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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. Meanwhile, America tries to promote the use of GMO crops in Thailand - ho hum.

    GMO products are beneficial, intelligent, and healthy. The problem is they are copyrighted. Look up Golden Rice -- something that could aid world hunger, but is way monetized. They grabbed the low-hanging fruit - easily modified rice, the world's largest staple crop, then claimed ,millions in research and blah, blah blah .... they maybe spent a half million dollars and are being trolls. The price reductions and constraints will wind down and down until...someone can actually afford it.....No farmer is going to agree to buy one company's seeds for a lifetime...it is not smart. People underestimate farmers,. All around the world.

    Penny wise and dollar dumb to the end

    The Golden Rice boys thought -- Asians love rice, farmers are stupid, and we are going to make a Killing!

    Uh, not so much. The public relations was and is a permanent joke -- but the investors are not laughing.....


    you're kidding right?

    Monsanto does not allow GMO foods to be served on their premises, fact!

    GMO's cause organ failure and tumors, fact, not fiction as well as sterility.

    the GMO crops lack in nutrition as well as use way more chemicals.

    The chemicals used contain Glyphosate which kills so much in the soil, the good bacterias

    that it allows pathogens to take over.

    from Dr. Mercola's website;

    • Two key problems caused by glyphosate in the diet are nutritional deficiencies, especially minerals, and systemic toxicity
    • Glyphosate is possibly "the most important factor in the development of multiple chronic diseases and conditions that have become prevalent in Westernized societies,” according to researchers
    • Your gut bacteria are a key component of glyphosate’s mechanism of harm, as microbes have the pathway used by glyphosate to kill weeds
    • Glyphosate causes extreme disruption of microbes’ functions and lifecycles. What’s worse, glyphosate preferentially affects beneficial bacteria, allowing pathogens to overgrow
    • Two key problems in autism unrelated to the brain yet clearly associated with the condition are both linked with glyphosate exposure: gut dysbiosis, and disrupted sulfur metabolism/impaired sulfate transport

    GMO's should be illegal, in Zimbabwe, I heard growing GMO's results in the death penalty, and that's the way it should be.

    Over 26 countries have banned GMO and places like Saudi Arabia don't even allow any food that has GMO's in it, and that's the way it should be.

    This statement of yours - "GMO products are beneficial, intelligent, and healthy" means either you're totally misinformed or you're trolling. I would like to think you're trolling.

    • Like 1
  2. The possession and growth of any 1830/2003/EG (“GM Traceability”). In the RASFF system only for fresh papaya, a strain from Hawaii, is mentioned. This problem is discussed very wide in Thai publications.

    For rice:

    a) The Norwegians found the Chinese strain in : wild rice from Sweden", see RASFF 2010.0853

    So OR it is no "wild rice" OR maybe packed in Sweden, but not the origin OR.. the Swedish forest trolls are manipulating the DNA of the there grown wild rice.

    cool.png Also the USA strain is found once see RASFF 2011.0491 in Vietnamese rice.

    c) Swiss authorities reported via the Common Services (CS) : 2009.0360 unauthorized genetically modified (Bt 63 rice) rice noodles from Thai President Food Plc – Thailand, but a genetically-modified rice strain originated in China. The Thai Department of Agriculture inspected the returned shipment and found no contamination.

    The Swiss did some additional tests the years later:

    Indeed, in 2009, competent authorities in Switzerland tested several samples of rice products for the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

    In three samples, traces of GM rice were found.

    One of these three samples was a sample of rice noodles of Thai origin. The analysis showed the low-level presence of GM rice Bt63. This result lead to the RASFF alert 2009.0360.

    Since 2009, a number of rice product samples have been tested by the competent food control authorities in Switzerland for the presence of traces of GMOs. The results are

    2009: 84 samples tested, 3 positive (Bt63), as mentioned above;

    2010: 183 samples tested, all negative;

    2011: 56 samples tested, all negative;

    2012: 76 samples tested, all negative.

    Remind, the RASFF database is of the combined EU food authorities, in which they all have to publish any lab finding which is in violation with EU food laws, in force since 1979.

    And please remind: when the EU governmental labs find something, it is IMPOSSIBLE they made a mistake. God might make mistakes, but EU gov. labs... never.

    I don't believe this sentence for a minute - "The possession and growth of any GMO in Thailand is forbidden and punishable under Thai Law"

    I know for a fact that food grown in Thailand is tested for GMO's and things like corn and papaya are grown with GMO's. If GMO's were not grown

    in Thailand, not sure why Monsanto would be a customer of the companies that do testing for the gov't and Thai FDA as well as other organizations.

    The people I know at one of these companies have told me that the papaya used in somtam is surely GMO unless organic and the yellow corn as well.

    The links for the in this sentence - See also here Thailand. One is referring to rice, which is not GMO and the other is supposed to be an article which doesn't come up.

    The website http://www.thaitrade.com is a product site in which some mention non GMO and other do not.

    If I guy tofu, it has to say non-GMO, same with soy sauce. The brand with the ship on it does say non-GMO. Why do some say non-GMO and others do not?

  3. i am in the process of securing another ED visa, the school just notified me today that they can't find a Chinese teacher so they want to find me another class, not Chinese language but something else I don't want to take.

