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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. If they haven’t got the evidence to support their actions, they haven’t got justification to act. Well, not evidence based justification anyway.
  2. Dodge the rest of my post then. Others however can read it and draw their own conclusions.
  3. Yeh, OK, if you say so. You stated above Prostitution is a crime, you’ve accused the plaintiffs of being prostitutes. Do you have evidence of them being prostitutes, perhaps public records of convictions. Or do you normally brand people as participants in criminality without evidence?
  4. “He [Putin] accused the West of deploying weapons with a "nuclear component". Not something Vlad’ would ever do: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Litvinenko
  5. And the Special Council is going to put the lawyers on the stand. Donny forgot, it’s the cover up that gets you caught. Jack be nimble, Jack be quick.
  6. Good luck to the plaintiffs, those people you feel the need to refer to as Prostitutes. I don’t suppose your urge to denigrate these women has anything to do with that special kind of loathing reserved for women who have temerity to speak up for themselves?! Nah, that couldn’t be it, surely not. I do however agree, we don’t have enough jail cells for the criminals in Banking.
  7. That’s not the only other conclusion. One might for example conclude, something isn’t quite right in the official explanations when highway patrol refuse to release dash/body camera footage and when Tennessee Department of Child Service threaten to bring charges against the parents for publicly discussing the case of their own children. We aren’t allowed to see the dash/body camera footage and the parents are being threatened with legal action for speaking about their own children. It reads like ‘Nothing to see here, and shut up talking about the nothing to see here’.
  8. Don’t worry Jimmy, the DOJ can investigate Kushner. Just carry on doing the stuff that’s distracting you from doing anything at all for the American people.
  9. Johnson dips his hand into the public purse and pulls out £220,000 to cover lawyers fees to defend him for lying to the public. Sums up the entitled grifter perfectly: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/feb/01/watchdog-examines-220000-public-funding-for-boris-johnson-partygate-defence
  10. The obvious needs to be supported by information, if there is no information the the obvious is based on blind assumptions.
  11. *Deleted post edited out* What you claim to have transpired in discussions over decades is a a little hard to prove, you might say it’s one of those instances of being unable to back up a claim. Far better to be very specific and deal with the allegations being laid in this topic. You don’t have to get distracted by what might or might not have been said over decades, simply state what crimes are alleged in the matter being discussed and present your evidence to back up those allegations.
  12. Do you? What is the basis for you objecting to the reported racism, beyond your demonstrated aversion to racism being challenged?
  13. “What do you mean decades ago?” From your post I was responding to: “according to a black activist I asked in the 80's ” ‘Lady Hussey’, there’s a thread on that, this isn’t it.
  14. Another one of those conveniently had, conveniently recalled conversations that you wish us to believe took place decades ago while asserting your doubts on the ‘reality’ of the racism being challenged by Prince William in 2023.
  15. Oh the ‘Soros’ thing. A dog whistle to anti semites. https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/antisemitism-lurking-behind-george-soros-conspiracy-theories
  16. Or maybe, the information provided by the bank is being misrepresented by the Republicans and that renowned purveyor of lies FOX. So let’s keep the information and see what it really says.
  17. It’s evidence of wrong doing that’s missing, and it’s not the ‘liberal’ who need to provide it.
  18. I suspect the appearance of Hillary Clinton in this thread has little to do with anything other than the proximity to some folk’s keyboards to the rent free accommodation she’s enjoying.
  19. Until of course it’s your own human rights, then you’ll sing a different tune.
  20. Dominion now have a heads up on a new witness for their case. There is no legal way to silence a witness under oath on the stand.
  21. A cautionary note. Anyone who has been a member of a company or private pension that was ‘Contracted Out’ may be online for a reduced pension under the ‘Contracted Out Equivalent’ rules. In which case paying missing years NI contributions over and above the 35 year minimum will reduce the COE bringing you back towards full state pension.
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