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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. 4 hours ago, FarangDoingHisThing69 said:

    Would a SMART S-class "Startup" visa be a good option for me?

    I did check smart visa (s) category a while back. I think your start up must participate in an approved incubator program. I think you should first talk to incubator programs (like dTac Accelerate). There are dozens in Thailand who are focussed on various technologies of Thailand 4.0.


    There is a vetting process otherwise every digital nomad will become Smart Visa (S) applicant. 

    This is visa for scientists, engineers, executive of tech companies, and  investors willing to put up at least 20 million. It is not designed for drop-shippers, crypto traders, affiliate marketers, bloggers, or Amazon sellers. 


    Or you can be an employee of a Thailand 4.0 industry and get a Smart visa (T)

    If you're on to revolutionary technologies go to Silicon Valley and and find angel investors who can invest into your technology or you can find angel investors in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, or India. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, kimmywest1568 said:

    OK, so we do a visa run and get a new entry stamp, what then?

    You continue to do that till if you saved up sufficient money (800K each) and get a long-term (one year) extension. 

    Or you can pay an agent 25K and get a log-term (one year) extension. If you're in/out of Thailand frequently, a tourist visa is preferred, otherwise, a long-term extension.



  3. The process is from Toursit visa to long-term stay with yearly extension. All long-term stay applicant must have a Non-O visa. Since you have a tourist visa, you need a conversion 


    1. Convert Tourist visa to Non-O visa. Requires money in the bank but no seasoning. It will give you 90-day permssion to stay in Thailand. 

    2. Before your permission to stay (step 1) expires, apply for one year extension of your permit to stay. Requires two month seasoning in the bank (because it is your first extension). 

    3. Subsequent extension of stays require three month seasoning in the bank.


    Bangkok CW office can do all the three processes but some offices will do only process 2 and 3. Unless you have a Thai child or wife, getting a Non-O outside Thailand may not be easy. Your home country can issue an O-A visa good for one year and requires no money in a Thai bank and no seasoning. This is a ME visa and every time you enter Thailand, you're given one year permission to stay. If used to enter Thailand just before it expires, you can essentially stay for two years. After two years, you can go back to your home country and get a new O-A or do only step 3 above. 

  4. 2 hours ago, KhunFred said:

    Much luck to you. If my experience is any indication, you will need it. I have never seen such a collection of poorly-informed bank empployees in my life. From the information desk to the head honcho, these idiots kept talking about a "work permit" and would not get off the subject even after I informed them that I am retired and cannot work. I have NEVER seen such grinding stupidity displayed by the employees of any bank in the world, and after dealing with Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, that is truly a surprise

    Thai education does not encourage critical thinking. It only encourages what they have been told to do unless it involves brown envelopes or some other form of payment that will benefit the institution (in this case bank). Buy an insurance and magically work permit disappears. I don't know if brown envelopes work for bank or not but it certainly works for government institution. 

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  5. On 10/7/2017 at 6:31 AM, jackdd said:

    if you plan to sell it in the future it could be difficult to do so in a country other than Thailand

    You can sell in any Asian countries - Thailand, India, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia,  Singapore, UAE, Dubai, Kuwait, etc. But you will get best rate if you sell in the same store in Thailand. Most stores sell 23K jewelry. Gold is like investment for asians though in recent decades other forms of investment are becoming popular. 

  6. 2 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    This is not the first time an attractive young lady got drunk and a bit carried away at a party. This whole Russian malarkey is reminding me of that 99 bottles of beer song, goes on forever and is completely pointless.

    Completely pointless but it has resulted in indictment of several key figures in Trump administration and their criminal activities. Trump wanted to run the country like Pablo Escobar (sans cocaine) and wanted the justice department to help him in his nefarious business activities. Initially, Escobar was also not indicted for cocaine smuggling into the US but several of his associates, including his lawyers and baker, were indicted and started talking. Mueller investigation should continue until he says it is over. It is about exposing how deep and wide the criminal activities run in Trump administration. Russia connection may be a facade for this.

