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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Credit to Trump, it’s tough work being a crook and in so many ways too.
  2. And yet my observation was factually correct. Fact!
  3. Jonny, you introduced the completely off topic ‘N word’ into the conversation. You introduced the false equivalence of racism into the conversation. And now you are bleating about your hyper sensitivity to accusations of racism. Perhaps you should not have introduced the completely off topic ‘N word’ into the conversation in the first place, having chosen of your own volition to do so you can hardly complain if others draw their own conclusions. Jonny, low brow doesn’t get lower than inserting the ‘N-word’.
  4. Says the guy who introduced the completely off topic and arguably most offensive racist word into the discussion.
  5. The facts of what’s in the line are evident. Trump’s history of directing his venom at women who have the temerity to stand up to him is a matter of record. And Carroll is definitely facing him down, as he stays up nights ranting against her.
  6. Correct. And if a driver is banned in the UK on their UK license then they may not drive in the UK on any license. Likewise driving insurance issued in the UK, including for car hires, takes UK license points into consideration. A driver hitting a car in the UK who does not declare points on their UK license is very lily uninsured.
  7. And if he fails Carroll becomes a rich lady at his expense. He’s not fighting for the money, he’s lashing out at a woman who has the temerity to stand up to him and defend herself.
  8. You can frown all you like. Frowning is not taking control of someone else’s body nor is it an excuse to do so.
  9. Here’s a fact, you reached for arguably the most racially offensive word and hit send.
  10. You’ve obviously not been keeping up to date with Trump’s latest teleprompter problems. I suggest you do so, it will help you come to terms with Trump’s failing brain becoming a news item, even FIX News are mentioning it,
  11. People who on one hand argue about getting the government out of their lives need a better explanation than that when arguing for the Government to deny others dominion over their own bodies.
  12. The real evidence suggests otherwise. And Trump knows it, hence his ranting. Oh and Trump needs a lot more than MAGA votes to win the election.
  13. In a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with race, you reach for arguably the most racially offensive word and insert it into the discussion. Forgive me for concluding that you are exactly what you show us you are.
  14. Oh see. You support choice so so long as you dictate the choices that are available. Gotchya!
  15. He’s not as popular as he thinks he is. He’s busy attacking Hayley online and making thinly veiled references to dirt on her.
  16. So you are not denying you played the race card. That right there is progress Jonny.
  17. Thought patterns like that would be troubling, if you were so far away, and in that respect somebody else’s problem.
  18. More to the point if any of the myriad problems Trump faces force him off the ballot the racists, misogynists and evangelical Christians in his base aren’t going to switch their vote to an Asian woman with dubious ‘Christian’ credentials.
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