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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. MFP won the last elections .
  2. These drug burning ceremonies already take place on a regular basis on Koh Phangngan on full moon ... 156 tons would be enough for a few parties ...?
  3. Sometimes older boats are just safer ... Anyway , by that photo , they could just have swam back to the beach ...
  4. The show must go on . The director of the show ( Thaksin ) is comfortable by now , will be at his home soon . His muppets control the country , so his sister will return unpunished in a short time . Anyway , she was ( in her time as PM ) only executing her brother's orders ... This time , they will take care that no election results can disturb the clan ... Once the facts are clearly established , ( Shinawatra country ) , they will bend the truth and the law that they just get what they want without the fear of ever being prosecuted for what they do . Until the next coup , of course . The last word , however , has the one who commands and controls the army in this country . And that is not a Shinawatra yet ... What about the people , the electorate in a pseudo democacy ? They are supposed to just stay where they are and not move foreward in any case . They are needed to legitimize an autocracy . That's all .
  5. Thailand really needs a political " reboot " . Let's hope that this will come after the next elections ... Hope is the last thing to die ...
  6. There are so many solutions to the plastic problem , but no real effort is made to reduce that pollution . For example , most one-way plastic bottles could be re-used again , instead of throwing them . Just put drink distributors in supermarkets that refill the empty bottles . Re-use and Re-cycle . No more shrink wrap plastic . Most plastic is reusable , instead of producing for garbage , collect , clean and re-use .
  7. A ray of hope ... but , only a petition , not an investigation yet ... Won't change the course of Thaksin's liberation to ' house arrest ' . May be some money will ' talk ' again ...
  8. Home ? It probably is another rubber plantation by now . If they were happy with her , they should have stayed with her . Put them back in the wilderness , they would not survive on their own .
  9. Wow , that must have impressed the waitress ... I think she chose none of them , if she had a brain ...
  10. Thailand , the hub of ting tong ...
  11. Good news , but a temporary net will not protect the nest from human activities = poaching .
  12. He inherited these shares and was not able to sell them due to the company being out of business . We all know that this story was made up to prevent MFP to disturb the ruling elite . Even most people voted for the change MFP promised , they found a way to ' eliminate ' the winner of the elections . And now , we have the same old crap again , with just some new faces ... Not much of a change to what was before ... Hopefully the MFP will win the next election again , with or without Pita . And learn about what needs to be avoided .
  13. Good idea from the PM . EVERY tourist should have enough coverage in case an accident or sickness ( Dengue ) , happens . Just to avoid being ripped off by some greedy hospital . Make the insurance affordable and reliable . Thailand is a dangerous country , the insurance is to protect the tourists themselves . Paying some money for peace of mind is quite worth it .
  14. That goes without saying , thais don't need a visa . After being scammed by some dubious thai visa agent , government should show some empathy and grant them a small extension , just long enough to legalize their stay . They planned to throw peoples passport away ...? Jail them .
  15. Right . This from the original article : Rittporn arrived home around 1.30am and was drunk. Focus puked and pooped, which made Rittiporn angry. He hit Focus with a hose in the bathroom before going to bed. Focus had a stomach ache and was crying, Police rushed to the hospital to investigate and found the girl’s face swollen and her body covered in bruises and wounds.
  16. She probably cried and that was enough to beat her until death
  17. Send them back . American strays then ...
  18. Thailand is not using the right strategy to attract wealthy investors and holidaymakers . It has the BIG advantage to be far away enough from all the mess in the world today , to be kind of a ' safe harbor ' for all the people from other countries who simply want to live a good life without being dragged into wars , street fighting , demonstrations , hatred etc ... To make it attractive for the wealthy , laws and regulations need to change here . Thailand is beautiful , many Thai people are not so bad ... I am still happy here , found my piece of paradise away from people .
  19. Sure . Good idea . Promoting more alcohol consumption is an adequate way to attract all the ' wealthy tourists ' they long for . Surely it will help the local economy , not only the bars , but the car repair shops , the hospitals and undertakers as well ...
  20. Well said and accurate . Thailand is losing it's ' face ' and credibility over Thaksin's treatment . A lot of things here that could be done better ... MFP and Pita gave hope that this would happen , but Thaksin and his clan prevented it . Pit's shareholding was no crime that justified his removal . What Thaksin did , and was sentenced for to 8 years in prison , was one . Selling his telecom business and evading to pay taxes for this in Thailand shows that he is not the philantrophist he likes to be seen as ...
  21. Never trust strangers or ex-girlfriends . Even he spent his money there , somebody reported him to police . He probably talked about his overstay .
  22. Looks like he did not completely recover ... but enough to be a taxi driver ...?
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