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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. I never asked you 'jack', I informed you!
  2. What the duck is 'Bunters' and where the duck is 'Liverpool' and finally who asked you Louey? ????
  3. Not Bunters but Bunnings!!
  4. "Call wardrobe Dept now," I.m stopping the game for a moment.
  5. Bit of both
  6. All your topics are but vehicles to showcase 'Bignok', the not so true blue fair dinkum Aussie. Bugger off home and vote YES! ????
  7. There are no vegan girls from Perth!
  8. You are the topic bigfella, lol.
  9. Talking official standard
  10. Yeah, mines different too! ????
  11. 'Stiff titties' as MaAnand often said!
  12. You know it s worked if people are now shouting at you!
  13. He is supposed to be 'under the table'!
  14. These ear drops for 2 days then syringe with warm water, might take couple goes.
  15. Then why relate it to baht, very misleading as you keep on about getting the supplement as well!
  16. Your a squatter bludging on a dodgy carers pension, would be my message to Anthony.
  17. So they had cooked more than they could eat! aka not starving.
  18. Flags were not in Chinese colour!
  19. Shouldn,t take long to whack up a new international airport!
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