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Posts posted by Miami007

  1. 2 hours ago, British Bulldog said:

    emmmm .... I may have missed something, I'm up in Vientiane Laos, but the question is, do you guys down their in say BKK, have reasonably regular flights out of Thailand ? Commercial non VIP at ridiculous ticket prices ? I just wondered how the poor tourist is supposed to leave on the 24th or before ? Its quite difficult to leave and arrive in Laos, not impossible, but lots of hoops.

    It seems like the immigration officers are getting these tourist to walk the plank into Corona Virus infected waters !

    Corona infested waters... seriously, how many cases would show in Thailand, if they tested as much as the UK... 

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  2. 8 minutes ago, realfunster said:

    I used to think you were just someone with a different viewpoint on things. 


    Stating this in the context of ZERO cases in country marks you out as, quite frankly, a fascist that will support the ‘party line’  of the military dictatorship over any reasonable, balanced and logical position.


    Your view lacks any rational basis and you are clearly brainwashed and without any critical faculties.



    You believe the ZERO cases nonsense? With borders open to Chinese in January and February.. and very little testing of asymptomatic people. 

    There are cases which are not known as untested. Now they can test a few demonstrators and find covid.. then blame demonstrations. How will the general population feel about these protests? 

    Does anyone really believe that infections in the USA did not increase in June after large protests at the beginning of the month? 


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  3. 11 hours ago, sungod said:

    Hey Yinn, what do you think about the large numbers of people packed in very close to each other, not wearing masks?

    Same as the protests in the USA.. coronavirus cases will go up.

    Now the government has an excuse to test participants, find cases and shut down freedom again. 2 birds with one stone.. no need to pretend there is no virus in the country and you can blame demonstrators and get the population scared of pro-democracy events. Perfect 

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  4. 8 hours ago, twocatsmac said:

    The “go fund me” crowd without adequate insurance have received extensive coverage in the Thai press. 

    Whether or not they were a burden, who knows but it’s imprinted in their skulls that we’re milking them.

    "We are milking them"... seriously

    Let's add up all payments for treating foreign tourists and compare to payments from western guys to the various Thai girlfriends. My gut tells me it won't be even close

  5. I am surprised it took that long for people to realize that closed borders impact so much more than tourism. I had been saying this for months

    Let's see how many company closures and unemployed will result from the real estate problem. Especially when new development or construction stops. Another huge part of the economy down the drain

    Just waiting for the reports of factories not being built or being closed by Japanese and Korean companies. Construction of high-speed rail between airports already is delayed as far as I know..


    Soon Thailand will be left with civil service, military and agriculture as economic engines

    • Like 1
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  6. 14 hours ago, mark131v said:

    Is there a single day without Dr Yong's opinion on all things medical, he's a proper media juncki!!


    So if I read this right the good Dr is basically saying the quarantine and testing is a pointless waste of time and money, either that or he caught the virus in LoS but we all know that is impossible as it doesn't exist in LoS....

    He is the equivalent of Anthony Fauci in the USA... "We all have to hunker down until end of 2021 - even with a vaccine"

    These guys are getting their 15 minutes of fame and won't let go

    • Like 1
  7. 25 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Sorry to burst the bubble of the panic mongering Zombie Apocalypse crowd, but one case does not represent "the reappearance of Covid in Thailand". It is less than a pimple on the cheek of a teenager. It will be easily managed. Now, if hundreds or thousands of new cases were to appear, that would be a concern. This is not. Not on any level. 

    The problem with that statement is that the first case must have gotten infected somewhere locally. So, there is at least another case out there- who also must have gotten it somewhere and so on.

    Once more and more people are tested, more cases will show.

    Still not a concern as these cases are all mild and don't require hospitalization 

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  8. 10 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

    Premiums will depend on where the tourist comes from. High risk country coverage up to a year could set the visitor back 43,200 baht or around $1,300 to $1,400.


    Why "high risk countries"?  This only makes a difference for the first 2 weeks.  If you have to stay in quarantine, then after that all tourists are the same except people with pre-existing conditions.

    That is way too logical ????????????

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  9. 6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    That is only a infographic and it is not a official doucment.

    This from the official immigration notification.


    "(1) Aliens whose residency report is due under 90 day period, may report their residency in
    person or by assigning a person or via registered mail or electronic means.
    (2) Aliens whose residency report is due on 26 March 2020 onwards and has not reported
    within prescribed period, may report their residency in person or by assigning a person or via
    registered mail or electronic means from 1 August 2020 to 31 August 2020;"


    There is nothing that states it is mandatory and no mention of fines.

    Just to be technical.. "may report" gives the foreigner the option to do so or not. 

    "Must report" is a much stronger way to phrase it. 

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