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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Not me, perhaps I missed the others or got distracted by his accusers being referred to as ‘sluts’. Eitherway, Russell Brand is accused of rape, actually stating Russell Brand is a rapist without him having been found guilty of that heinous crime is of course unacceptable.
  2. Is anyone here ‘Branding’ (like your pun) Russell Brand a rapist?
  3. Where is your evidence that a couple of lefties on YouTube have done anything of the sort?
  4. More to the point. Have we forgotten so soon the anger and hair pulling that ensued when it was revealed the BBC and others had failed to act immediately in response to accusations against others accused of sexual misconduct?
  5. No by pointing out that while he objects to an accusation because there hasn’t been a trial yet, he at the same time offers up a statement that cannot be held true/or false until there has been a trial. Before we go further, is this going to be another of your sophistry kicks today?
  6. Stop dodging: The power of the US to declare war resides with Congress, private citizens may not declare war. US Jews never declared war on Nazi Germany, there is no means by which they could do so.
  7. He don’t view videos in discussions, but I agree with your comment.
  8. I’ll see your Google and raise you Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution of the United States.
  9. Sunak actually managing to pick an issue tge electorate are concerned over would be a turn for the better. As it is he sticks to u-turns, dither, delay and inaction. The electorate have noticed.
  10. Have you got proof of that. The statement from YouTube stated for not following community standards.
  11. Sorry I was just pointing out your objection to an unproven allegation that you followed by insinuating an unproven allegation.
  12. I’d be curious too because that’s not a quote of anything I said. Wipe your face Johnny, it’s covered in the egg you threw at it.
  13. What ‘due process’. Please explain what due process is due or are you assuming there is some kind of due process? Anyone comes onto my property, breaks my rules the due process they het is me kicking them out the gate. ‘Due process’ is not a thing unless it’s a written agreement in any contract to which it is alleged to apply.
  14. Yes he can do that. Getting kicked out of a private business for not following the rules is not being ‘cancelled’. Brand uses a platform owned by others to conduct business, breaks the house rules and they kick him out. Simple.
  15. Funny how rightwingers are defending this and other accused rapist and abusers of women. I hear Andrew state is offering words of support to Brand. I recall rightwingers defending Tate too.
  16. I said earlier, it’s my punt Brand knew this was coming for a long time.
  17. But Brand hasn’t been cancelled, he can still spout nonsense but not on platforms he doesn’t own.
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