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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. Until there is a real rule of law nothing will change here. You can't have one set of rules for the rulers and another for the subjects.

    There is nothing here to discourage the rulers from being corrupt, it's actually the reason they get into politics.

    There is nothing democratic about vote buying, until they actually understand what a democracy is, there will never be any.

    Inequality is the main cause of most countries troubles, and Thailand thrives on it and even promotes it, worship the "haves" over the "have nots".

    Now the trend seems to be control, register all SIM cards and now they have the right to search your property including your computer without a warrant.

    Interesting how this is all happening as the US pushes for control and censorship over the Internet. If you pursue spying on your people, you the ones spying

    will open the doors to being spied on.

    Thailand seems to be slipping under the control of foreign powers, aka the UN, the skies have been poisoned with chem trails, the water has been poisoned

    with fluoride, (Thai children lowest IQ in the region, it's working as planned) the food has been poisoned with GMO's, mandatory vaccine schedules, and the list goes on.

    I fear what just happened in France is going to happen here as the Thai government system is not stable and there already is a Muslim issue going on in the south.

    It would not be difficult for the CIA to really screw things up. The Thai just don't know who they are playing with.

    • Like 1
  2. I would never live near a school, there is a small private school about 1/2 km away, trust me, that's as close as would care to come, blasting speakers!

    There is a market down the road, far enough to be out of earshot more or less, so they pump the guy on the mic on loudspeakers throughout the neighborhood.

    I am lucky, there are no speakers close to my house, but then again i can hear just fine.

    I would never live near a temple. yes there are many all around me, but just far enough to where I can hear them well enough but it's not loud enough

    to affect overriding anything in the house, but yes, music and movies sometimes until 3am or more. I could not imagine being any closer.

    Motorbike racing with straight pipes is huge around here, cars or trucks blasting music. The buses have speakers on the outside of them blasting music.

    It's a weird place, i like the abundance of fresh food. :) Being considerate is still in the works, they'll get there maybe.

  3. I can see a Chinese-Thai, on that came from China and became a Thai citizen.

    Vice versa for a Thai moving to China and becoming a citizen of China.

    But I know many Thai people, born and raised in Thailand as were their parents and

    still they refer to themselves as Chinese. Is "Chinese" a race?

    The Thai that go to American and become citizens are Americans, there is I'm sure

    a Thai-American community, but being an American is not a race thing.

    How can someone be Thai and be Chinese?

  4. one should consider that the only reason cannabis is illegal is because the US paid a huge amount of money to make it illegal.

    Cannabis used to be cooked and served in food and bought locally at the markets. The US put an end to that,

    they took the most medicinal plant on the planet and instantly turned an entire culture into criminals overnight.

    Let's get back to the real Thai culture when food was medicinal and not about getting stoned.

    • Like 2
  5. Fake a hacking job from a country that has only 4 international Internet cables into a country that has over 150,000 cables and while you're at it implicate Thailand just for fun because they'll believe anything. Create a stir so you get the stalled bill in the house that would give Obama complete control over the Internet a false sense of urgency to get passed. Then Sony can release their stupid movie as planned after a ton of free publicity about it. All in a day's work, now on to the next false flag.

    The White House in order to make this sound somewhat believable said they wanted North Korea to compensate Sony ha ha! cheesy.gif

    • Like 2
  6. Baidu is not a virus, it's a search engine that redirect or hijacks your settings to go to their website instead of your other choices, such as Google.

    You don't have to freak out over it, if you don't like it then don't use it.

    FYI - Antivirus programs won't get rid of it for that reason, it's not a virus. You have to remove as per my instructions.

    • Like 2
  7. NetVideoHunter is the best video downloader of them all in my opinion.

    Not just youtube videos, but any video including those embedded on websites.

    When getting rid of Baidu, use an uninstaller such as RevoUnistaller and let it search for remnants.

    If you have any shortcut icons either in the taskbar or on the desktop, right click on those, then properties and see if Baidu is there also.

    Click on the Windows icon and in the bottom where is says Search Programs and Files, type in regedit and then use the search function

    in your registry editor to find anything Baidu related.

    Clear any Baidu related cookies and anything in all browser histories Baidu related. Easy to search them out.

    Make sure your browsers are not set to Baidu as the home page as well. Cheers!

  8. the concept of consequence still doesn't exist in this country.

    Yes the road should have been clearly marked and of course both

    in the car should have been wearing a seat belt. I've never seen a child in a seat belt,

    usually they are sitting on the driver's lap or hanging over one of the seats.

    Yes it's irresponsible not to fix the road and just as much irresponsible if not more to

    not have your child secured in the vehicle.

    The car was not totaled, it was the impact from within that killed her.

    All too sad in so many ways. sad.png

    • Like 2
  9. I had no idea canning was banned in 1999, I used to see it every day at the school I was teaching at. blink.png

    In fact every teacher carried one including myself, but in my case it was to rap on the desk or whiteboard

    in order to get their attention. Foreign teachers are not allowed to hit the students, that's reserved for the

    Thai teachers only and they students are well aware of that.

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