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  1. He would be better off getting pi##sed with them then he too will because a bull<deleted>ting expert on any topic and don't forget about your 40 year career as a russian double agent .
  2. Thousands of years ago they grew sugar cane and bananas and pineapples in Greenland. YES the climate does change.
  3. Well said what a great explanation about the reallity of changing climate and climate change.It is one of the biggest cons that the world has ever fallen for. All it's doing is bankrupting countries such as Australia and the U.K. who are closing coal mines and gas plants that provide the cheapest forms of electricity to install windmills and solar farms which drive up power prices and are not reliable.How stupid.
  4. He wanted to go in a-head of his mates.
  5. He doesn't look like a transender to me ..just a dick head.
  6. Yep , there's one born everyday.
  7. I used to get really painful gout attacks 35 years ago and eating shell fish set it off 300MG. alapurinol and no gout since and eating prawns no worries.
  8. Stopping at all the traffic lights will certainly slow them down.
  9. The airline knoes your weight because they have a set of weighing scales built in under the floor where you stand to check in.
  10. The good thing about being squashed in your economy seat is that you don't need a seat belt because in a plane crash you won't get thrown out of your seat .
  11. Bobby Boy they woudn't want to be bored shI##- less by you.
  12. Regarding the casinos in Singapore you have to prove that you are a foreigner to get in and they copy your passport .Government regulation.
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