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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Assange can have his freedom back after he’s stood trial, either found not guilty and released, or found guilty, sentenced and served his time. “The prolonged persecution of Assange” He’s locked up now because he jumped bail in an attempt to avoid the above. A toxic narcissist who refuses to be held accountable under the law, it has familiar ring to it.
  2. Once again Trump offers Putin exactly what Putin wants. How many times do Trump and the Republicans have to deliver for Putin before it dawns on Trump’s supporters that their man is owned by Putin?
  3. Trump says something totally unhinged and extremely dangerous. Trump supporters excuse it, or cheer him on for more.
  4. Do you realize there‘a an election this year, Trump is a presumptive candidate. At the very least Trump sent a signal to Putin that if Trump wins the section Putin will be given a pass on aggression against NATO nations. Perhaps too an incentive for Putin to interfere in the election on Trump’s behalf. How does it go…. ‘Russia, if you’re listening’.
  5. I think it’s more like inviting criminals to attack people who haven’t paid their full insurance. And perhaps letting a criminal know who’s his best bet if he wishes to continue with his criminality after 2024.
  6. I’ll grant you, it’s an understandable assumption, though perhaps for other reasons too.
  7. I was contrasting a lawyer’s client who presents a sympathetic image to their jury with one who does not. Hur observes Biden might be the former, I’m sure examples of the latter exist.
  8. His statement to the audience of his political rally has without question been heard by Putin. As explained by representatives of NATO and member nations of NATO, Trump’s statement undermines the security of all members and is a very clear message to Putin. Of course Trump supporters have no problems at all with Trump undermining western security in favor of Putin, they are deaf to the obvious.
  9. The nightmare has already started. Trump’s message to Putin is causing concern: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/11/nato-chief-jens-stoltenberg-promises-forceful-response-to-attack-as-trump-remarks-dismissed
  10. I’m sure defense lawyers love to have a client who knows how to present themselves in a sympathetic light for their jury. Much better than a client who rants and raves in earshot of the jury I’m sure.
  11. False equivalence again. Both Biden and Pence had Classified Documents in their possession, neither stole them. Unlike the other guy.
  12. Recalls Trump and his claim of ‘all the best people’. Many of whom are now doing time of facing doing time.
  13. Haley needs only stay in the game for a few weeks beyond the point Trump can’t hide from the cameras any longer. She and her advisers know that Trump’s brain is mush. Prospective Republican voters will know that once Trump’s handlers lose control of the narrative.
  14. And without any false statements to investigators and deliberate conceit the documents.
  15. You should copyright all the stuff you make up, it’s all creative nonsense but might have a marketable value in some sad corners.
  16. The reason I asked you “Can you provide the exact text from Hur’s report that states ‘Biden is mentally incompetent’?” Is because I know there is no such statement in the report. Now prove me wrong or be owned by your own fabricated nonsense.
  17. Can you provide the exact text from Hur’s report that states ‘Biden is mentally incompetent’? Or did you simply make that up?
  18. I agree with the CEPR on what the minimum wage should be, and would be had it not stagnated in since the late 70s (coincident with the rise of trickle down economics). https://www.cepr.net/this-is-what-minimum-wage-would-be-if-it-kept-pace-with-productivity/ Refer jobs Americans won’t do: https://slate.com/business/2007/01/what-are-the-jobs-americans-won-t-do.html
  19. I look forward to you backing legislation for a living minimum wage. Or are you going to skip that and blame immigrants?
  20. Erm … OK. So missed what’s going on in Ukraine and elsewhere: https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/what-russias-wagner-group-doing-africa
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