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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. If you feel you wish to introduce your voting record into discussion that is your decision. It doesn’t mandate I or anyone else must do so. Who I vote for and which candidates/parties I donate to is a piece of information I choose not share.
  2. When in reality the UK Government cut immigration staff and failed to clear asylum claims which would have enabled the deportation of bogus applicants. Nobody objects to bogus asylum seekers being deported, no court blocks bogus asylum seekers from being deported. Nothing ‘woke’ nothing ‘liberal’, no ‘virtue signaling’ just plain old Government failure to govern and the presentation of hare brained schemes that are doomed to fail from the start. The Rwanda plan is a great example.
  3. I agree $10 million, plus all costs. Trump doubled down, Jury doubles up.
  4. Observing the consistency of your choice of arguments is not outing you.
  5. Trump has just pulled out of another rally, no explanation given. A pattern is emerging.
  6. An example of entitlement right there. Almost certainly connected Chinese who wander through life protected by a security detail. The pianist deserves a pat on the back for not punching the aggressive Chinese guy’s lights out. But what a home goal, bleating about ‘protecting their image rights’ in a video that goes viral. As BritManToo points out, definite probable cause to conduct a weapons search.
  7. I don’t get a reaction to it, I just don’t like the stuff. Taylor’s Yorkshire Tea is my favorite.
  8. What mental midgets can brain through is not in question. You’ve floated a conspiracy, but have zilch to back it up. So you get all hurt and sarcastic. Update us when you have some evidence.
  9. Trump’s at it again. 37 online rants against Carroll in a single hour, an hour when most folk are asleep in their beds. More evidence for Carroll’s legal team to place before the court.
  10. Or they could have been distracted doing other stuff instead, like for example, reading books.
  11. They were all voters, right? They all get to vote as they wish. Let us know when you have evidence of this ‘dirty trick’ you allude to.
  12. But, filling in your customary ignorance on all things America, her jurisdiction doesn’t.
  13. Two children and the friend of their mother murdered in Norwich. 999 call went unanswered. Utter tragedy. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/24/two-girls-found-dead-in-house-near-norwich-were-murdered-say-police
  14. You’re letting your enthusiasm for all possible good outcomes for Trump get the better of you. Which is odd given your oft stated dislike for the man, but consistent with an attachment to any possible chink of hope for him in his continually worsening legal troubles.
  15. His continued defamation of Carroll, often rabidly ranting against her online into the wee hours of the night will almost certainly ensure the very best outcome for Carroll.
  16. No I wasn’t. Trump’s lawyers were representing him in court, their failure is his failure. Give it up, you are embarrassing yourself.
  17. Trump’s lawyers were supposed to at least try to do a better job than Carroll’s lawyers. Trump was supposed to at least try to be more credible than Carro. Trump failed on both counts.
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