...
  17. It is people that need to watch and be scared of , not soi dogs ...
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