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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. 4 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    But there are rules and laws, clearly written, its just that they are not applied consistently, so people take risks that they will get through, even if there is a question mark over that. Then they get hacked off when they get caught out and stopped.  But knowing that there are rules, don't take the risk that you will be refused entry.  It's not that hard really. 

    I agreed. That's the reason I wish to see a rule that says, for example, two visa exempt entry and no more than 180-day in the country with a Tourist visa. Problem solved. No arbitrary decision based on the mood of an IO. 

    • Like 2
  2. 48 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

    Difficult for them to get SETVs coming straight from site to 'home'. Not all these people are married, a lot are under 50 and a lot still refrain from extension based on retirement as jobs could become available in Thailand (it is still an option in certain fields) and as we all know, it is very difficult to get a WP on a retirement extension.

    They can always buy a 20 year elite for one mil. If the option remains (like unlimited visa exemption), nobody in their right mind will buy elite. The only way to rectify the situation without harassing, detaining, and sending  visitors back for unnecessary expense is to limit visa exempt entry at airport to two and total time on tourist visa in the country for 180-day in a calendar year. Any software can figure it out how many days the person was in the country in the calendar year. 

    • Like 1
  3. I'm going to try using my IRA account next year when I apply for my second O-A . I remember seeing a YouTube video where the applicant was successful using IRA accounts. You may search for that in YouTUbe and contact the poster for first hand information or take the risk and send your IRA statements. I guess it will be accepted. My suggestion is to send minimal information that meets requirement. If you have 800K BHT in IRA (which you have), send three months statements only. No need to mix SSI income with IRA balance. You may send SSI reward letter to prove you're retired.

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, pr9spk said:

    Anyone who is rich enough to be a perpetual tourist can:


    1. Buy an elite visa for Thailand.




    2. Take their money somewhere where they will be appreciated and not have to jump through outrageous immigration requirements.

    There is always an underlying reason why a person becomes a perpetual tourist in Thailand. A perpetual wealthy tourist will visit lots of lots of country and his frequency of visit to Thailand may be no more than 2/3 per year. 

    The OP seems to have money to go back to USA/Europe every month and your suggestion is a good one to buy an elite. 

  5. 38 minutes ago, madmen said:

    Not true. Just get the appropriate visa . What has expensive flights have to do with anything?

    Appropriate visa means TV or METV? But there is not guarantee with those visas also unless they change the rule and make it specific like how many times one can enter, how many days one can stay, days in between entries, etc. Just like they have now for land border crossing, e.g. two visa exempt entries. They have to change the rules for TV holders also, otherwise huge pressure will be on neighboring embassies as perpetual tourists will start using those embassies to obtain new visas.


    I hope something will emerge after the new government is formed. This uncertainty is a huge crisis for perpetual tourists. They should know the rules of the land for the peace of mind and not risk a denial and further expense back.  

    • Like 2
  6. If you're a perpetual tourist, your safest bet is to fly to KUL, then to Penang, and then cross the border by land, at least at present Of course, they may start attacking that border soon, if people started using it frequently. And in two years when their software will be in all borders (highly likely), any border will be risky to enter for perpetual tourist. 


    Did they send you directly to US or the country or your last boarding airport?

    What is your plan now? May be members can suggest a better or less riskier plan for you to keep visiting your GF.

    How old are you?

    Did you ask them when can you can come back?

    If you don't mind answering, r u a digital nomad (or a remoter worker)?


    BJ said recently they would be using AI software at the border crossing. This is the most dangerous use of AI. They can simply amend their laws to give peace of mind to travelers who won't risk a denial at the airport. It is becoming a huge crisis for travelers. I hope they do something after the new government is formed to ease the mind of travelers. 

  7. 5 hours ago, KhunFred said:

    The rest is kept in my American credit union to pay credit card bills.

    This question may be unethical, so if you don't want to answer it is OK. I wonder why you're paying your credit card bills? Do you have real estate in America? If you don't pay, they cant touch your SS and if you don't pay, they cant put a  lien on your house if you don't have one. I have close to half a million dollars (in 70 cards. I am credit card collectors) of available credits in my credit cards. I won't lie but often I have the desire to charge and not pay. I don't care if they ruin my credits and it drops below 500.

    • Confused 1
  8. 1 hour ago, BestB said:

    but in all honesty what Is wrong with us westerners? Why TAT not investing as much energy and resources to attract  westerners ?

    Thailand is already popular with Westerners as destination for cheap sex that they could not afford in Europe and America. There is no need to spend any more energy and resources to attract Westerners. Western tourists have plateaued and now they are trying to attracts Asians for growth.

