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Posts posted by ovi1kanobi

  1. On 8/29/2017 at 11:51 PM, starky said:

    Yeah right so you think she has been "disappeared" and big brother is just gonna cop it on the chin. I'm calling zero credibility on that one sorry mate.

    Maybe her brother  wanted her gone. she was going to turn on him and tell authorities everything. To save her own skin. Then Thaksin would have to get rid of her. I believe that is what happened.

  2. 1 hour ago, stephen tracy said:

    We must also not forget that this is the same man that consults soothsayers for both personal and policy matters. Once he clamed that the reason he was ill was because "bad people" were casting spells on him (red-shirts).  The same guy that jailed Pai Dao Din for sharing a BBC article, created "attitude adjustment", blamed rape on foreign women being too attractive, and actually deployed security forces to reduce the number of hip-thrusts in a musical performance.  He actually used the state security apparatus and resources to be deployed at a concert because he found the performance distasteful. In the West that would be the end of your career as a head of state.  Talk show hosts and comedians would have a field day with some of the stuff this guy has done/said, but of course, they would be able to do that because they wouldn't be threatened with a jail sentence for doing so as they live in a society where speech is not a crime.  And what I have just mentioned is the tip of the ice-burgh.  What remains a mystery to me - even more so that the disappearance of Yingluck, Lord Lucon and the Barbuda Triangle  - is how anyone can possibly have confidence in this man as a head of state.  The support he has among both Thais and foreigners alike, seems to be the result of a seriously disturbing, pathological hatred of the Thaksin and the red-shirt mob.  As in, it's completely irrational. 

    hsve you seen lam yai dance its x rated. We dont need young girls to see it.

  3. 55 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

    reserves grew

    debt dropped

    30 baht health care scheme

    employment grew

    infant mortality dropped

    village funds helped tens of thousands

    GDP grew



    yea he did "NOTHING"  slam him for his faults (and there are many) not say he did "NOTHING"

    And he had nothing to do, with any of the things you just mentioned. LOL. The debt droped Then he had Thailand borrow billions of baht for the rice scam. That has left Thailand with the terrible economic problems it has now.

  4. 20 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

    Whoa there...!   let's not let a few facts spoil the insinuation huh?


    Thaksin founded AIS etc. long before he joined politics (in 1994). He was greedy and unethical, no doubt, but probably the same as every other politician. He also did much good in Thailand, particularly for the poor who love him still. Who else has ever even attempted to help them?  Yingluck and that's about it. Anyway past is past and Thailand needs a new direction neither red nor yellow.



    What good did he do?  "NOTHING"

  5. 34 minutes ago, Lemonltr said:

    The "Shin" family might well have been behind this scheme but EQUALLY might have not. It was arranged by a commerce minister and OTHERS to set up a fake transaction.

    I am not saying it was not the PM but no proof so far of who.

    The only sympathy I have for Boonsong is the length of the sentence.

    Other than that as a high ranking minister he was well established as part of the despicable patronage system. He could have resigned and not taken part. 

    I'm sure that as well as licking upwards he did his fair share of kicking down and sure he financially benefited.

    Now what?  According to Thai practice he will be have found to have hung himself in his cell by his socks or maybe his spaghetti meal.

    These were Thaksins plans To ruin Thailands economy. While filling his bank accounts. Payback to the thai people. For being banned from his homeland. If he cant have Thailand no one will.

  6. 2 hours ago, greenchair said:

    Let the punishment fit the crime. 

    In my opinion this punishment went far beyond a reasonable fit of the crime. I'm not even sure if it was him involved, but just signed off on it, whilst his deputy was the main benefactor of the whole thing. It sounds more like a  warning to boonsong from suranand. A slight change would be... In politics some stories die with you. There are things You should not talk about , and you understand this well. I sympathise with you, but you are bound by this condition. A nice reminder of boonsong words "I can't talk about it "

    Put together with a headline boonsong suffers the fate of the hired gun. 

    Things are not always as they seem in Thailand. 

    Dont do the crime, If you cant do the time.....And dont drop the soap!  He got what he deserved. LOL

  7. 3 hours ago, Becker said:

    Hooray is a strong word and not one I would use - but that's up to you. Of course, you just had to throw in a deflection calling it "red democracy" when it was just plain democracy. You do remember that the Shins won several elections in a row absolutely crushing the dems, right?

    Of, and instances of violence from any side is not an excuse to overthrow a legal government and suspend basic human rights.

     You do remember, they paid five hundred baht, for every vote. Or did that slip your mind? And yes I saw the money change hands. Buying votes, does not make a legal election.

  8. 4 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

    As i read this i can see it has the 'earmarks' of being written by some farang married into a 'red-shirt' family......

    ""I get the impression that Yingluck isn't that much of a fool."" (end Quote)   Did you get that impression from the 'red-shirt' family???

    ""No, it was an honest attempt to help the farmers"" (end quote)   Maybe try: an honest attempt of a crooked government (Yingluck's) to funnel a lot of money into their own pockets and 'throw the farmers a crumb'....... The Shinawatra's knew that you could buy the poor farmers cheaper than any other large population, and since they had already won the hearts of those poor farmers that those poor farmers would never suspect them of being crooked and just chalk the losses up to 'accident'........ It might have worked...........

    But if you still believe that Yingluck is innocent, go be a witness in the courts and................... ALSO try to explain it all to the poor families whose family members 'committed Suicide' because of not getting their money to pay off their own commitments, because of her 'criminal rice scheme'.........

    My wife from loi et told me. If i dont say good things, on thai visa. About, Thaksin and his family. Shes going lock up my private parts, for another week!

  9. 6 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Agree that Yingluck wouldn't have been daft enough to get caught with her hand in the till. Too smart for that given who her brother is. But "it was an honest attempt to help the farmers" - your're having a laugh.

    The Shins are generous to a fault mate. Its a well known fact, throughout the land. Sometimes they give the keys to their new Cadillac, to a complete stranger. They see on the street.

  10. 37 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Unless she soon show up in public, we may never know.


    Something far worse than a simple escape could also have happened to her.

    She never left that house. Someone should excavate her back yard. Also xray the walls,  In her bedroom! For signs of a cadaver.

  11. 1 hour ago, Sig said:

    I can't even imagine by the remotest sense of any kind of reality, other than that created by blind personality cult followers, that she is anything other than guilty. And I've never seen any kind of argument that holds an ounce of water that would make me even think for a moment that there might be some scintilla of evidence somewhere that might show her to be innocent. I remember the very first time the whole idea of the rice scam was floated. It was obvious on its face that it could not possibly succeed and was obviously just a piggy bank for the insanely corrupt elite. I was shocked when it eventually actually got enacted... well not really shocked since I know where I am, but no sane and moral person would have ever given the plan a second glance. She is culpable to the nth degree. And now, apparently, she goes and hides out with her likewise corrupt immoral brother. They are so extremely wealthy, if they really cared about Thailand, why don't they use their wealth for something to help Thailand rather than just helping themselves and their friends gain more wealth? Their political machinations have been for no other purpose than to use the country to line their coffers. They are fraudsters to the nines and have no conscience.

    Post of the day. "Congratulations"

  12. 9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Lots of unconfirmed reports that she is in Dubai, but I have yet to see any actual confirmation. I am sure she has enough friends here that she could remain hidden locally, as well or better than a certain monk. After all the best place to hide is right under peoples noses.

    I would have bloody good laugh if after all the palaver it turned out she hadn't run off at all.

    I think shes burried in her back yard. she never left that house. It was the last place she was seen alive.

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