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Douggie Style

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Posts posted by Douggie Style

  1. I do not think it is immaturity or any personal failing of the Thais, although it may be tempting to see it that way after getting screwed once too often.

    Someone explained it to me as a high trust/low trust society thing, although the jury is still out, heres how the theory goes.

    In high trust (western) societies we can generally trust the system and who we deal with, the system encourages telling the truth. This is reinforced at all levels from school, peer pressure on to the legal system.

    In low trust systems, you cannot trust the system and will be punished more times than not for doing so. For example, in many mid east countries, the clan system prevails, business is kept within the clan, you can only trust the clan, that’s the system.

    Ok, as Terry says above its not rocket science.

    If you are in a low trust society and are a high trust individual operating in a high trust way you will suffer.

    Once you accept that is a reality, you just need to get your defenses up. I am sure there are plenty of tricks in dealing with the Thais to minimise the downside (next topic ??).

  2. The US govt can't overtly support this particular coup, because Thailand is seen as a 'good' guy with a bad but democratic government.

    If they were on the 'bad' guy list it would be quite different and the US would act entirely in their particular self interest -as they have a long history of doing.

    This is not really any different to most countries, however the US political machine is more open to corruption from big business or those with money via the lobbyist system. It can lead to very schizophrenic outcomes.

    The interesting thing with Thailand will be the level of condemnation and how it progresses. In the great game of chess the opening move was a bit of a tut tut (cutting of some minor military aid), I imagine the point was to say look we don’t like it, and are watching you closely, but will give you a chance to sort things out within a timeframe we suggest. I don’t think it is anything more than a standard move and nothing exciting at this point.

    I feel it important to distinguish between the majority of decent US citizens and the impotent, unimaginative and failed US leadership cabal-dead men walking.

    Yes this will annoy those still clinging to the dream, I feel pity for them as another example of ‘up country’ folk who placed their faith in a simplistic satisfying illusion.

  3. Here's the actual problem. The fact is, and it is easily seen in the responses here, most foreigners haven't got a clue how to judge Thais - Likewise most Thais haven't got a clue how to judge foreigners.[/color]

    I've lost count of the times guys have told me they've met some middle class/hi-so good girl only to find that when the girl is presented she's nothing of the sort.


    Just as a very dear friend of my wife's was so keen to introduce her new English boyfriend, telling us before hand what a gentleman he was. Gentleman be b0ll0cks - When I met him he was clearly trailer trash, a waister, the kind any Englishman would spot a mile off.

    Sooo true, my kombi was getting a bit small :o

  4. IMHO Womble and the others, suggesting a considered calm intervention are right, the loss of face thing is often a bit exaggerated, you have to consider the people involved on a case by case basis, personally I find the most respected Thai to sort things out for me. Anyways you obviously are not the hot headed type so it should go well....

    good luck

  5. well we usually end up taking the kids to one of those in store playgrounds for a few hours (one parent stays to watch) just to get a break. we find it invaluable and would use a similar service if confident of security, staff etc

    there may be a similar target market amongst visitors/tourists, of course you would need to get your message to that target group.....

    my partner (thai) has told me stories of thai nannys doing horrific things to kids from time to time, probably a media beat up but this may be a fear a few thais have so something to think about in your marketing.

    could go well, best wishes

  6. OlRedEyes>

    I take longish breaks from TV, and everytime I return, there seems to have been a swing in the balance of posters. Then it swings back again. Quite naturally.

    As in this thread. Maybe I'm a little (IMG:style_emoticons/default/drunk.gif) but this thread must be on balance by far the best thread I've ever seen on the subject, on TV.

    And a lot of the posters are new to me.

    It's a pleasure to read arguments from both sides that can hold some water.

    Spot on!

  7. (Thanks to the posters feeding in the great on the ground info)

    I hope this isnt taken the wrong way, love this forum...

    But with family and business in Thailand need to find a source that cuts through the chaff to get to the wheat.

    I am looking at a few sources including Google news, the usual forums but finding it takes a long time to go through the incredible volume.

    Has anyone found any good concise sources (including in this forum is there a better or best thread)?

    thanks in advance

  8. Noisy inconsiderate neighbours, sort of taps into the inner Neanderthal, totally sympathise.

    Apart from using ear plugs (which is not nice long term) is it possible you can access his fuse box unseen?

    I had the same situation when living in a demountable, with a noisy so and so, who would get loaded then play his music flat out, despite everyone else being on a different shift.

    Laying in bed, tossing and turning one night, the incessant ‘boom boom’ of the bass cutting through the ear plugs, thoughts of unspeakable acts of violence being suppressed, grimace on the face, I just happened to suddenly see the white box mid wall level. It turned out to be a fuse box. The little light globe sort of went ding. After some experimenting, when he was out, I located his unit and had fun switching it off at completely random times (which also reset his alarm clock), it sorted it out veeery quickly.

    Check it out, you may be lucky and be able to find his fuse box before you blow yours! Good luck

  9. Apologies for going off topic before, some very good points above especially agree with

    Diablo bob

    3) Terrorism and extremism are normally a by-product of unemployment and a lack of education

    However regarding this:

    Ulysses G.

    and you are trying to use it to jusify the Jewish holocoast in Germany.

