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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I read it. It’s full of easy promises of simple solutions to complex problems and has zero detail on how any of their easy promises would be achieved. Which is fine because Reform will not become the Government and will never have to deliver any of it.
  2. The polling evidence you provided is only 26% supported having a referendum before the end of 2023 ( which was last year) but have 46 % support a second referendum within the next ten years (now 9 years). .
  3. I think psychological projection explains your post perfectly. Pure accusation confession.
  4. Sounds terrible. Almost on a par with a close friend dying of COVID and his two young kids left fatherless, a preventable tragedy.
  5. There is zero point putting rejoining the EU in a Labour Manifesto. The EU will not negotiate until both major political parties agree to rejoin. The parties are lagging public opinion, they will eventually catch up.
  6. Good luck with that protest vote. Maybe the Tories can promise to ‘get something done’ or off a ‘Leveling Up’ bung. Or perhaps the electorate have been suckered once too many times. The idea that rightwing voters fed up with the Tories drifting left (I itself a fallacy) voting Labour is perhaps one of the most whacked out political analyses I’ve come across. Is there even a reputable analyst saying Reform are a threat to Labour?
  7. Would you like something from the left of center press? Explain this to me. Why would a ‘right of center’ Tory voter fed up with what you claim to be a Tory drift to a current ‘center left’ position choose to vote for Labour? It just doesn’t make sense Jonny. Unless of course you have decided on the cause and then try to fit a predicted outcome to the cause you yourself decided on. It’s not lazy to conclude Reform will take votes from the Tories, it’s blatantly obvious, especially given Reform having said they are targeting the Tories. What’s far more interesting is how many votes will reform take from the Tories. Shifting the dial only a couple of percent away from the Tories across large numbers of constituencies might decimate the Tory Party in Parliament to the benefit of Labour and the Lib Dems. Anyhow, hold the headlines, there’s still time for Farage to change his mind again. Perhaps a deal to be struck for a bit of ermine.
  8. Maybe something from the unquestionably rightwing Daily Express would be more to your liking: https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1906878/tory-seats-general-election-reform-uk-damage
  9. How you determine ‘the left is panicking’ is a complete mystery. LibDens becoming the opposition is a more likely outcome. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/0/uk-general-election-poll-tracker-conservative-labour/
  10. The 2010 result is probably closer to voter participation. Then and now there is no BREXIT consideration. https://members.parliament.uk/constituency/3418/election/19
  11. It’s normally a strongly Tory seat Farage will have to take a lot of votes off the Tory candidate, who polling suggests will loose votes anyway, while also beating the Labour candidate, who polling suggests will gain seats. He’s as likely to hand the win to Labour as he is to win himself. https://members.parliament.uk/constituency/3418/election/397
  12. He promised to leave the UK if BREXIT was a failure, then declared it was a failure and of course did not leave. He’s a carnival barker.
  13. Unfortunately there is no vaccine will cure you of your misinformation habit. When reality hits it’s going to tough.
  14. 14 years of austerity (budget cuts) have failed deliver anything other than failing services and constant crisis.
  15. He has already ruled himself out of standing as a candidate in the general election because of the "very short notice". Well that and the fact voters have a habit of rejecting his efforts to get into Parliament.
  16. Reform UK is a break off from UKIP. They too used the scapegoating of foreigners as a means to win votes with promises of getting immigration under control. How did that work out?
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