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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Trump didn’t simply predict without evidence he would be arrested on Tuesday, he knew very well he was not going to be arrested on Tuesday. At the time of making the statement he had already asked DA Bragg to allow Robert Castello to give testimony to the Grand Jury, Bragg had agreed. Trump knew this he knew this would delay the Grand Jury ruling, he was again lying through his teeth. Oh, and Castello’s testimony didn’t go as he expected, he’s been bleating about it since.
  2. That this is happening in a grassroots club is disgraceful. Supporters and family on the sidelines sure know who the racists are, they need weeding out. Well done Prince William for speaking out.
  3. Building the houses the nation needs would deflate house prices and especially the buy to let market. Not a vote winner.
  4. The UK economy suffers from both low productivity and anemic growth. Inflation is being driven by supply side restrictions, not wage increases, while Government policy has been to restrict wage increases in the public sector while handing tax breaks to the already wealthy. The consequence is income disparity continues to rise. A nation of haves and have nots.
  5. I think they should be cautious on the idea of technology coming to their aid.
  6. “Comer says it is unclear why the money was paid, which tallies with my own observation that not a single representative of the left here can state why the monies were paid. Not one single person.” That’s not how accusations work. Comer needs to provide evidence of a crime or criminal intent relating to the transfer. It’s not for the Biden’s or anyone on the left to provide evidence that the transfer was innocent. Nobody needs to demonstrate their innocence, if Comer or anyone else wish to allege a crime, they need to bring the evidence.
  7. Did you check the reliable and verifiable data? Because of you do realize that individual job adverts are discrete data points and it’s masses of data points that are collected and reported in Government statistics.
  8. This is an anonymous forum, claims made without verifiable sources are naturally un verifiable. Data from reputable sources on the other hand are verifiable. For example, Government data on the affordability of houses, link provided. You personally might buy a house at three times your income, I personally might pay cash, but Government data tells us that for the vast majority of people house prices are outstripping their incomes by increasing ratios. Likewise what you earn and what I earn is not an indication of what others earn or are able to earn, for that we need to go to reliable data sources.
  9. Good luck to your daughter with her career, but I take it she’s living at home, certainly not likely to get a mortgage on £14 an hour, nor if she reaches the £35K a year without a substantial deposit.
  10. Hang on a minute, you state your personal experience and tgen don’t accept me quoting my personal experience. Perhaps because my personal experience is detrimental to your argument?! So let’s go to the data. Refer links above.
  11. The topic of discussion is the decline in UK living standards, the existence of some well paid jobs does not balance out the very high numbers of poorly paid jobs. By example, the rise in zero hour contracts and short fixed term contracts. I’m a professional engineer, I see high paid job vacancies often going empty because there are no qualified people available, but what I don’t do is mistake those small numbers of jobs as indicative of the pay and conditions of the vast number of low pay, poor condition jobs. I’m really not sure what your reference to ‘propaganda’ was about.
  12. As you wish: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/key-workers-vacancies-jobs-pay-city-guilds-b2006288.html https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2019/11/21/low-wage-work-is-more-pervasive-than-you-think-and-there-arent-enough-good-jobs-to-go-around/
  13. No where near as available or affordable as they were only a few decades ago.
  14. There are indeed around 1 million vacancies, significant numbers of which are zero hour contracts or short term contract jobs, not the secure jobs with work place benefits that built the wealth of baby boomers.. National statics on income to house price ratios are available, and a lot more reliable than claims made on anonymous Internet forums. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/housing/bulletins/housingaffordabilityinenglandandwales/2021
  15. A bit of back ground to this. Trump’s legal team submitted a signed statement (letter) stating all classified documents had been returned. The FBI clearly knew otherwise and obtained a search warrant ( therefore had evidence to back the warrant) and recovered multiple boxes of classified documents. The legal statement, letter, had been signed by Attorney Christina Bobb, who when questioned revealed she had been instructed to sign the statement by Evan Corcoran, despite she herself not having taken part in any search. The use of Bobb as the signatory has provided the FBI with an Attorney who has committed the crime of making a false statement in matters relating to an investigation into theft/removal/concealment of classified documents AND a witness against Corcoran. The evidence supportive of the ‘Crime Fraud Exception’ is very clear, fraudulent statements in documents signed by an Attorney, testimony of collusion and subsequent evidence of Classified Documents recovered. As so often, it’s the cover up that reveals the crime. Good luck taking that to appeal. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/10/trump-lawyer-christina-bobb-mar-a-lago-certify-documents
  16. I have little doubt he’ll appeal, but win? Appeals against Grand Jury Subpoenas are processed very quickly, so we’ll soon find out.
  17. Crime fraud exception, the Client Attorney Privilege yields. So what’s it going to be, the Fifth or tell the truth?
  18. Back when jobs were plentiful, houses affordable, young people could get a real apprenticeship, year on year improvement in living standards.
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