    We've got your number. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

    This bears no resemblance to my views, the views or points expressed in the above posts or any of my previous posts.

  10. The point is being so convinced you are on the right side blinds you to any other side and possibilities for a fairer (lasting) solution. Here you have unwittingly proposed the very horror that was used agaisnt the people you are trying to defend, strange isn't it?

    Comparing Muslim terrorists in Southern Thailand who are committing mayhem and killing ethnic Thais to non-violent European Jews who marched to their deaths just because of their religion is simply asinine.

    The blind guy is in your mirror every morning; You just can’t see him. :o

    A weak attempt of labelling me with views never made, nice try but sorry not going to fall for the very obvious trap. To remind you of own words and the actual point being made (as opposed to the point you are desperately trying to manufacture) again:

    Quoting Ulysses G.

    [/color]If they did start attacking targets outside their own area, it would destroy Thailand's tourism industry and the Thais would simply wipe them off the map - men, women, and children - with no second thoughts and no more Muslim problem.

    Might be a lesson there for the rest of the world.

    Here you have stated :>>> Might be a lesson there for the rest of the world to simply wipe them off the map - men, women, and children - with no second thoughts and no more Muslim problem.

    This is the exactly the same thought process that led to the tragic final solution therefore from your own words you have proposed the same solution as the people you are trying to support.

    It might be time to switch on the other half or is it just a quarter?

  11. Quoting Ulysses G.

    Are you for real? There is no SANE comparison.

    The European Jews were not blowing up banks or murdering teachers and Buddhist monks. In fact, they were totally non-violent and did not resist the Nazis. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/bah.gif)

    Your half right, the facts are different but the thought process that ultimately led to that tradegy are the same, so they are comparable ie

    Quoting Ulysses G.

    If they did start attacking targets outside their own area, it would destroy Thailand's tourism industry and the Thais would simply wipe them off the map - men, women, and children - with no second thoughts and no more Muslim problem.

    Might be a lesson there for the rest of the world.

    Above is what you stated previously, I can find no difference in sentiment.

    The point is being so convinced you are on the right side blinds you to any other side and possibilities for a fairer (lasting) solution. Here you have unwittingly proposed the very horror that was used agaisnt the people you are trying to defend, strange isn't it?

  12. Some excellent points all round,

    [Sorry, but this forum is not for discussing International politics. There are other venues for this purpose on the Internet. /Meadish]

    In regards to the south here:

    There are few instances of successful military resolutions to terrorism; one recent one that comes to mind is Malaya where the hearts and minds campaign worked so successfully. In contrast the single faceted, unsophisticated approach of the present US regime is a failed policy rolling forward under its own inertia.

    Can a policy of suppression work? In limited circumstances. It is not likely in Iraq where a large percentage of the population is young, male, culturally opposed to the occupying powers and supported by at least part of the populace. I do not know of the relative demographics in the south (others here would be more knowledgeable) but it would seem to be a similar situation. Further it is subject to relatively porous borders with neighbours increasingly more sympathetic. This is in reaction to the good guys/bad guys polarisation currently running its course in response to 9/11.

    We are all human with the same aspirations which is a good basis to looking at the reasons behind terrorism.

    PS: November (US elections) may not be a good time for Iran/mideast

  13. JonBenet murder charges dropped after DNA test

    By North America correspondent Michael Rowland

    In the United States, authorities have dropped all charges against the man accused of murdering child beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey.

    John Mark Karr was arrested in Thailand nearly a fortnight ago over the brutal 1996 murder of six-year-old JonBenet in Boulder, Colorado.

    Mr Karr told authorities he was with the girl at the time but that her death was an accident.

    Now Mr Karr's lawyer says Boulder authorities will not be filing any charges against the former schoolteacher.

    His DNA apparently does not match the DNA found on JonBenet's body.

    The announcement came just two hours before Mr Karr was scheduled to make his first court appearance in Colorado.

    REF#: http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200608/s1726491.htm

  14. Hi Tip,

    Although I have never met you, you strike me as a wise, kind hearted soul so I hope things work out for you. A couple of thoughts.

    Your whole attitude of concentrating on the positives will ultimately work our best.

    You may want to start thinking about how to access your assets especially the condo (assuming its not rented), the TV members will no doubt have some good advice.

    Using a professional PI or friend as a buffer is wise, it keeps you one step back from the drama. Keep them with you when you deal with her, it is easy to go in with the best of intentions, yet blind emotion can boil over.

    Remember nothing stays the same, time heals all, we are either going down or up, never the same.

    When the time is right learn something from the experience, another poster made this point:

    Plenty of candidates allright but if he's going away again for 8 months or longer there's like 95% chance somebody else will come along again.

    I see it happen regularly here in the middle-east with the filipino's that come over on 1-2 year contracts.

    First of all most of them end up with girlfriends (nurses etc) here and there wifes back home are no saints either.

    I have seen this over and over again, couples madly in love, everything going for them, a long separation, the invariable problems. IMHO an 8 month break is against a women’s natural inclinations in a relationship (yes that is generalising but many experiences behind that view).

    Sorry if this is not helpful, good luck.

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