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Posts posted by ICELANDMAN

  1. On 12/31/2020 at 8:08 PM, Paradise Pete said:

    Strengthening or "boosting" the immune system is only desirable when the immune system is weakened. If it's already functioning normally then strengthening it would mean that it starts attacking things it shouldn't be attacking.


    It is true what you say but I believe that you decide to take a medicine,  not a medicine if you are not sick, natural medicine is not a food supplement but it is a medicine and like all medicines it can have contraindications


  2. 6 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    The article says she was wheeling it off to an ATM. Normally the ATMs are not inside the supermarket shopping area, but in the area after went through the cashier and have paid. 

    That being said, it doesn’t justify kicking someone. It’s pretty clear it’s a mistake; she wasn’t running away and who steals a shopping cart in broad daylight anyway? You politely tell her that that is your cart; she will be incredibly embarrassed and apologize to which you say Mai Pen Rai with a smile on your face. And none of that is even particularly Thai—it’s how you would handle it anywhere in this world. 

    Whether 30k is justified or not is a different question. He certainly was wrong and deserved to be punished. 


    I agree it's the civilized way but this idiot has a brain in his feet


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  3. 10 hours ago, teacherclaire said:



    Please understand me. I love this country.


         But the honesty of Thai people doesn't exist when people tell you that they're okay, even when you can see that they're very sick. Would you consider that as honest?


    If you can speak Thai, please ask some good looking girls in a chitty chat if they have a friend. "Mee fraend, mai khrap? Most of them answer: " Mai mee, kha." Is that honest?


     Two reasons. They don't like to say no, and the second reason might be that they could get something out of it. 


        And such "little lies" happen almost daily. So please forget honesty.  


    Maybe you never thought that they answer for a question of dignity that is not to lose face, speaking in a general way here in Thailand apart from a few cases there is no crime like in Europe where if you leave something unattended for a few minutes you are sure will not find it anymore, I meant this mainly. I immediately appreciated this when I came to Thailand for the first time.


  4. 53 minutes ago, AlfHuy said:

    Could be worse.

    I heart that some ask every day for some kind of "support".


    Tried to give the end of the month but my partner (bachelor marketing) has already run out of money marketing after two weeks, now changed tactics, keep a housekeeping accounting and arrives almost at the end of the month ????

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  5. 9 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

    How? I'm in the US right now and EVERYONE has masks on. All restaurants have been closed for dinning for 2 weeks now and counting (they were back in the first wave also). People are not having Christmas and seeing friends outside in the cold rather than go inside. Everyone that can work from home is working from home and have been for months. There are no packed markets and other nonsense you see daily in Thailand.


    Despite all of that cases continue to rise. Maybe people just need to accept viruses spread in human populations and we need to stop freaking out like retards. In the end COVID has essentially been 4 flu seasons packed into one year. Not the end of the world people.


    Thailand is either 1) lying about stats, 2) not able to detect the excess deaths/hospitalizations due to poor healthcare infrastructure or  3) Thais are mostly immune from these Sars-Cov family viruses (just like native Americans died of small pox which the European settlers safely carried).

    I agree with what you say, while Westerners have checked a lot of the population in Thailand they have not checked anything since November last year, the Covid has spread well in Thailand thanks to Chinese tourists without any reaction from the government and only 80 dead they are for those who want to believe in the lies of the government, now they want to vaccinate the whole population but they know it will be impossible so lies are the best reliable information in Thailand where the truth is reversed.

    In any case, it is established that Covid is a danger only for 20% of the population in Western countries


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  6. 4 hours ago, Speedhump said:

    You explained the difference. How can you claim to be an immigrant in a country that only allows you to visit? I was in UAE for 13 years but could never claim the permanent right to settle, and the same in Thailand. 


    Yet ignorant people try to say that calling yourself an 'expat' is displaying arrogance whereas it's only being entirely accurate. ????


    If you go to Malaysia " The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H)" you can get the right of permanent stay ten years after renovated automatics if the conditions no changed.

  7. 4 hours ago, Bradmeister said:

    I applaud the OP, in the fostering of another ambiguity other than " Foreigner ". 


    Its befuddled that a country in this day and age, (with the rest of the planet being a huge melting pot, of different races, religions, creeds, and ethnicity,) would still be calling non-Asians : Foreigners. 


    Im especially humored when my children (who are half Japanese) are addressed by Locals in Thai, and they respond to them in Japanese. 


    So, having said that: I would prefer either title :Expatriate, (which I'm definitely not) or Immigrant.  


    But, I and many others I know would prefer:


    RESIDENTS of Thailand, being part of The General Public, who lives, serves, and daily pays our taxes. 


    I had the same experience last year in Japan when my Thai partner asked for information the Japanese answered her in Japanese, so they did not see any difference, the difference exists only in the history and culture of Thailand, Thailand like Japan has a very closed and traditionalist culture, as in Japan a foreigner will always be considered a foreigner as in Thailand we will always be considered foreign.

    This is part of this country and we cannot change it but we cannot give it too much importance because it is their problem if many fail to consider us as part of their civil community.

    Personally, as already written above, I feel a lot that they consider me "a farang" and proud of it.



  8. 58 minutes ago, George Aylesham said:

    Thanks for this thoughtful response. An immigrant as you suggest is someone who has chosen to live permanently in Thailand. For them to describe themselves as 'expatriates' is to avoid the slightly derogatory feeling of the word 'immigrant' - but immigrants they are! Where am I coming from? A proud and happy retired immigrant to the Land of Smiles.


    Thanks for the suptility of your answer, you can also do this thought thought, I am a tourist for 365 days a year, why not if you feel better and at peace with yourself, but if you do this reasoning I don't think you feel like an immigrant but rather as a person who is free to leave when you and therefore even if you decide to stay in Thailand you are convinced that one day I could change country as when you chose to come to Thailand as a person free to choose.

    But if a person chooses to stay forever as a migrant it does not seem to me that it is pejorative as he has decided it in complete freedom and no one has forced him to stay forever in Thailand, he lives on his job or his income or pension and can look without being disheartened by the IO who will give you the Visa extension.


    After all, all of us who live in Thailand are special people who have had the will and the desire to change country and we are very few compared to the great majority who will never move from their village bell tower and will die in the same place where they were born.


    So immigrants or expatriates as human beings makes no difference because we are free people and we have shown that we can adapt and live in other places easily and without problems.



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  9. Never, because so it was decided that we will travel by electric car and live in smart cities and thus we will save the world perhaps from pollution and therefore the planes and ships will have to reconvert and it will take at least 20 years to modify our entire transport system, in all this time the whole tourism system will be changed into local tourism and not continental or international for mass tourism, the most important part will also be the conversion of international freight transport which will constantly decrease. Everything has been decided for a long time but we no longer know how to listen to what has been said and repeated many times, the green economy. Thailand like many other countries have fallen asleep on their laurels and the awakening will be abrupt.

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