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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. So 100 normally armed Met officers are all up for upholding the law until it’s one of their own charged with murder after shooting an unarmed man in the head. Braverman jumps right in, but has she said anything about the unarmed murder victim?
  2. Indeed it is not. Feel free to get back on topic and off personal attacks.
  3. It’s not a law is the Salisbury-Addison Convention, as I stated earlier. It never ceases to amaze me how little folk know about how their own Government functions. Perhaps past time for the UK to introduce Civics as a mandatory lesson in schools. https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201719/ldselect/ldconst/28/2804.htm
  4. You perhaps miss the vitriol frequently heaped on women who report rape and other sexual crimes. Women do not report rape without suffering consequences for having done so. Here on this forum Brand’s accusers have been openly referred to as ‘sluts’.
  5. Regardless, the Government’s manifesto is what provides legitimacy to Government policies, refer above.
  6. Yes some people will always vote for a political party, others might vote because they fancy the candidate, or despise the opposition candidate. Nevertheless, political parties stand for election on the basis of their manifesto. The Salisbury-Addison Convention is founded on the principle that the Government’s manifesto has been given legitimacy by voters and hence shall not be challenged by the House of Lords. Sunak is setting up for yet another U-Turn over H2S to Manchester and with it another abandonment of ‘Leveling Up’. A double U-turn and betrayal of those ‘borrowed red wall votes’.
  7. Well he is at the moment. But there’s something else, parties are elected on their manifesto. People who voted Tory voted for the party manifesto, regardless of who eventually gets to be PM. Sunak is performing multiple U-Turns on the manifesto on which the Tories were elected.
  8. No, but they vote for a party in the knowledge of who the PM is.
  9. So you accept yet another example of the UK relinquishing any kind of moral authority on the world stage? While ignoring investment in green technologies: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/NEW-INVESTMENT-IN-RENEWABLE-ENERGY-BY-COUNTRY-AND-ASSET-CLASS-2016-AND-GROWTH-ON-2015_fig8_318987792
  10. Upsetting a major Tory donor, not a wise move Rishi: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/23/major-tory-donor-says-he-will-not-back-sunak-due-to-green-u-turn-madness
  11. When you ignore a reality that doesn’t match your self inflicted grievance.
  12. I doubt he’ll have his bail revoke, just yet. My guess is he’ll be handed a significant slap and warned his next transgression will land him in the slammer. The judge will be keen to demonstrate proportionality, but Trump will transgress again, it’s what he does. After a lifetime of never ever being held accountable for anything he’s having difficulty learning the new rules.
  13. Kamala Harris, getting it done for Americans. I expect the Alt-Right to rant against this even though very many rightwing voters, and particularly those on low incomes, will benefit from this Harris initiative: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/09/21/press-call-by-vice-president-harris-on-an-announcement-to-ease-the-burden-of-medical-debt-on-american-family-budgets/
  14. Only if you believe Trump’s affront to decency, the constitution and the rule of law are doing something right. Harris is a: 1 Bright 2 Articulate 3 Mixed Race 4 Woman in power There’s the 4 core reasons the Alt-right hate her.
  15. The extremists in the GOP are getting their directions from Trump. He’s just posted this on his failing ‘Truth Social’ - his panicked caps included: “IF REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP, INCLUDING THE DISASTER WE HAVE IN THE SENATE, MITCH MCCONNELL, TOGETHER WITH KEVIN M, & THE RNC (FINALLY!), DON’T TAKE ACTION NOW, WE HAVE TO THROW EVERYBODY OUT.”
  16. When have I ever said that the guilt or innocence of Trump should not be decided by a jury?
  17. Opinions differ. The vitriolic response she receives from the alt-right suggests she’s doing something right.
  18. Put him to trial, if he’s found guilty lock him up, if he’s found innocent let him get back to work. However, with now two allegations against him, replace him for a new candidate at the next election.
  19. A very curious argument to try to put in someone else’s mouth. I wonder what triggered it?
  20. There’s no such thing as ‘the best qualified’, there’s a range of candidates who are all qualified and all bring something different to the job. The only time we here the rightwing bleating about ‘the best qualified’ is when the candidate isn’t a white male.
  21. Another extreme rightwing populist German, just what the world needs.
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