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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Yep, disgraceful gaslighting by Mace. The question was clearly not intended to ‘shame her’. She did however shame herself with her support for self confessed molester of women who is recorded in court records as a rapist.
  2. If I were Carroll I’d be instructing my lawyers to take a very close look at that Bond to ensure it provides the protection of her court award that it purports to. Voters might want to have a look too, to ensure they are aware of any debts of gratitude the hopeful candidate for the Presidency might owe to any guarantors’ to the bond.
  3. That was written in the rules? Seemingly not: ” Hailey Davidson, a three-time winner on the tour and currently ranked second in the season standings, now finds her playing options significantly limited due to the new policy. ”
  4. Is that evidence that the competition had rules to address Transgender players or not?
  5. Because the claims I am questioning are not backed by links to verify their veracity. I don’t need to provide evidence, that’s for the person making the claims to do.
  6. Sorry for asking, but can you provide some evidence that the Left had anything at to do with the contest rules. We’ll discuss women beating men in some sports on another day.
  7. Really? https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/07/state-of-the-union-2024-where-americans-stand-on-the-economy-immigration-and-other-key-issues/
  8. So you swallowed the Trump accusation confession thing. There was no need to, the bit were he was rushed in the middle of the night to the Walter Reid Memorial Hospital to be administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test was a red flag and a clue: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/doctors-trump-displaying-clear-signs-141127653.html
  9. If you are going to present old polls as evidence of current views then I suggest it’s you suffering desperation. When you pad out your arguments with personal attacks you confirm your desperation.
  10. If you had watched the SOTU you would be aware it wasn’t an hour long, it was over an hour and 28 minutes with significant portions of ab libbing to slap down Republican hecklers. So no, you never watched it.
  11. Well putting aside the string of personal attacks in your response. Was I right? The article you linked is from May 23 and the election is in November 24. Correct any part of that you feel is wrong.
  12. That’s not new evidence, it’s not even evidence. It’s an unattributed claim.
  13. So let me get this right. Tim Adam’s, a Jewish journalist provides an account of his experience marching with the peace protestors, pays particular attention to his experience being diametrically opposed to the ‘hate marches’ that thy are being characterized as, and and backs up his own accounts with those from other named Jews taking part in the march. You call this BS and your basis for doing so is a prediction of what might happen in some ‘leftist political group’ or ‘typical campus’. Real accounts v imagined outcomes. I’ll go with Tim Adams
  14. The problem of Abu Hamza was solved. Forgive me for exposing your inability to identify one of these extremist Muslim communities in Britain that you referred to. Since you yourself now accept my point that extremism at Finsbury Park Mosque has been dealt with, you might want to give another example. Pointing out falsehoods is not being an apologist, and at no time have I ever offered any apology or excuses for terrorism and terrorists. Such an accusation is an extremely serious matter, choose your words wisely.
  15. I’ll hazard a guess, there was nothing in the rules to address transgender players. And now there is.
  16. Abu Hanza is an individual, he was locked up and extradited to the U.S. where his now securely locked up. Problem solved. You need to update yourself on developments at the Finsbury Part Mosque since Abu Hanna was removed. If you evidence of any current extremism or terrorism at Finsbury Park Mosque you really ought contact the police.
  17. Your logic assumes that there was foreknowledge of that particular door plug would blow out. Otherwise the calculation becomes a conditional probability = Probability Seats Empty|Probability That particular Door Plug Blow Out. Depending on how many doors this would reduce the probability by orders of magnitude. So highly unlikely that anyone could game the seating at that particular door. There are also conditional influences on the probability of the seats being empty. These being, extra charge for a door seat and/or disabled passengers and people unable to operate the door not being seated in door seat rows. These would increase the probability of the seats being empty without any other considerations needing to play a part.
  18. You really don’t know much about sport organization do you. Add another category and let everyone take part, it might not feed your need to exclude folk but it does open the door for wider participation. As a life long sportsman I’m all in favor of maximizing access to participation in sport.
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