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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The offer to voluntarily surrender is a deliberate play to avoid being handcuffed and to avoid the ‘Perp Walk’. Trump will then claim he wasn’t arrested. Here’s a thing though. assuming an indictment is issued and assuming Trump voluntarily surrenders. The next step is booking and arraignment. That is an arrest. He’ll stand in front of the booking officer, he’ll be read his rights. His personal details will be recorded. He’ll be fingerprinted and mug shots will be taken. He’ll then be arraigned before a court, the formal charges against him will be read and recorded. He’ll apply for bail. Assuming he’s not charged with any violent crimes, he’ll be granted bail with conditions. Surrender passports, bail bond and house arrest are the most likely outcomes. A trial date will be set. He’ll be processed just like every other person indicted for crimes. Though with one difference. He’ll make a circus of it, and his supporters will bay at the moon. Expect the press to go to court to have the mug shots released. Don’t expect FOX or NewsMax to petition for the mug shots to be released or publish them when they are.
  2. You are correct, the Government use 60% of median wage, but London has some extremely high earners that would bias the number high, so perhaps mean is a better number, though I would personally prefer Geometric Mean. And there’s the rub, personal preference. So perhaps the Government’s own measure is better, it is after all the measure upon which Government policy is, or at least should be, based.
  3. Like you, so little information. But don’t let that stop you filling in the gaps.
  4. And a massive economic downturn occurred since Greta was 15 years old.
  5. I knew Greta would appear sooner or later. On the upside, she’s turned twenty already, your obsession is no longer with a teenager.
  6. It’s not your reading list that is being politically manipulated, well not by others at least.
  7. I wonder what caused that?: https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1617865/passport-delays-staff-cuts-travel-delays
  8. Except Trump’s own lawyers have made statements confirming classified documents were found, Trump himself has confirmed classified documents were found.
  9. Recognize faux outrage when you see it. This Government removed almost all free TV licenses and transferred funding of those that remain available to the BBC. There was no outrage from the rightwing when pensioners were stripped of free TV licenses. The Government’s aim is to defund and privatize the BBC. Much better in the hands of Murdoch, Viscounts Rothermere or such right wing controllers of the media.
  10. Pensioners in receipt of income support (that’s poor pensioners) get a free TV license. It was the Tories that cut free TV licenses for pensioners, despite numbers of Tory MOs claiming their TV license on expenses.
  11. And…. Or is that the Texas thin book of Rightwing Climate Science?
  12. You might have come across the question ‘Why weren’t the Capitol police prepared?’ Well, it seems lessons have been learned.
  13. Excellent news. We don’t get to hear grand jury testimony as it is given and so there is naturally a tendency to speculate on what that testimony is. However, in this case the mere fact that the ‘Crime Fraud Exception’ has been used to negate ‘Client Attorney Privilege’ is evidence that the DOJ has convinced a Federal Judge that Trump’s communications with Corcoran relate to the furtherance of a crime and or fraud. Please stand Mr Corcoran and raise your right hand…. Jack be nimble, Jack be quick.
  14. Well none of this has blunted Gary Lineker’s marketing value. Blunnies are flying off the shelves: https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2023/mar/17/blundstones-on-the-march-gary-linekers-boots-catch-the-eye-once-again Well done Gary.
  15. Once again you demonstrate the absurdity of your argument. Incidentally I didn’t say you support any political party.
  16. I think the message is clear enough. We got your spies, here’s our response.
  17. Can you spot the ridiculousness of your argument? Here, I’ll help you out: You object, to the the political party that has been continuously in Government for over twelve years being held responsible for their failure to control the borders and immigration but then add ‘Your band of brothers will obviously think the same, but never nothing to do with their lot when in office” So which is it trans’, are Governments responsible for their failed policies when in power or aren’t they? Make your mind up.
  18. It’s not what I’ve got, it’s what the person you introduced into the conversation as a candidate for employment has got. An MSc from MIT.
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