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Posts posted by ICELANDMAN

  1. On 12/15/2020 at 10:36 PM, Olivie said:

    The vaccine needs 2 doses. Thailand population is 70 millions.
    So they need 140 years to vaccinate all thais...


    That looks more like a scam but they are not smart enough to give bigger numbers. They should have asked TAT before...


    The first year passes only for the construction of the plant and the planting of the machinery, which is why it will be only one million doses and that is very optimistic in just one year making the first doses will already be a success, I assume that in the second year the plant will produce at full efficiency for tens or thirty of millions of vaccines.

    It is only scandalous that the government does not invest directly but that the population is being asked to participate.



  2. I note that the expatriate ranking is divided into different rankings; as a tourist, extended holiday, guilty until proven innocent, myself to myself, alien, realist, guest, long stay tourist, Procrustean, no labels, long term visitor, no immigrant, and more ....


    Immigrants are in the minority and I assume they have integrated well.


    Conclusion expatriates are in the majority and therefore it is a signal that the Thai government should take this situation into account if we expats want to leave or if we are forced to leave due to the new laws regarding Visa NON IMMIGRATION such as the new rules of recent years more and more difficult for many of us to respect, many capitals that every month flow into the coffers of the state of Thailand could quickly run out.


    Thank you all for kindly participating


  3. 3 hours ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

    Hehe, you’re never an immigrant. You’re always on “extensions of stay”, for which you must beg and grovel, with more and more ridiculous paperwork each time. They even go so far as to call it a NON-immigrant visa, just in case you forgot.


    You are right that on the visa we receive it is NOT IMMIGRANT but it seems to me that there is no immigrant visa in Thailand, however this indicates very clearly that Thailand does not consider us as immigrants but only as expats and here is all the difference for which we are all subject to changes in the laws that affect us without a security in the future that make Visa laws worse.


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  4. 5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Not useless, just less effective. Plus remember there are different strains.  As such then there will need to be multiple different Covid vaccines, much like the different Flu strains and different vaccines given in all the different parts of the world.  Still want to have an antibody test to see if I have any natural antibodies before deciding which vaccine to take when the day comes.


    it's a good idea make before Antibody test


  5. 21 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

    And the government does nothing, absolutely nothing against this carnage!


    They are only busy misusing politically the Covid pandamic for their own agenda of protecting the political status quo, by prolonging the state of emergency and diverting the public attention away from the real problems of the country. The daily road carnage is one of these unsolved big problems.


    Nothing what this government does regarding Covid is really done by an intention to protect the life of Thailands citizens. They do it for other reasons, because the life of the people is not of any interest for them. Not one jota. Is there any better proof of that than their inactivity regarding the daily road carnage?


    Is no exactly the government make noting he decided now push the drivers go more quickly 120 Km/h for safe life and injured, comic tragic decision.

    All countries reduce speeds but this government does exactly the opposite, what can go wrong


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  6. I think the children who already have a lot of problems now with this world health crisis are at least happy that we don't bring them additional problems because of our health, now these little services are also a nice way to stay in touch and know that we are doing well that they don't have to worry about us old parents again.


    I assume that the question you are asking now is also the fact that we are practically prevented from travelling internationally and this is really heavy for everyone, let's hope that next year in summer we can return to travel again

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  7. 11 minutes ago, Percy P said:

    Condition of entry,  must be injected against the corona VIrus on entry. Already been injected certificate . Well that could be false.


    For now no population in yet the vaccine, after for travel on the world in a few months will be printed in the passport, unlikely to be fake.

  8. 17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:


    A public information campaign will also explain that groups with high natural immunity don’t need to be vaccinated right away.


    I am the groups with high natural immunity again vaccine religion.


    17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:


    Opas confirmed that vaccination will be provided free of charge by the government. Private hospitals can source their own vaccine supply, he added.




    For foreigner special price because this people is "farang"


  9. 2 hours ago, kenk24 said:

    It is not a matter of choice - it is genetic... my father is left handed and both my brother and I are left handed... many years ago, they used to try an change some lefties to right handed, but I assume they have come to accept the genetic difference - about 10% of the population is left handed... 


    for me, there was no choice. I could throw a ball with my left hand, not with my right... found this out very early in life. 


    No one yet despite all the scientific studies understand everything the brain influences on the human body, it can be correct that it is also a genetic factor, however if by accident you lose the use of the hand that is usually used with many exercises and patience and It is possible to recover all the functions of the hand that has been imputed even if the process is not easy


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  10. 1 hour ago, kenk24 said:

    usually because one is dominant... 


    No for everyone, Is dominant because you will use only one, your brain no make any difference right or left, is only question the practice because you choice one normally when your are little boys or maybe because your parents choice for you but you not remember because why you are left or right.

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