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Douggie Style

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Posts posted by Douggie Style

  1. You sound genuine and a hard worker too, probably very good at what you do.

    However have you ever considered your partner is equally as good at what she does?

    Now if I came to you and said 'my hard-disk has a virus' and you told me ' Look the only way to clean it is to wipe the whole disk' and I said 'Well I can't do that, it's got my photos, addresses and memories' what would you say?

    'It's painful but there's no other way'

    Each man has to follow his own course and bear his own pain.

    However here, before you lays the entire collective wisdom of Farang/Thai girl relationships (aka the barfly chronicles), use it wisely.

    Good luck!

  2. Kudo's to the General for some fresh Thai style thinking.

    If he can get something working it could be a model of reconciliation applicable to other Muslim/Western conflicts, of which there are a few.

    To highlight the PM’s key points (as reported in the OP):

    Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont...said Tuesday

    1. that Islamic law should be given a bigger role there

    2. the only condition ...was that there should be no discussion of separation

    3. Islamic law, should be allowed in the area, where 80 percent of the people are ethnic Malay and Muslim.

    4. Last week Mr. Surayud went south to make a public apology & His apology was followed by the dropping of charges against 92 Muslims

    This is not to predict these measures alone will bring a resolution-it takes two to Tango, but it's a reasonable opening hand.

    PS: Stated in Zoidberg’s accent: Yay, an interesting thread finally!.

  3. What’s the alternative?

    Whatever they have been trying to date clearly hasn't worked and in fact is only escalating the situation, brute force is the wrong tool for this type of problem, you need to address the actual grass root issues that are creating the tension. As stated before research how the British won the Malayan insurgency for an alternative to years of ongoing violence.

    Logic dictates there is a reason people resort to force, they are flesh and blood and mostly have the same thought processes as any other human.

    It is often to politicians and other interest groups advantage, to demonise marginal groups as a tool to divert attention from more pressing problems.

    IMHO it is actually a clever move, takes heat out of the insurgency and attempts to draw them into a discussion.

    As to actually implementing Sharia law, firstly there are many variations, a lot of what applies simply reflects the cultural standards on where it is based, to my knowledge it is not a universal code (correct me if wrong).

    I point out here, both Thailand and the US are notorious for their application of capital punishment, something that is difficult to reconcile with the posters implied claims Sharia law is anymore uncivilized and brutal.

    Finally, it should be seen for what is, an offer to include Sharia law not to supplant the existing law, in practise it is likely to have a very limited application. For example as a jurisdictional element would it apply to those who are Muslims or those geographically in the province? There are many such ways to dilute the effect.

    As stated above I think it is a good move and worth considering further in the absence of any other workable solutions from the Donald Rumsfeld camp of political relations.

  4. I was scammed in Barley...

    Caught driving without helmet on shortcut back from airport late at night, locked in paddy wagon until paid fine decided by 'how much you pay in Australia...'

    off topic and a spelling error will just give myself an upper cut and retire for the night...

  5. The missus went to a money changer in some back alley, there was 5 or 6 girls, shoulder to shoulder, trays stacked with great thick wads of cash (local and forex), security was a waist high counter, I could easily have touched the tray from where I was standing...

    No apparent security apart from a rather chubby self satisfied, Thai guy hanging off a early model Mercedes - 10 pounds of bling bling, 40 pounds of som tum, more oil than my old holden.....

    sorry off topic...but this may be quite tempting to someone who doesn't realise the local form of security.

  6. How do you even know if they have really been separated five years? She has already demonstrated that she is parsimonious with the truth, so the five years could be BS as well--might be five months, five weeks, five days, or a few hours for all you know.

    I suspect this is on the money, the 'divorced' not really divorced Thai wife is a recurring theme IMHO.

    good luck

  7. There has been a lot of absolute statements on this thread.

    Corruption is dynamic, paraphrasing the Lonley Planet, good things go bad and bad things get better.

    Uncannily this was a headline on Google News this morning:

    'US suffers fall in corruption ranking'


    Anyone come across any US or western scammers in Thailand, please let us know!!

  8. There may be an alternative to sort it out 'Thai style'.

    Get a local Thai who is respected by your spouse to listen to both sides, you may be able to work out a settlement far more equitable and less acrimoniously than the legal pathway (not to mention cheaper and quicker).

    Of course this depends a lot on who the Thai is. I have in the past been contacted by the someone from the consulate (yes I almost fell of my chair in amazement) wanting to sort out a clients marital problems quote 'thai style' rather than go through the courts.

    Are there any fair minded local Thai friends, you can speak to it about? If so if might be advantageous to put the situation to them.

    You are the only one who can sort it out, think strategically and clearly before you make any moves. Having a friend with some nous to speak to might clear your mind.

    Accepting a bad relationship for the childs sake is very noble, but usually is either not necessary or leads to bad outcomes.

    best of luck

    Thanks for that, can't think of anyone who can mediate right now but i'll keep it in mind.

    Your last point is spot on i think i'm delluding myself by claiming i can stay in the relationship on her terms for the sake of our son. chances are he'll grow-up screwed.

    This does though limit my choices though.

    It's interesting I am just reading a book regarding parents staying in the relationship for the childrens sake. It makes the point any break up is going to more damaging the older the child is. At 18 months they are less aware and less likely to blame themselves. This is not my field, but the book is by a supposedly well known psychiatrist.

