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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. It clearly was whataboutary. There is no reasonable assumption excuse for assuming views that have not been expressed. Hamas is a vile terrorist organization, I have consistently condemned their obscene terrorist attack, there is no justification in accusing me of being ‘Pro-Hamas’. But I’ll go further. Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organization, support of Hamas is a serious crime. Libel is also a serious crime, your accusation of me being pro-Hamas is a libel. I suggest you moderate your posting.
  2. Can you provide a quote from me that justifies this claim of your?: Any “Meh” I have posted on the subject will do.
  3. Young, intelligent, articulate, assertive woman, who sticks up for herself and is making a positive difference with her life. No wonder you don’t like her.
  4. One of the ways to avoid a prison sentence is to accept responsibility for the actions that got you convicted and show genuine contrition. I’m not sure that has been explained to Convicted Felon Trump.
  5. Bannon needs to get his ‘training wheels off’. He’s got a date with Justice in NY.
  6. Total tax take is up. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13385749/More-misery-UKs-tax-burden-set-hit-80-year-high-37-1-2028.html
  7. Nobody forced you to listen to anyone. Just like you are not forced to resort to personal attacks. Its a choice you yourself make.
  8. OK let’s put that to the test. Will you accept Judge Marchant’s ruling on the subject social media post? I assure you I will.
  9. Here’s the topic of discussion: The Maldives Bans Israeli Passport Holders. You’ll find a clue at the top of the thread.
  10. Sunak caught telling porkies: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/05/business/sunak-starmer-debate-uk-election/index.html
  11. And if there is, and the hearing finds that the Posts were made by troll with zero connection to any of the Jurors, you’ll not accept the findings and consider anyone who does an enemy of you and your family.
  12. I can tell you this. What you ‘think’ is demonstrably founded upon baseless assumptions. I can’t wait to hear what Farage has to say about Sunak ‘leaving them on the beaches’. Actually, I can’t wait to hear what Starmer says too, but I expect Farage to be a little less ‘restrained’.
  13. His delay tactics have worked against him. He’s going to be in the slammer just as he was hoping to grift on the election preparations. He should make good use of his ‘time-out’ and prepare for his upcoming criminal trial in NY.
  14. The full transcripts have already been published. There is absolutely no need for the recordings, though I’m sure the Republicans would like to get ahold of them to cut, splice to place comments and statements out of context. Transcripts are means by which recorded testimony is presented in courts and depositions. There is absolutely no case for the the Republicans to be given the recordings.
  15. How dare she have the temerity to express opinions, travel for business, make a fortune actually by doing something and influence millions of her young followers with ideas of inclusion, caring for the planet and supporting the idea of letting people love who ever it is they happen to love.
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