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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Trump descends to dehumanizing migrants and you defend him. No surprises there from either of you.
  2. The desperation the Tories goes without saying, what’s being revealed here is how desperate Mordaunt is to become PM. Putting aside Sunak won’t want to give up his post until he’s delivered a sold for his in-laws in the form of a UK/India trade deal that gives India everything India demands, who in their right mind wants to lead the Tories into defeat. Has Mordaunt not heard of the glass cliff? Somebody have a word, the time to take over is after the defeat, then very reasonably blame it on the idiots that came before you. Mordaunt might also consider what price the rightwing zealots that are the cause of the Tory’s mess are going to exact for their support? My advice to Mordaunt, sit down and sit it out. You might not even be an MP after the election. Bank the good times you’ve had, that bit with the sword was as good as it gets.
  3. Me thinks the GMC is digging a hole it needs to get out of. First step, stop digging.
  4. Yep, lots of valuable products made from oil. Every drop burned can’t be put to those good uses.
  5. I thought medical school and exams were the means to determine if someone has the smarts to be a doctor..
  6. Nothing personal about it at all Dolf, nor any ill feeling whatsoever. I encourage everyone to take part in their democracy to do their bit to get the representatives and President they support. I might not agree with you but I do encourage you to support your party and candidate; donate and vote early.
  7. I think it remarkable that so many Trump supporters on this forum seem blissfully ignorant of the most basic things about U.S. politics and U.S. elections, not even understanding how candidates for the Presidency are adopted by the political parties. There’s surely a simple explanation as to why that is.
  8. I’m not playing ‘word games’. Trump is not yet the Republican Candidate. I’ve explained why and when the Candidate shall be adopted.
  9. Sorry for pointing out the actual fact that the Republicans adopt their candidate at the Republican National Convention. Which, since I’m not a Republican and will therefore not be at the RNC, ought to give you a clue that my personal views on the matter have no bearing on who the RNC shall adopt as their candidate.
  10. The Republicans adopt their candidate at the Republican National Convention. Until then there is no Republican Candidate.
  11. Who’s spewing hate? I’m sure you can provide example, if you have any.
  12. Apart from your baseless guess, the one thing I am not is the subject of this thread.
  13. Trump now thinks Biden beat Obama in the 2020 election. Time to get him the help he needs.
  14. They had their chance to voice their concern about Joe Biden’s agenda when they voted They were there to stop the peaceful transfer of power from Trump who lost the election to Biden who won it. No amour of gaslighting, obfuscation and lies will change that fact. Refer court convictions for further confirmation of reality.
  15. He seems to think he’ll be the Republican Candidate in November.
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