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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Let’s hope these ‘patriots’ know which way up their flag is meant to be flown. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/general-election-conservative-union-jack-sunak-b2556208.html
  2. Precisely. Ireland, Spain and Norway are unquestionably recognizing Palestine as a direct consequence of the carnage and destruction being visited upon Palestinians. Their move to recognize Palestine is accompanied by unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and the obscene terrorist attack Hamas ordered and undertook.
  3. I like to keep Trump supporters reminded of it, lest they slip out of the reality based universe. One foot on the slippery slope I see:
  4. There’s something called ‘mens rea’ and something else called ‘actus reus’. Both are requirements to a crime. Biden exhibited neither.
  5. Trump is a convicted felon. It’s not this weeks buzz word, it’s a matter of court record.
  6. Holding everyone, regardless of who they are, accountable under the law is the polar opposite of ‘Banana Republic’. But don’t put too much store in Johnson’s support for the Convicted Felon Trump, he’s very likely written an alternative speech condemning him.
  7. Lefty? She might be a Tory angered at what Farage is doing to the Tory Party? Or a young person angered by the loss of opportunities visited upon her by the BREXIT Farage promoted. I think most likely she’s someone who just doesn’t like toads.
  8. Boris Johnson supports Convicted Felon Trump. Having surrendered his U.S. Citizenship he can’t vote for Convicted Felon Trump or make any monetary contributions to Convicted Felon Trump’s campaign, though perhaps the NRA might be willing to do some ‘laundry’ for him. I would offer Convicted Felon Trump this advice, don’t take Johnson at his word (I know, I know) he blows with the wind.
  9. And Trump was handed a booming economy by Obama, it took him no time at all to start dismantling it and borrowing money for tax cuts to the hyper wealthy.
  10. The rules are as per link below, but I believe the NRA offer a service to wash overseas contributions into political campaigns. https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/political-party-donations-and-loans-great-britain/who-can-you-accept-donations-and-loans
  11. The appeal will still be running after the election. July 11 is sentencing.
  12. It was you who introduced the ‘poll on a second referendum’ Which is once removed from the original point made by RuamRudy: upon which the data is clear and consistent: https://www.semafor.com/article/06/03/2024/mrna-vaccine-skin-cancer-melanoma-clinical-trial-results
  13. Yep, numbers with no basis attached. Easy promises made in the full knowledge Reform will never have to deliver any of it.
  14. It’s nevertheless out of date. As explained above, putting a second referendum on the ballot would be a meaningless gesture and a distraction from rafts of Tory made crisis issues that need urgent attention. The EU will not consider the UK rejoining until the Tories also agree to a referendum. The public are getting there, refer polls, the political parties will catch up.
  15. Now that vaccines are being trialed with success for treating cancers you might want to reconsider before saying never. That said these therapies have a high reliance upon medical science, so might still want to avoid the treatment should the need ever arise: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/types/immunotherapy/cancer-treatment-vaccines
  16. This might very well have some unintended consequences. Relatively large numbers of the electorate voting for Reform but being denied Reform MP’s in Parliament. It would provide a very good opportunity to enlist this portion of the electorate into the real ‘electoral reform’, to place ‘First Past the Post’ with ‘Proportional Representation’. Proportional Representation is a very big threat to the Tory Party.
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