    Anyway, it may be the best value of these forums is simply to vent, get it all off your chest, clear your mind and later come to your own conclusions?

  9. [

    Excellent Post.

    Philippine nationality male and females use their good knowledge of the English language to scam other first world English speaking nationals.

    Their perfidy is pernicious and treacherous. I lived in Manila for a while and I can attest that I experienced attempted scams on a daily basis, from taxi drivers, to shopkeepers, to street vendors, to whores.

    The Philippines is the most corrupt nation on earth. I would trust Africa with my Grandmother in comparison.

    Apart from that, they are really friendly people. :o

    For the record I would like to state that I do not share libya 115's opinions about the Philippines, and during my time there I don't recall anyone trying to scam me.

    Then your experience(s) in the Philippines must be sui generis.

    No, certainly not libya115. Lived there two years and truthfully cannot recall any scams or suchlike. Not saying it doesn't happen, just didn't happen to me. Have you ever considered that your personality might bring out the worst in some people? I have.


  10. There may be an alternative to sort it out 'Thai style'.

    Get a local Thai who is respected by your spouse to listen to both sides, you may be able to work out a settlement far more equitable and less acrimoniously than the legal pathway (not to mention cheaper and quicker).

    Of course this depends a lot on who the Thai is. I have in the past been contacted by the someone from the consulate (yes I almost fell of my chair in amazement) wanting to sort out a clients marital problems quote 'thai style' rather than go through the courts.

    Are there any fair minded local Thai friends, you can speak to it about? If so if might be advantageous to put the situation to them.

    You are the only one who can sort it out, think strategically and clearly before you make any moves. Having a friend with some nous to speak to might clear your mind.

    Accepting a bad relationship for the childs sake is very noble, but usually is either not necessary or leads to bad outcomes.

    best of luck

  11. At least for what I do with my computer, I lost my enthusiasm for super fast processors. My P-4 3.0 Ghz processor died and I couldn't find a replacement. I ended up with a 2.66 Ghz Celeron. I can't tell a bit of difference between the two. I think the 7200 rpm SATA hard drive and the Gig of ram are far more important.I recently came back from a visit to the US. I was shopping for a new laptop and had a chance to play with dual core and single core machines. If there was any difference I didn't notice it. The computer salesman just shrugged his shoulders when I quizzed him.

    I found the same, plus a fast motherboard and keeping system regulalry cleaned and defragged. It's about bottle necks, the CPU on most home systems is down the list. Get the fastest motherboard, hard disk and memory you can afford first.

  12. I agree, it's an open forum, with all spelling levels posting, it's the ideas that are important not the medium.

    It's like listening to someone with an accent, you don't try to correct them but try to interpet.

    Frankly I feel the spelling correctors should be banned by the moderators as it's downright bad form and interrupts the theme.

  13. I read your post history...which anyone in this forum can do.You are a con man.You have admitted in previous posts to being a man.You have bashed filipinos in previous posts.I invite all members to take a look for themselves..............I am through talking with you....you are a disgrace.

    Who are you referring to?

    For if it is Graceless, I am jumping to her side... I made the mistake of doubting that she is in fact her avatar once before... (okay, well, she had a diff avatar then..) and I shall not repeat the mistake nor add insult to injury.

    Whether she herself is a con artist :D:o:D .. .

    remains to be discovered. :D:D

    Posted on: 2006-10-05 09:11:47

    Senior Member


    Group: Members

    Posts: 258

    Joined: 2005-08-01

    Member No.: 21,101

    I'm sorry for the confusion fellows, but I have a confession to make.............

    I'm afraid that I am indeed a guy! I am 50 years old!

    I'm sorry for leading ya'll on!

    I promise to be good next time................................this post was extracted frm fawns post history.enough said?


  14. Graceless Fawn I admire your passionate defence of Filipino integrity, (and certainly your avatar) however after reading the forum I can see no substantial evidence of any racism or slight towards Filipinos.

    What I read was generally only conjecture and opinion, which by nature is subjective, and not intended to be factual pronouncements. I assume this is self evident to most readers?

    It may be you have come across implied or actual racism before and therefore assumed the thread was going that way, made the further connection and rightly then got upset.

    However this would be an error on your behalf, and is quite unfair to what the posters have actually intended and written.

    I would like to clarify some issues.

    First, I have never cried racism.

    I was merely clarifying the supposedly 'personal encounters with the Filipino cons in Sukhumvit road' incidents. And I never said, that there are no any Filipino cons. I was simply trying to check-out the story and verify what people said happened!

    I beg to disagree, but I think that if the members were strong enough to 'suspect and write it in the forum that the cons in Sukhumvit are in fact Filipinos,' I would like to think that I am allowed to examine and double check the supposed arguments!

    I am sorry to say this....... but this is the truth. People have never come-up with facts!

    Fair enough, but it is a bit like trying to prove 'this ice cream tastes like vanilla'

    Anyway, getting late, catch you on another thread...

  15. I had an Australian friend who took advantage of the differences between states to get a higher motorcycle license that what he was entitled to.

    He travelled to another state, while there got the license, then returned some time later.

    I can't remember all the details but he used a friends address for all mail relating to that license.

    On another point there are lots post box services of the residential address type 'Suite A/ 123 Road' ....

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