    Can I go to Savannakhet and get a double or triple entry visa to hold me over while I look for another school, I don't have time to do another ED visa with another school before the 30th of this month.

    I don't plan on buying any plane tickets, would there be a problem do you think? thanks

  4. I was all set to take Mandarin this year and have an ED Visa and the school (TLS) notified me that they could not get a teacher for me being the only student.

    Are there any schools in preferably in Nonthaburi where I can take Mandarin and acquire the ED Visa as well?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I could do it in Bangkok if need be, but I don't want to have to travel too far from Nonthaburi.

  5. You would have to be fairly gullible to be offering alms to fake monk front right..the one with the Michael Jackson hair.

    Classified as a temple assistant.

    One reason I don't make any donations - either they are fakes or if "real" a lot of the time lazy lay-about's sponging on the Thai people. Genuine monks don't come with their hands out.

    The genuine monks go out every day to collect alms -- be it food or clothing or medicine. What are you talking about?

    When the monks go "out for alms" they are not going for the purpose of collecting anything. They do it for the people that want to receive the prayers and blessings.

    The people in return for their services like to donate, therefore the monks allow them to do so and make is easier and more humble by carrying something to keep and carry the offerings from the people. They also don't have to touch the "gifts".

    It is disrespectful to turn down a gift, regardless of what it is, so by the good graces of the monks, they accommodate the people's wishes.

  6. The more affluent the people are the more they will spend on unhealthy food and get overweight or obese.

    Look at the difference between Malaysia 44% obese, and Viet Nam or Cambodia, 10 to 12% obesity.

    Malaysia being the richest country in the area Viet Nam or Cambodia the poorest.

    America and Europe still have not found any remedy to the problem, although they are spending billions to educate the people as to what healthy eating is.

    Sometimes, wealth doesn't help our health issues and I don't foresee any change for the future.

    So by your reckoning only people with money are fat? Sorry but that's rubbish

    How do you explain the obesity in poor people in the west then?

    usually I find the wealthy are more educated and are not buying crap from the convenience stores. Where I live I see tons of severely obese children eating whatever the colored

    frozen crap is that comes from 7-11. To see a child eating some kind of chips in a bag and a huge soda just breaks my heart as grandma has no idea what it's doing to their body.

    One of the worst I've seen is a severely obese boy, so fat to the point of being disabled having a bag of soda held in front of his face constantly by grandma that also was carrying his

    backpack as well as "groceries".

    I don't think the Thai have ever had to distinguish between food and non-foods as all this western crap is very new to them. It's not really a part of their realm yet.

  7. chinese tour guide in bangkok, is that legal ? work permit or not needed because he looks asian ?

    i know, they are harder to spot than the white farang elephant in the room, or the zoo or the wat

    Many Thais speak Chinese, what's the big deal? A Chinese tour guide is

    a tour guide for the Chinese tourists.

    People are so set on being negative, they say the stupidest things.

    A taxi driver returned a lot of money, how can anything about that be negative?

    The reward is not big enough? How about those refusing a reward just because they

    were just doing the right thing. How about get a life? bah.gif

    • Like 2
  8. Okay they have a ship full of oil

    But it must be refines\d and then sold

    Not that many places cn do this job, and cheap oll is a quick give away

    There will be a lot of curruption from here on

    More money will go into other busisness than in the pirates pockets

    I don't think it was bunker C oil, they did say it was lubricant oil, not sure refining is necessary.

    I don't even know if Thailand has an or oil refineries.

  9. you can only have one PayPal account. I tried what you're doing and they wouldn't let me.

    I know people that do not have PayPal now because PayPal found out they had two accounts.

    I had a Thai friend of mine open a PayPal account and connect it to her bank. If need be I can send

    money to her and she can withdraw, it does take 7 days to go from PP to the bank. But in reverse, I

    can give her cash to deposit and she can send me money my PP and from there I can transfer it to

    my bank.

    If you're thinking you can have two accounts, you will probably get both of them deleted when they find out.

  10. "The minimum, taxable monthly salary for most nationalities is 50,000 baht." What about changing these silly draconian laws, and actually adapt the tax to the real salary, and not on one based on race or nationality.

    Time to wake up and step in to the 21st century. Give residency and work permit to those married to a Thai national, ease up burocracy for work permits....wishful thinking probably.

    Thai laws are made on another planet far from reality, no wonder so many break the law.

    So if 50,000 THB monthly is required salary for a work permit, then how do those from the Philippines get work permits when they are paid

    half what a native speaker would be earning. I thought for some reason it was 60,000 THB per month but that may have changed.

    I don't think a native Thai speaker would be earning more than any other teacher in a school in the west teaching Thai, not sure why

    the native speakers here expect so much more, twice or three times what the Thai or other teachers make.

    what is it that makes English so special that foreign English teachers get paid so much more?

    If you want to live in Thailand, then accept whatever it is that they pay everybody else. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

    If you're living here because of the money, if you don't like the pay then you can move. If you're living here because you really like

    Thailand, then the money shouldn't really matter.

    But they should make it easier for all to work and pay tax and let people work for whoever wishes to hire them, just like the Thai enjoy when

    they go to countries in the west. How about a green card and a visa that says you can stay because you are not a burden to society?

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