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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. BS George, Frasers is never busy,
  2. At.the 7/11 @ the Beach Rd corner with Jomtiem Soi 5 (immigration Office) Soi 5,small coaches to Bkk, various locations.Small ticket/booking office right there. GG.why didnt to.ask me yesterday while we were having a booze up yesterday??
  3. Dumb reply and late on the scene, too many troll postings kept you busy?
  4. Dont wonder, Albo is the Australian PM, not some state Premier looking for personal likes!, that this thread isabout!
  5. Upcoming pension plus ++, Budget bonus on the.way🙏beauty Albo!
  6. "Whats its all about, Alfie"?? 😭
  7. Trip is.the <deleted>yest of the lot, try to stay in the race Fugi!
  8. Ok then... ..Light globe idea!! Just give up the fake tan, go for a white eye😭
  9. Give that crazy idea the flick, its not possible🤣
  10. Whats the 1947, your dads birthday??
  11. The first few words of my reply should settle your concern with my "fantasyworld" oxo. How old r we then? 🫠😆
  12. Watta wowser.. (for want of a better description) big "W" 😭
  13. Bit slow oxo? Video of 'The cheating wife' helping bumbling lover change flat tyre outside 'ST' hotel would be one scenario.!
  14. Was that you in Oz up someones missus? Long way to go for a yankee boy! 😂
  15. Why would you wonder I wonder? Looks just like yours, I,m sure.
  16. 🤣🤣Pork loaf, steamed spuds, toad stools, nice greens tho! Burn that mattress protector 'Too'.lol
  17. Previous life I worked in Melbourne as PI, insurance loss adjuster. This is a common mistake people make when trying to scam Insurers. A simple method we often employed was to discretly deflate a cars tyre on claimants vehicle, usually whilst shopping... then film them changing the tyre.! Worked well in.divorce cases too.❤️
  18. Sue your Mom, get reborn, that will kill 4hrs in Bangkok easy!
  19. Long bow, straw clutching, hole digging, can kicking KH, still shooting behinds, not goals.!.. 'SFA' nouse on the ALP has left you bereft of an ounce of cred! Not long to wait now tho, off to the Oz Embassy lad, get registered, show us what a hypocrit looks like! lol.
  20. "Cick it under the carpet Carli." So long...wooosho! lol
  21. Yep... NFI..Carly? . Resettled, rings a bell doesnt it, Redfern v Tasmania,. Follow the path of the cattle stations and their killing trail, cattle empires built on sites of massacres, from southern Tasmania to the gulf of Carpentaria. Kidman, Sir Sidney no less.🥺.
  22. No rent was ever paid by Kidman &Co.,.Kings in Grass Castles, read up, learn some home truth, ask the Marilynga desert dweller,or the original Woomera, (now Roxby Downs) mine folk if whitey is all paid up!! NFI Carli!
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