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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Two problems. The Statute of Limitations and delay of due process. However the ‘whatabout Bush/Clinton’ arguments are based on an acceptance that everyone, including past Presidents must be held accountable under the law. The indictments of Trump are a very positive step in that direction. Thank you Jack Smith.
  2. Precisely. No surprises it’s Johnson who lied to Dorries. And the laugh, Dorries believed him.
  3. So let me get this right. If all seats are sold out on a flight, the airline can squeeze in an extra passenger by swapping out five ‘fat attendants’ for five ‘thin attendants’? I can think of numerous things worse than sitting fir twelve hours next to a ‘fat person’.
  4. And not without good reason. Dorries categorically stated she was resigning. She has yet to actually do so. Perhaps she’s been too busy whinging and whining to get around to resigning from the job she so very seldom turns up to do.
  5. Naming a US military base after a U.S. military hero. Entirely appropriate. Who could possibly object?!
  6. Overnight and as if by magic, ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ morphs into ‘Trump Arraignment Syndrome’. And there’s yet more to come.
  7. All previous Presidents were ‘protected’ by being considered above the law, un-indictable. That’s no longer the case, and it’s a good thing that it’s no longer the case.
  8. It’s costing too much not to be in the EU. And voters have noticed.
  9. She’s got form as a liar. You can believe her if you wish, I don’t. My bet is major loss of face (not not just an Asian thing) hence her imaginary ‘Sinister Forces’.
  10. Let’s not miss out the bit where he will first surrender to the FBI, be arrested and processed.
  11. I said all along, check out the prosecutor, he’s not the kind to play softball.
  12. Well she would say that wouldn’t she. Maybe she can get a job at Channel 4. If ‘sinister forces’ don’t get in the way.
  13. Johnson helping Starmer with arguments for abolishing the House of Lords.
  14. Nadine Dorries resigning as an MP in the belief her elevation to the Lords was in the bag has got to be the best home goal this year. But of course, it is only the beginning of June.
  15. I think he can, and I think he’s about to.
  16. Actually yes I agree. Just what the world needs. More please.
  17. Take a look at the people obfuscating and minimizing Nazis. Now think, what else do they obfuscate and minimize. A pattern appears.
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