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chris carre

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Everything posted by chris carre

  1. You are not reneweing your visa,you are extending your permission to stay.
  2. If a flat rock next to the river was good enough for her mother.It,s good enough for her.????????
  3. Grow up you are not in the playgroud now
  4. They know how to fiddle justice and get the brown envalope,s.Belive me in 3 month,s all will be forgiven/forgot and we will all have moved on.
  5. Thap Han- Hin in Phichit is a nice little town.Worth a day it,s 28km south of Phichit follow the river Nan down,Don,t forget to check out Wang krok village on your way through.
  6. The escalator,s are becoming as dangrous as the road,s in this country.
  7. Get yourself a yellow book (Tabian Bahn).End of your problem,s.
  8. May i add you will need it ????????????
  9. Where were you in his hour of need you have plenty of spare time on your hand,s
  10. 20 year old Benz driver,no worries mummy will go down the cop shop and sort it out
  11. Get yourself a yellow Tabian Bhann problem solved.
  12. What confusion visa excempt went from 30 day,s to 45.And visa on arrival from 15 day,s to 30.If you find that confusing you must have very limited inteligance
  13. 99% of Normal tourist,s do not need to do visa run,s.
  14. Why apply for a tourist visa at all.Just fly in visa excempt 30 day,s then apply for a 30 day extension a week before your excempt entry permission to stay end,s.That will give you 60 day,s in the kingdom.Total cost 1900 baht
  15. To words there "should" and "if" think about it?
  16. But the 1900baht go,s strait in the goverment pocket.very very little if any of the money you spend in those 15 days makes it into the goverment pocket.
  17. Whose name is the motobike in.If it,s her,s and he take,s it without her permission.That,s theft and could lead to more trouble.if it was me the passport and a couple of change,s of cloth,s would be it.Ps and my dog
  18. If you are only staying in Thailand for 45 day,s there is no need to leave on a side trip.Simply apply for a standard 30 day extension to your visa exempt entry 30 +30=60day stay in the kingdom.1900 baht
  19. If you can,t trust the chief of police?Who can you trust ????????????
  20. Hello all has anyone got any experiace exiting and re entering Thailand visa excempt at the Mae Sai border in Chaing Rai.I seem to remember reading something about only people with multientry visa,s being allowed to exit?? Thank,s to all
  21. A girl who work,s in a bar simple as that
  22. Yes your yellow book will be fine.no.need for certificate of address.
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