  9. On 3/3/2019 at 3:46 AM, SupermarineS6B said:

    Who didn't see this one coming ?   ( How to destroy your countries tourist industry in one go)   La la land, where the inmates now the control the asylum.......

    Only 8.5% Chinese and 6.5% Indians hold passport and it is going to double within a few years. This is we are talking about 300 million or close to 40% of entire Europe's population. We have not seen the tsunami that is coming. There will be plenty of tourists to keep Thailand's foreign currency coffers full for years to come. 

  10. 32 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    The West led the end of slavery world-wide - a practice that had been ubiquitous everywhere, until that happened. 

    Yes some enlightened people who first acknowledged the problem and then led the efforts. But how does it make your personal achievement? Your birth is just a freak of nature that you're born in the West and able to earn dollars. There is no personal achievement for being born in the West unless you are able to earn at least ten times the average incomes of Thais and spend it here. Thailand has no problem with those types of foreigners as it tries to  escape from the trap of destroying their export economy by poor westerners. 


    32 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    By contrast, each and every self-funded foreigner - even the "less rich" ones - brings in the money to support several Thai jobs,

    May be in the informal sector (may be) but destroys good paying jobs in the formal export sector (65% of the economy). 


    32 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    As long as there are subsistence-farm families whose young adults need paying jobs (and there are millions of them), every self-funded visitor helps - creating several jobs for as long they can be wisely-encouraged by the govt/immigration to stay here and keep spending.

    This economic model will destroy export economy and people who have escaped it earlier have to go back to the same trap of foreign source dependent economic model. May be that's what some people want. Thailand to remain poor forever and supply their daughters to old farangs for marriage to escape the poverty. 


    32 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    A government with a "our currency is too strong" problem can order the printing of additional currency to fund social/infrastructure development. 

    Printing of additional currency creates inflation and perpetuate the cycle. It is economy 101. No economic model supports that. 

    32 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    The same is being done in the West, by the same types of traitors, to destroy our dwindling middle-class.

    The middle class is not destroyed in Europe. It is still thriving. But in America it is a different story and different topic and foreign labor is not responsible for that. This topic is for the destruction of Thailand's export economy by foreign sourced incomes. 


    Glad to see some enlightened Thais are working behind the scenes to rectify the trap. And yes, most enlighten people come from the elite class.


  11. 2 hours ago, bigginhill said:

    Is Option A still available? 

    And how do the criteria work? 1+4 ok? 

    Option A is not available anymore. It was for people who came here before 2006 and maintained their investment baed extension since then without interruptions.

    Right now I think one can put 10 mil in a fixed account in a Thai bank or buy government (or state enterprise  corporate bonds) bonds. (yes condo is also allowed)


    If one is ready with 10 mil baht, I think he/she should consult a lawyer and pay $1000 fees to make it bullet proof. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 8 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    It wasn't a "freak of nature" - it was generations of people who worked hard and enacted good policy to provide wealthy nations for their children to inherit. 

    Agreed that their ancestors  worked hard for laying the current economic foundations based on colonizations and chattel slavery. But the poor present retirees did not achieve anything except that they were born in the West to be able to earn dollars. It is not a personal achievement to be born in the West. It is just a freak of nature that one person is born in the West and another in Thailand. 


    8 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    Only so they can suck up more agent-money, as more and more cannot legally qualify, to line their pockets.  There is no logical reason to do this.  Ideally - if doing what is best for average Thai folks - they'd cut it in half.

    Yes, they also have hope and aspirations. They also want to send their kids to private schools. But the freak of nature made them to be born in Thailand. It is not their fault that they are born in Thailand. 


    8 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    There you go again.  It's easy to lower the strength of a nation's currency by the govt Buying Stuff with it.  They don't need to "import certain people" to buy imports or print baht. 

    What stuff government will buy? Buying military equipment does hardly do anything to the economy. It just enrich foreign war mongers. And the foreign currency is not government's to spend. It is not government generated revenue. It belongs to the central bank. Government and private entities can only exchange baht with dollars to buy imported stuff or send dollars back home


    8 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    How about spending on Native English Speakers at a good wage with all the required paperwork On Day One?  Plenty can be done on the Education front here, with a bit more govt-spending.

    Why native english speakers? They can hire Indians and Malaysians at a lower rate but still that does not solve the the foreign currency problem. These people must be paid in Baht, if government does not have revenues, they have to borrow and impose higher taxes to service the debt payment but that does not ease the pressure on Baht. If they send baht back home, that will ease some pressure.


    8 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    The hard thing to do is make a currency stronger if the govt has over-printed the currency.  Going the other direction just means helping your people a bit more.

    Yes, but Thailand is in very good position to accumulate foreign currency due to the influx of huge number of Chinese and Indians who are pouring in foreign currency as tourists. They don't need poor westerners anymore like they did when China and India were poor and needed westerners to bring foreign currency. 


