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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. More self stroke grievance nonsense. The judge has ordered Trump gagged on very specific issues, as already explained. Like ‘Foreman of the Jury how do you find the accused?’
  2. There is no first amendment right to threaten others. Trump is free to talk about millions of things, including DA Bragg and the judge himself. What may not do is threaten, intimidate witnesses and jurors in his case or incite others to do so. Your ill informed nonsense is bubbling to the surface again,
  3. You soon changed your tune, or are we now pretending you didn’t post this:
  4. It’s a salutary fact that not a single minute of the time Assange spent in hiding and later in prison can be attributed to anything other than Assange’s decision to go on the lam. Chelsea Manning faced justice, served her time and is out free and getting on with life. Assange has pished away the prime of his life not man enough to face justice for his own actions.
  5. There is in this particular case no reason for your ill informed nonsense. Nobody expects you to know much about anything in the U.S. but it’s not unreasonable to expect you to read an article and at least try to understand what it’s telling you before commenting :
  6. I don’t do the pessimism thing. Juries have in the past convicted heads of major crime syndicates and mafia gangs.
  7. I don’t disagree. But the justice system is operating in real life, it’s not a movie with a script and a 102 minute show time. Justice is coming. Don’t fall for the constant ‘He’s going to get away with it all’. Relax and be assured that’s not something Trump is in any fit state to do.
  8. Let’s get to the important bit. How much Calhoun being paid as goes out the door following his complete failure at the job?
  9. Easily done. They are in any case two baseless claims made by Assange himself. If the Australian parliament wish to get involved they might consider paying the bill for the costs caused to the UK by their citizen going on the lam.
  10. In this world of immediate gratification, taking one’s pleasures at leisure adds time to savor the layers of delight.
  11. I suspect that’s not all you know. You might also know the statute of limitations’ clock gets reset every time an act in furtherance of the crime is committed.
  12. And the guy you fluff for says he will be a dictator on day 1.
  13. FOX are indeed experts at making excessively high payouts.
  14. Do you want us to ignore the fact that you just inserted ‘flight risk’ and I doing so exposed your ignorance in the matter under discussion? Clearly you haven’t a clue what you are talking about. Why you choose to display your ignorance in post after post is a mystery.
  15. ‘Flight risk’. What on earth are you waffling on about? The $464 million penalty ruling against Trump for the frauds he committed is a ‘Civil Court’ ruling. It was not a criminal trial, there is no prison sentence and hence ‘flight risk’ is not even a consideration. The Court has all the powers it needs to seize Trump’s assets regardless of wether or not he does a runner. Once again, we see a perfect example of you, a Trump supporter, running your mouth only to expose the extent of your ignorance on the matter under discussion. You’re not the only one, it’s a thing amongst a certain section of Trump supporters.
  16. He struggled to get $81 million for Carroll, even asking for extra time.
  17. You seem not to know that the $464 million penalty has not been reduced, only the Bond required to prevent collection on the penalty during the appeals process.
  18. You provide zero evidence of any crooked judges. That is what is telling.
  19. That only makes sense if the link I posted indicated Trump’s debt to be billions, which it doesn’t. But of course that’s only the estimate of his debts to the courts, we have yet to learn the full extent of Trump’s debts. What can be certain of right now is when last week Trump repeated his claim to have almost $500 million in cash, he was lying through his teeth.
  20. The penalty was calculated on the basis of the fraud’s Trump committed. The collection process will almost certainly take a great deal longer than the appeal. It’s first outcome would be to reveal exactly what assets Trump owns and what is in hock. Actually collecting on the penalty is a way off yet. Once again you display how little you know about anything USA, beyond perhaps Disney Land.
  21. More ill informed nonsense. Trump has already appealed the judgement, there was absolutely nothing stopping him from doing so. The ‘Bond’ is simply to prevent NY collecting on the penalty while Trump’s appeal is in process. The U.S. is a nation of laws. You have demonstrated, once again, your lack of knowledge on that fact.
  22. Like jobs, the economy, healthcare costs, standing up for democracy and standing with America’s allies. That kind of thing?!
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