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  • Birthday January 1

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  1. It's simple mathematics find out how much a replacement battery cost and how long it will last before it does not hold the same capacity anymore the math soon goes sour not to mention when these get older who's going to repair them that will be throw away items by another one and not to mention technology has changed even Elon is preferring hydrogen now that's why people not deep down
  2. Well, most aren't taught or know which way to give way to at all They think first in first served no matter what direction. It's just lack of education of traffic laws and lack of enforcement of traffic laws. Lack of care of anything.
  3. I often tell people that wise has to worst support to the extent it's ridiculous of course a strange say I've never had a problem but of course you never have a problem until you want to do something support is ridiculous they just monkey see monkey do they have a list and I just tell you what's in the FAQ they don't think or go out of the way to help you at all In your case the answer is quite simple you don't need to hold anything at all you have a account in Thailand you want to pay into the vendors or whoever the hell you want a new transfer money from your home country from your bank it goes through the y system to the recipient simple as that as for where it goes or where it gets held who cares and you won't find that anyway and the rights are good everybody's happy and fast easy no card needed
  4. Okay yourself a sidecar which is totally illegal but yet everybody has one
  5. Yes, it is all fun and jokes until you get a bill you have to pay, because they are incompetent of working it out correctly. This has happened many times in many places. They just slap on whatever they think because they don't know how to do it. That's not funny at all.
  6. at 60 should be able to go 2 x a day, but need the fantasy attractive thing happening.....
  7. I was under the understanding for many years and for many sources and myself that only in Thailand can and O visa be obtained and outside Thailand one can obtain the OA visa
  8. Can anyone tell me and show me links or official text on showing 800k in the home bank account from your own country as I thought this was not possible and think about the 800k you know Thai bank account how it cannot ever go below 400k is that all out the window is it I don't get it appreciate positive healthful comments thank you very much and good health to all
  9. Well said my good Thai lady friend who lives in the UK many years and divorced from a Brit but lives there comes back occasionally and taught me how some guy in daylight just went up to her in the street and followed her enhance breasts she is small and slim and after she unloaded an unholy mouth full of English street abuse at him he ran off in amazement but yes they seem to think it's all there for the groping no doubt get into a lot of trouble some of the times
  10. There are some nice good-hearted fun-loving Thai girls around they're not all hard-ass bar girls.. What's a photo or two to further welcome to Thailand ... But these t**** take it there's an opportunity to go over the line
  11. I see no mention that he is good or not but the fact he got caught is an indication he's not that good isn't it but this opens the topic to a wider discussion you know what they say a thief knows a thief and so on so on just speculating here I mean if it was a drunk fat white guy he probably would not have even noticed it would have been a better mark for the nimble fingered lad
  12. Why do gooders will be the undoing of the Western world already Done already so would you talk down at the Thai cops for rounding up the blacks in Bangkok for racism or do they simply use logic that they are here for a suntan and enjoying themselves spending money on their holidays. Ohh they have loads of drugs in their apartment go figure geniuses... just get it done boys
  13. Until they can workout how to get funds from weed like they do alcohol in every country suddenly it's healthy and legit to consume as much as possible as long as their pockets keep filling up for their needy coffers

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