    8 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    All removing more Western expats does is push more Thais out of jobs and back to subsistence farming,

    Removing poor Westerners who perpetuate informal economy and their dollars destroy export economy of the country, thereby destroying good paying jobs and pensions. These are the people who have escaped the trap of earlier generations of dominant informal economy dependent on poor Westerners. Why they want to go back to the same trap again?


    Thailand has to escape this vicious trap. Poor people dependent on informal economy may (i say may) suffer one generations but that sacrifice it has to make by not allowing poor foreigners to migrate to Thailand. If there were bold leaders they could have done it with a stroke of a pen but Thailand lacks bold leaders.

    Slowly removing poor foreigners and making it difficult for new batch of poor foreigners to migrate to Thailand is the only path to escape from the trap of strong baht, destruction of export economy, people's jobs, future pension, their hopes and aspirations.

    Of course, Capitalists can buy imported machineries but that will require high skills labor force that Thailand lacks.  I praise Thailand for understanding the underlying problems of this vicious trap that they have created after the Asian Financial Crisis. May be some intellectual Thais are at work behind the scenes. 


    21st century belongs to Asians and each Asian country will find its solution to escape the economic trap that they have set up for earlier generations. And Thailand has realized that it does not need poor foreigners to perpetuate the informal economy of the country.

    • Like 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, JohnnyBD said:

    It's not cheap for the borrower...  it's 1% per month on the loan amount until it's paid off.

    12% per annum is not bad. Yes it is high for a secured loan. But better than loan sharks I think. A five year payment plan will require around 18K per month or twice the rate of renting. We are addicted to low interest rate in the last decade. Low interest rate destroys people's savings. But I think they calculate monthly payment based on the original loan amount. That's bad. Banks will never do that. But when somebody does not have huge cash but have steady monthly incomes, that may be the only option unless agents are still available.


    2 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

    and why would the lower the requirements to encourage people who don't have $25K to set aside?  recent news reports that the usa now has more millionaires than sweden has citizens.

    They are not going to lower it. Rather they are going to increase it. Wait for a few more years. retirement requirements will go up and insurance will become mandatory for extensions and O-A visa. Thailand does not want poor retirees (and perpetual tourists) coming here with dollars (that they earned due to the freak of nature because they happen to be born in the West) that make Baht stronger and destroy the export economy (65% of GDP) of the country, destroying good paying jobs and pensions at the expense of perpetuating the informal economy. It has enough foreign currency (45% of the GDP) and it's pouring in due to the influx of huge number of Chinese and Indian tourists. Strengthening of one baht against a dollar, reduces 10 billion BHT in export economy and destroys thousands of good paying jobs and future pensions. Thailand wants to escape from this vicious trap. It needs retirees who spend money on imported goods to ease the BHT. And guess who will spend money on imported stuff? 

  15. 13 minutes ago, BritTim said:

    In recent years, immigration officials at certain entry points, who feel they should have powers similar to those in most other countries,

    The difference is that In most Western countries if they suspect, they will do a thorough vetting and most of the time their vetting process are correct and they nab the culprit. They will allow appeal, of course you have to stay in detention for that. If it becomes a class, there are enlightened organization that will take the cause of the class (as happened when Muslims with permanent residency from certain countries) were denied entries. They are enlightened judges.  Thailand lacks all these things. Thailand being a Military ruled country knows only the military process. 

  16. I disagree.  That's not quite correct.
    Someone can travel to Thailand without a visa, (exemption stamp on arrival )but can be denied entry.  No problem with that.  However, when you have applied for a visa, and been granted one, it's not about the travel, which for Thailand, you can do anyway, it's about the entry.
    Many western countries issue visas, and when the recipient is issued the visa, the can travel and gain entry.  Their visa does not get overturned at the boarder, possibly by an officer of junior rank to the consulate or embassy staff that issued the visa. 
    Visas are routinely overturned including ED visas if the officer suspects you are not attending classes. However, they do a better vetting and it is more professional.

    Sent from my JKM-LX2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  17. Guess I should go down there say 3 weeks before and agree a date with them that I can some as there's a bit to organise

    Is there anything else about the renew process I need to know

    I propose taking

    -Rental agreement of current property
    Nb this will not have another 6 months to run as was required for original-a requirement of Hua hin allegedly
    -House book
    -Bank books
    -Letter from bank pref dated that day
    -No proof of income(original 800k still applies)
    -some money! 1900 baht?

    I assume there will be a form to be filled in and I'll bet Ubonjoe knows which one! [emoji12]


    Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk

    What is house book? Is it the same as Green or Yellow book?

    Can I use a Thai Driver's license?

    Sent from my JKM-LX2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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