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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. Of COURSE enhanced interrogations produced successful results. They led to Bin Ladin being caught. Trying to pretend otherwise is idiotic. The only real argument is whether it is ethical to torture terrorist murderers to prevent more attacks on innocent civilians.

    Interesting that people still perpetuate the Bin Laden getting caught story.

    So you believe that Bin Ladin was dead 10 years before he was killed by the Navy Seals. Is there any reason why we should take anything else you have to say on the subject seriously?

    Don't take anything I say seriously, go look it up for yourself, it's public information.

    Unfortunately most of the seals involved have been killed, so we can't ask them.

  2. this looks to me like super spin job.

    If it was secret, how would we know?

    There were no secret prisons, we all knew there were there.

    "We have never allowed the US to use our space for detention or torture and there have never been any requests to do so."

    who's "we"? most Thais that I know knew this was set up by Thaksin.

    Thailand did not have any secret prisons, those belonged to the US.

    The army didn't know, I am not the army comes to mind.

    I think the reason Obama released this information is to throw the US under the bus once again and

    to screw Bush and all his cronies for killing so many of his brotherhood family.

    Anyway you look at it, it is not being done in the name of transparency. Just my opinion of course. wai.gif

  3. I think the guy you're talking about makes 10K THB per day and has been doing this for years.

    He also gives a huge amount of money to one of the temples each year. We see that on the TV.

    The extra long pants tied at the bottom sure do you look like he has lost limbs,

    but he's been doing it for years and that's his "job", everyone knows him, he works hard

    for his money and he's far from homeless. You have to give him credit where credit's due.

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  4. Drug use on the rise.

    This is the product of that. Senseless crimes wicked in nature which only human numbed on drugs could do.

    Inequality on the rise is more like it.

    Thailand as all the symptoms.

    more smokers, drinkers,drugs, school drop outs, teen pregnancies, crime.

    obviously if you're Thai and commit a crime, good chance you'll get off whereas

    you used to have to be rich but now blame a foreigner works too. blink.png

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I'm glad Steve Jobs didn't have your attitude towards new technology.

    So they will buy a Prius, a Nissan LEAF and a Chevy Volt and reverse engineer them.

    What are they going to charge the batteries with? More coal fired power plants?

    Do they know what they are going to do with 200 kgs of batteries when they need replacing?

    Do they know what small market share electric cars have in the developed world?

    Do they know that manufactures don't make real money on these cars, but rather sell them to be PC?

    Do they know that even then the cars are expensive compared to those with just an internal combustion engine?

    Do they know that the USA has a 100 year supply of natural gas already drilled with many more places to drill?

    Do they know the sticker shock for the consumer when he has to replace the batteries?

    Do they know that these cars are more often rich guys toys rather than the main family car?

    Do they know that "peak oil" is a myth for our lifetimes and that more oil is being discovered every year than is being used causing the supply to increase? Think Russia, Canada, Brazil and the US just for starters, and the UK with natural gas.

    Do they know how clean the newer internal combustion engines run, and what great fuel economy some of them can get?

    Do they know that some places are beginning to consider an annual tax on cars instead of a fuel tax because fuel economy is improving so much not enough tax is being paid to maintain the roads?

    This announcement ranks right up there with big announcements of government to government rice sales that never happened.

    I saw a generator the runs on water and already in production, that would work. I've also seen plenty of

    free energy electric generators that would work too. Not sure why all the negativity. Doesn't have to be

    batteries does it?

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