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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. That’s a very weak argument given the fact what is arguably the most secure border on the planet didn’t stop an obscene terrorist attack. You’ve just pointed at the very best example of borders and walls not working.
  2. The kind of garbage that got Trump into court in the first place.
  3. If. In the meantime Trump has to stump up another $83.3Million.
  4. Got a problem with the rule of law Jonny, or is just the bit where Trump gets held to account for his actions you don’t like?
  5. Is that the ‘Liquid Gold Popcorn’? And don’t drop your crystal ball, you might shatter your delusions.
  6. Next question. Is any of the abuse and defamation brought to the second trial independent of the ruling from the first? Or more precisely, does any of the myriad defamations uttered by Trump against Carroll stand as defamation in their own right?
  7. OK so waiting for the first appeal ruling is not grounds to appeal the second.
  8. So since you are giving tutorials on the law, answer me this: 1. During appeal does the ruling that is appealed still stand?
  9. Trump’s attorney, who I suspect is his latest grip, concocted an absolutely shameful closing argument that was nothing less than pure victim blaming. Arguing that Trump’s victim brought the abuse and defamation upon herself by failing to stop complaining about the abuse and defamation. A clear confirmation that the abuse and defamation were intended to silence Trump’s victim and would continue until Trump’s victim was silent. The judge followed that twisted logic by pointing out it an argument with zero legal backing and Trump’s victim has a constitutional right to speak. Truthful speech is protected under the 1st Amendment , lies are not.
  10. I wonder, have you have checked the top of this thread to inform yourself of the topic you are discussing?
  11. He can’t appeal unless he can post a bond. And he’s staring down the barrel of a possible $370million penalty due next week.
  12. Welcome to the forum, always nice to see new members, sometimes they bring voices we’ve not heard before. Regardless I think you are setting a record for the most posts on a single subject within one hour of joining the forum.
  13. No, she questioned him about allegedly touching the woman. The allegation, repeated multiple times and at high volume, was he had touched her. The footage shows that to be a false allegation, but the officer was responding to the allegation and took no further action when the pianist explained his side of the story. The officer was right to address that allegation, and yes wrong on other matters you listed.
  14. Perhaps that’s all that was reported to the female officer.
  15. I don’t post videos, but for those who are interested, the following search term will return a YouTube video that discusses the reception of this story in China. “Mainland Chinese react to Brendan Kavanagh & the Piano Incident | "Don't Touch Her" guy gets ROASTED”
  16. I judge others on their posting record, not what they later claim. My view is you constantly present pro-Trump legal arguments. Others, I am sure, have their own view.
  17. This kind of speculation is precisely why I choose to keep my voting out of discussion. You can ponder as many probables as you need to fill your day wish, but you’ll never know.
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