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  7. I didn't understand the debate OP wants to start with his posting. Does he want Non O-X (Let's call it 10 year extension) from inside Thailand vis-a-vis in his home country? As of now, it is not possible to extend inside the country. Let's assume that some immigration does allow extension for a 10 year by keeping 3 million in a Thai bank. 


    I wonder why somebody will go for 10 year extension. One can keep on extending his yearly extension by keeping 800K in a Thai bank. With 10 year extension one has to buy expensive Medical insurance from designated provider which may not be the optimal insurance requirement for the person. Spouse need a separate visa. And not to mention you keep 3 million in a Thai bank for 10 years with low interests. I don't see any benefits of a 10-year extension. And from the requirements, it seems one still has to go to immigration every year for the proof that they still have the money in a Thai bank (Ok it less after first year but still double the amount of yearly extension). 

    Bottomline, TI is really clueless how to design their retirement program if they really want to have one, they could learn a thing or two from Malaysia's retirement program. A retirement program should be open to anybody who could afford, not people from certain nationalities. 

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  8. 9 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

    bangkok bank card and be charged 20 baht.

    Right now Bangkok Bank in the same province does not charge any ATM fee in their account. I had one account (with ATM card) in Bangkok and another account (with ATM card) in Chonburi district. I seldom go to other districts. may be few times a year. Not a big deal. 


    But the OP's post indicates that they are asking to charge even in the same Province and may be charge more for inter-province ATMs of the same bank. That is very very very baddddddd.


    220 baht is for foreign ATM card which for US, two banks will refund you - Schwab and Fidelity. 

  9. 1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

    Thailand is not Japan. Point is, plenty of airbnb in los.

    Every time I go Bangkok, I rent Airbnb. Yes, Yes, I know it is not legal. Renters are OK. I am not sure if the airbnb person even does TM30 or not. Probably not. Working in any form is strictly prohibited (except few like attending trade shows, attending seminars etc.) Other knowledgable person can comment on this.

    The last time I rented an airbnb condo, the guy (a farang) just dropped by with his gf but the lady talked to me and exchanged key. That will be OK. If you're doing this, never give your phone number for contact. You're going to be caught only if somebody rats on you or Police run a sting. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, d190 said:

    What is the best visa for me to stay in Thailand and to travel on business?

    There are two questions. 1. Stay in Thailand and 2. Travel on business. Are you going to travel on business outside Thailand or inside Thailand? 


    Anybody who is over 50, an O-A visa is the best bet. I don't like EV for people over 50 because I think it is a waste money unless you have few a million dollars. For the same one million baht you would spend on an EV visa, you can park 800K in a Thai bank and spend the reaming 200K for hiring agents to avoid hassle with immigration, hire limo services and VIP services at airports for ease of entry, etc. And you still have access to 800K liquid asset that you could tap into anytime you want.


    IMO, O-A every two years or O-A + extension is the best bet. Of course it won't allow you to work so also EV. But I think it will allow you to conduct some business (others can comment on this one more specifically) like attending trade shows, buying samples, attending business seminars, etc. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

    20K baht is US $625. During the sales from Thanksgiving to Christmas you can get 60" tvs cheaper in the US

    All electronics and cars are cheaper in the US. Every month BestBuy does sales. A small town has a dozen car dealers and almost all do sales and all manufacturers give cash back for most American cars and Japanese cars are available for no interest payment and sometimes with cash back also.

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  12. On 12/5/2018 at 7:29 PM, Peterw42 said:

    Maybe climate, beaches etc comes into the equation for Brits and Europeans

    Europe has fine climate in Spain and Portugal. Greek islands are also wonderful. Australia also has finest beaches in the World. The only cold place with no escape route I can think of is Canada. Unless one has a girl friend, kids, or wife's family, I don't see any reason to live in Thailand. 

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