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Posts posted by ovi1kanobi

  1. 11 minutes ago, maeab101 said:

    Yes he is innocent and a good boy. He only used yaba a few times. His father put a stop to his drug use. By killing 3000 of his dealers.

    Stop trying to put Thaksin, In the same boat. As the red bull policeman killer. He never killed anyone!

  2. 1 hour ago, halloween said:

    If a bank robber is caught outside the bank and hands over the money is he innocent? If he had immediately returned the money he might have a defence that it was deposited without his knowledge, but that isn't what happened.

    He claims he returned the money eventually, and it was a small amount. Neither are reasons not to prosecute.

    Yes, But he comes from a good family.

  3. 1 minute ago, Krataiboy said:

    Yeah, but. . .


    We should think very carefully before making drugs freely available. We did this with the "recreational" drug we keep kidding ourselves we can handle - alcohol. The result? Booze is involved in up to 70  per cent of serious crime and the social and health consequences of over-indulgence add up to billions of dollars a year.


    Making so-called soft drugs like marijuana as easy to buy as a bottle of beer has wider and more sinister implications. A population permanently zonked out on (state-manufactured?) substances would be a dream come true for unscrupulous political leaders - and a nightmare for the rest of us.


    I would urge anyone who has not already done so to read Brave New World, written by Aldous Huxley in the 1930's. We are sleepwalking into the hell on earth he envisioned.

    Yes but marijuana is less harmful then alcohol. Everyone knows that. And less dangerous for driving a car.

  4. 14 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    I reckon that she is out of the country but waiting for the verdict to be announced on the 27th, if the judges give her a massive jail term then she can pop up and tell her supporters that she knew what was coming and that she is better serving her supporters from afar as opposed to a jail cell. Just my 2 penneth worth.

    No she is Probably dead!

  5. 50 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

    The immigration checkpoint appeared to be closed to the public, but was manned by a smiling man who received a fat brown envelope in exchange for stamping her exit out of Thailand.  It's amazing that all of the media and government stories are focused on the use of cars to travel through Thailand, and none of them seem to care about what happened at Thailand's sieve of a border with Cambodia.


    I would ne surprised of she turns up alive. LOL

  6. 9 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

    No more comments please. you all know nothing. you've never been invited to the 'clubhouse'. you are all keyboard warriors and should be bowing down and knocking one out over these big bad biker boys. thaiguzzi knows best. he is our resident biker boy expert. so pray tell thaiguzzi. what should we all know about these charming blokes that beat up outnumbered old men and glue locks. no more comments from me on this. i'll just listen to the expert

    Bikers do a lot of good charity work. like helping to rebuild the school, That burned down in mae suai, chiang rai. They are good people. Just regular blokes.

  7. 9 hours ago, The manic said:

    The war on drugs is a war on the people which pushes up the price of drugs and encourages more people to sell Drugs. The current anti drugs policies corrupt the police, judiciary and in Thailand the army. The criminalization of recreational drug use does more damage to individuals, families, communities and society in general than the drugs them selves. The drug anti law supporters are petty, vindictive bullies and cowards hiding behind the skirts  of rogues and bullies. They practise hate speech and lies.


    And they are hypocrites.

  8. 2 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    here we go with 1000 pages of comments of everyone arguing about if the Outlaws are real criminals.


    "The U.S. Department of Justice defines "outlaw motorcycle gangs" (OMG) as "organizations whose members use their motorcycle clubs as conduits for criminal enterprises".[60] The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Criminal Intelligence Service Canada have designated four MCs as "outlaw motorcycle gangs": the Hells Angels, the Pagans, the Outlaws, and the Bandidos,[61][62] known as the "Big Four".


    The FBI asserts that Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs support themselves primarily through drug dealing, trafficking in stolen goods, and extortion, and that they fight over territory and the illegal drug trade[67] and collect $1 billion in illegal income annually.



    This alcohol at work. Tbe most dangerous drug known to man!

  9. 4 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    She certainly held up her Apple ipad when she promised every child would get one free. I don't know who did the deal but one order was placed with a Chinese manufacturer who had never made them before! 


    Not the best procurement decision!!

    Thaksin got a good kickback on them. They lasted about one week.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    One guy comes up with the idea of flogging clocks with Yingluck's photo on. And you interpret that as a big chunk of the population? Right to.


    Wonder if those nice kids ever got and are still using the tablets that were "just like Yingluck's"

    They were supposed to be Apple Ipads. But then  Thaksin got a deal on cheap China,  Android knockoffs.

  11. 13 hours ago, binjalin said:

    I seriously doubt that Yingluck's popularity will wilt. You might think it would and those that proffer the 'she ran' approach will want you to think that but the Thais I know thinks she was smart to leave as she was going down big time by the Junta courts. It ain't over until it's over. Doubt the Shinawatras will ever get power back but they are seen as bright lights by most ordinary Thais.


    Thaksin's era is seen as bountiful and happier and Yinglucks as dogged by the elite and crushed by them as yet another coup came along to frustrate the will of the people. Most think, believe, hope that one day this will change. 

    Thaksins era of death and total destruction!

  12. 14 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    That will piss Prayut off no end. Thaksin is gone, Yingluck is gone, but big chunks of the population look forward to them coming back to take power once more. Now more than ever, I bet he wished he had won the popularity poll published earlier this week. All of his efforts look to be coming to nothing in the long run. And House Shinawatra will rise again. This saga is more intriguing than Game of Thrones!

    like a Phoenix, She will rise from her back yard. LOL

  13. 6 hours ago, halloween said:

    But you can compare a corrupt politician to a policeman's killer, if you think it helps your agenda. Or at least deflect the thread from the subject, another corrupt Shinawatra.

     Yingluck is a serial killer. The other only killed one policeman. Many farmers commited suicide, Because of what Thaksin and Yingluck did.

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