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Posts posted by ovi1kanobi

  1. 56 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

    don't do drugs mate. and yes, it is flavored and that sweet candy flavour is purposely put in it to get kids hooked. by the way if you really are smoking that <deleted> you need to have a strong word with yourself.

    I have been here 25 years, And yes Its a red pill. And they dont sweeten it for children. Thats a myth. Because its smoked. not taken oraly. 



  2. 5 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

    been here 21 years. mate. never taken yaba or meth despite arriving here when i was only 19 years old. but once again i can assure you that the red yaba that you have obviously tried was dyed. it used to come in alot of different colours but, like meth, is originally white. i am right by the way. ask your dealer ; )

    He is right, yaba is always red. seen it enough on tv to know that.

  3. 1 minute ago, Ricardo said:

    Yes, ridiculous that she should leave their son with his father, I mean she always took him with her on her many diplomatic-trips overseas when in-power, didn't she  ...  erm  ...  :whistling:


    You're not allowed to point that out, it would make a mockery of all the posters who recently condemned Prayuth, when he held-his-nose and made a short diplomatic-visit to visit the 'elected' leader of Cambodia. :wink:



    My son is currently of-age to do his voluntary-training, it's a series of two-week camps over three years followed by a week of testing/appraisal, although some international-schools up here also do an hour-or-two of drill-practice mid-week after-school as well. Of course the local-to-Bangkok training-camp may do things differently.


    I'm quite pleased with it so far, a bit of discipline & the chance to fire a carbine, won't do him any great harm IMO.

    Sounds like boot camp!

  4. 5 hours ago, zyphodb said:

    I think you have hit the nail on the head here, a deal was done that she was "helped" to escape on the condition that she, and her brother keep their mouths shut to give the Junta a clear run, & her son is a hostage to this....

     It would certainly fit the mindset of the people involved...

    Why else whould she leave her only son......And the mother of the year award goes to........

  5. 52 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    .??? What?

    didnt I say that?

    or are you confused about the fact that one can cross a border, albeit land, in a plane?

    to clarify, just for you..... lol.... nah.... have a coffee and think about it, and if that makes your head hurt, take two aspirin and don't bother getting back to me



    Re-Read your own post. And then edit it.

  6. 25 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    So.... vehicular convoy to the Cambodian border, then. (Or as near as)?


    as much as some posters regularly decry the arm chair sleuths of/on this forum, I do seem to remember that right at the beginning of this international disappearance mystery, there were many posts about her crossing into Cambodia border via a land border :cheesy:


    good work chaps... seemingly those faithless few are having a lesson on the powers of barstool detective work. The BiB are two weeks behind y'all (maybe they really should read these pages)..... so crack into another brew and enjoy. :clap2:

    That is a land boarder. Sherlock

  7. 13 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

    I can................ I share my love with a 'real' Thai wife (21 years) in the US and a 'Mia-Noi' (21 years) in Pattaya and a number of 'kiks' ranging usually from 2 to 7 at times............ I am NOT selfish in love at all..................... (or money) I can't take it with me I am told........ LOL.......

    It has been 'Pricey'....... however......... I have 'paid' for it all (30 plus years)........ Nobody is hurting, and I am as happy as a 'fool' can be.......... A few children or parents of these 'kiks' have a little better life now, and I have 'memories'..... I just wish I could help more of the 'Thai Poor'.........

    The real Thai Mrs. in the US is self-sufficient (for many years), The Mia-Noi in pattaya has some houses and some money in the Bank......... and most kiks are much better off now, and I am a happy man travelling back and forth monthly (although tiring now)......... I love Thailand and I love to see 'Farang money' brought here because it is most of the money that the 'poor' get to see, and it makes 'smiles'...... 'Thai Money' on the other hand is seldom seen by the poor Thais....... Thai money buys 'submarines' and is circulated among the 'HI-SO folks............. In Thailand........... 'Farang money' goes mostly to the 'poor' (through the girls - as in this Topic).... not counting the 'Upper-class Tourists, of course..........

    My post is not in jest...... fully honest, and 100% sincere.......

    If you agree with me try to steer your 'Farang Money' to the 'poor'.... Not Gov't. or Hi-So rich.....

    You have helped the poor people in Issan. More then Thaksin and lingluck combined!

  8. 3 hours ago, scorecard said:


    Your wrong on:



    He's attending a free choice course (no push from anybody), with family approval.


    Many Thai boys register for an attend this course (with parental approval) because it fully cancels the normal requirement for all Thai men to attend the conscription ballet in their early twenties.



    I would say its more like a tango, Between Yingluck and Prayuth.

  9. 5 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    You seriously think she's really missing? Do you think her brother, his PR machine, her son, her husband, all her siblings and in-laws, all the PTP party doyens and UDD mouth pieces, would be this stone silent if they didn't know where she was?


    Suicide - you actually believe a billionaire hiso elite would contemplate suicide?

    She lost face. Of course suicide is possible.

  10. 10 minutes ago, DrPhibes said:

    Yingluk and Bro are doing exactly what they should be doing.  Keeping everyone focused on how the most watched person in Thailand got away.  If they were to speak, it turns the spotlight away from the "Holy S_ _t" shuffle of ludicrous explanations coming out of the government.  Let'm stew is the right thing to do.

    They live for publicity. This is not like them. And the redshirts are waiting for their marching orders.

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